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Fish - April 2007

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well the other day i bought 2 Black Mollies and 2 Silver Lyretail Mollies, and well after i put them in the tank, 1 of the black ones was slowly dyin cuz his fin was turnin a bit white :(, i cant find him now,. BUT!, somehow i found these little baby black mollies, lastnite i only seen 2-3 of them but this morning i seen 8-9 of them., i guess they were hiding, but I was Wondering, how long before they grow bigger so they wont have to always hide? right now thier like 0.5cm they are soo adorable. :-)

...P.s. i got 3 neon tetra's and also 1 pleco...(15gallon fish tank)

2007-04-18 06:40:14 · 12 answers · asked by Jen M 1

I have liquid and strips that I use, sometimes using both just to compare readings. In the case of my pH, my strips say it is at 6.4, whereas my liquid test says it's closer to 7.8. How can they be that different? I would take it to my pet store, but they use the same strips that I do.
My other concern is that last night, with the exception of my pH, everything was at zero. Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. They had all been a little above zero, but that's expected since I had recently introduced a betta. Now they show they are all at zero, even the nitrate. I think I did something wrong in testing. Is it a good thing or a bad thing when they all drop to zero? Would it be safe to introduce another batch of fish, or should I wait a couple more days and continue to test the water?

My questions are:

1. What should I do about the wide range in difference in my pH readings?

2. How should I approach everything dropping to zero?

Details about tank listed in additional details...

2007-04-18 06:24:18 · 2 answers · asked by Becca 5

I have 7 mollies. The 4 females are dalmation. They hang out together. They are all prego. Today one of them is staying to herself and when the other females come near her she chases them away. Is it time to put her in a breeder box?
Will this cause the other 3 females to go into labor at the same time? They are all huge.

2007-04-18 06:12:39 · 3 answers · asked by sportyconnie 3

Someone told me that I can't have a Betta in with male guppies because of their tale. Does anyone know if that is true. I really want to get a Betta someday but I don't want him or her to beat up my little guppies.

2007-04-18 05:37:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 black tetras, 2 male guppies, 3 tuxedo paties, a pecostamos and a chinese algae eater. The temperature is around 78 right now due to ick infestation. I have the new goldfish in a quarentine tank right now and will be for the next week or two until ick is all the way gone and I clean out the tank. My question is what is the highest temperature my goldfish can be in? My other fish like the water kinda warm but will tolerate lower temps. after treatment is done.

2007-04-18 05:34:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

like what kinds of plants should i have it there for the babys to be born. and what kind of food should i feed them

2007-04-18 05:28:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm getting a 20 Gallon tank next week, and trying to educate myself as much as possible beforehand.All the websites I've found either talk about Warm Water tanks, or Fresh Water tanks. Are these the same thing, with 2 different names?

2007-04-18 05:18:58 · 6 answers · asked by myksha2001 3

I know the pet food stores only keep the slices in the GOLDFISH TANKS.
I have neon tetras an algea eater some zebra striped ones and a ????? don't know what he is but can i???

2007-04-18 05:18:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many guppies can be held in a 10 gallon tank?

2007-04-18 05:04:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-18 04:18:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi All, We have a 8ft x 4ft pond in our garden which we want to keep i cleaned it out of stuff that had blown in over the summer and removed a rock that also fell in, in doing this i think i may have uncovered a puncture as the pond is dropping. The pond is very green so makes seeing where the hole is very hard. I have tried yellow pages to find repair service (Colchester area) but to no avail. any help much appreciated

2007-04-18 04:12:19 · 3 answers · asked by samwj 2

ok I asked this as swordtails b4, but I guess they may really be viratus(a swordtail platy cross)
And I wasnt very clear, so I just wanted to ask again in a clearer question
How many viratus can be in a 40 gallon corner tank without any other fish and only one gender?

2007-04-18 03:22:34 · 3 answers · asked by Skittles 4

and DONT tell me the inch/gal rule

2007-04-18 02:41:46 · 5 answers · asked by Skittles 4

2007-04-18 02:22:58 · 3 answers · asked by wildbeauty123 2

I mean like having a big selection of size and variety...

2007-04-18 02:15:09 · 16 answers · asked by wildbeauty123 2

Do Tropical Fish tank grow depending on the size of your tank or is this a wives tail? I have a 10 gallon tank, with only few fish 3 Gourami (dwarf) a bottom feeder (whom we call bruno) and 3 tiny neon tetra's and one fighter. I have plants and bogwood for the fishes - its all well had tank for 2 months. They all look great. Peaceful fishes. But I was wonderging whether a fish only grows to the size of your tank or not? Its this true or is this indeed false.

I know all your answers would be great - so thank you all for responding, wishing you all well
Take Care , Sara

2007-04-18 02:08:42 · 5 answers · asked by Dr_VIP 2

I have a 15 gallon tank with 8 fish.I have goldfish,swordtails and some other fish.I have noticed a thread like structure protruding from the skin(a red bump) of my fish.It is split at the end.I suspect it is Anchor worm.I have been giving the fish medication but it is for fungus and finrot.I have not yet checked with the pet store for other medication.Is there any specific treatment for anchor worm?

2007-04-17 23:33:02 · 8 answers · asked by Jewel 1

i treated the water and raised the temp , and added a very small salt solution was added

2007-04-17 22:15:46 · 2 answers · asked by dylan75uk 1

2007-04-17 18:49:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a undergroundfilter and iam afraid that it will suck the eggs of the tiger barb.please help me what will i do!!!!

2007-04-17 16:58:54 · 7 answers · asked by Little fish lover!!! 2

I've had my condi-lactin anemone for about two months, and I just got a new sebae anemone about two weeks ago. The first few days I got got my sebae anemone, it seemed to cough up what looked like partially digested krill. My sebae anemone doesn't want to eat, and my condi-lactin grabs onto the food, sometimes swallows the food, but either way I find it right outside of them again the next morning. I put phytoplanctin in the water for my feather dusters and polyps. My tank is a 20 gallon long, and I have a 130 watt power compact light fixture that I leave on for 12 hours a day. I test my water regularly, and it tests fine (including nitrates). I first used krill to feed them origionally, then I switched to silversides (small minnow-like fish). They don't eat either. Also, does it help to have an anemone in a tank while trying to breed clown fish? And will the fish lay their eggs by the anemone (I read in a book that they can)? Can anybody help?

2007-04-17 16:50:39 · 5 answers · asked by Carsource77 1

I have a fresh water aquarium that has some type of parasite in it. I haven't noticed anything on the fish yet, but they are definatly being affected by it. They won't eat and are not moving around much. There are brownish lines covering everything on the tank. I hesitate on calling them worms because they don't appear to be moving around at all. They are all different lengths and are on everything in the tank, except the fish. One of my Cichlids looks like it has a white "fuzz" on it's eye. I'm sot sure if it's from the same thing. The other fish look OK so far, but aren't acting normal. Can anyone out there help me figure this out?? I really don't want to lose my fish!

2007-04-17 16:44:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I used to have snails in my freshwater tank and they would lay lots of eggs and became a problem. Do saltwater snails differ.

Also having only crushed coral substrate in make tank, will that not want to make the snails sift threw it. It looks a bit sharp to me (trying to think like a snail). But its the normal cc like you see at petco in their tanks.

2007-04-17 16:43:21 · 2 answers · asked by Cammy 2

I got him because he was a beautiful bluish, purple color and when he fanned out he looked even more beautiful. Now he's swimming around and everything, but not fanning. I even tried putting a mirror in front of him because I heard that it would exercise him. Whats going on?

2007-04-17 16:38:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently got a betta in a fish bowl as a gift. I've never had a fish before in my life so I have NO idea what to do with it. I bought a 2 gallon tank with an under gravel filter. I have gravel in the tank. I used water conditioners. I feed it twice a day with Betta Bites (3-4 pellets each meal) and never leave any food leftover in the tank.

So I guess my questions are...is this okay? And how often should I change the water? Do I change all of it or just part? How does PH relate to the betta, and how do I know what is a good level? And what is cycling? I think my water may be getting cloudy...but maybe not. I'm not sure what normal fish water is supposed to look like. I'm so confused!

2007-04-17 16:29:23 · 8 answers · asked by Ash 2

I got 2 small catfish yesterday (actually,it was my grandfather who got them 4 me)

they are fine, swimming arounbd, very happy but then...it got weird!

everytime the white one swims near the brown one, the brown one chases it around until the white one gets away! it keeps doing this!

is the brown one mad and aggressiive, or just horny? anyones catfish ever done this before?


unfortunatley, i dont know what type they are! my grandad forgot!

2007-04-17 16:25:44 · 4 answers · asked by Robin 4


I have a freshwater aquarium filled with different tropical fish. Oir first fish was a gold fish and he has been with us over a year. He looks unhealthy, and has red blood type stripes in his fins. He also looks bloated. My water tests good. Any help would be appreciated.

2007-04-17 16:08:50 · 8 answers · asked by Rington 3

Hi I just got 2 new fish into my tank yesterday, i didn't know much about mollies and thought there were only such things as balloon mollies when i found out that i wanted a female and male balloon molly, but got a female b. molly and 1 male normal molly. (much skinnier)

Can they cross breed?? Coz they r both livebearers and mollies??

And how can i breed them, i asked the man at the fish store if i can get a breeding net in my 27L tank and he said my tank was too small for a breeding net.
Is that true???
I do have a spare dirty fish tank but can i still use that? or can i use those really small plastic tanks that are like 2 gallons to raise the fry, and i don't think if my mollies had fry i would keep too many coz i don't want a overcrowed tank. So can i like raise 3 fry mollies in there??
What size tank?

Oh! and i forgot to ask if someone can put up a link to a good photo of a pregnant Balloon molly? That would be really GREAT!!! Thank u!!! =]

2007-04-17 15:32:10 · 5 answers · asked by o0bubblie0o 2


Looking for aquairum friendly ways to keep my Liverock from toppling onto my cridders.

I don't have my liverock yet. Should be here thursday. It's strange that it wont be here tommorrow because UPS says it's in my home state today. If it does come thursday then it will be 4 day's.

Im thinking about using silicone like is used on aquariums but it does take time to cure and im wondering how much longer I should keep my rock out of water.


2007-04-17 15:25:07 · 8 answers · asked by Cammy 2

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