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Fish - April 2007

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My betta fish is sick. I've had him for about two months now and he's always been healthy. I changed his water yesterday and I waited for it to become room temp and I added a little bit of Betta Bowl Essential (to make the tap water better for him) and I put him in the bowl. A little while later I saw he was sitting at the bottom when i was trying to feed him. And he has been there all night and all of today. He swims everyonce in a while to the top and then slowly sinks back down and isn't very responsive to anything. My boyfriend said he thought I didn't add enough of the water purifier so I added more last night. My betta isn't dead but he seems pretty close to it. Any ideas??

2007-04-25 05:55:30 · 2 answers · asked by beccamae 1

A small betta tank to go on my book shelf. I've seen the Mini Bow 1 (is it any good for a betta?), the Aquatic Edge 1 Gallon, and Marineland Eclipse Explorer 2 Gallon. Were these tanks bulit to torture bettas as some people have said?

Betta are known to live in small spaces- I highly dislike putting them in those bowls however! But many people say 1 gallon is also too small even for a betta, they say a 6 gallon or up is recommended. I'm not putting a 6 gallon on my book shelf, however!

I have a 2.5 gallon as a hospital tank for my other aquariums, and I thought I could use it as the shelf tank but it was much too big. I need something small.
I know the betta grows around 2 inches, so would a 1 gallon make him sick?

2007-04-25 05:39:07 · 5 answers · asked by ABCD1233KIDDO 1

I used Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Fungus Cure Powder Packets. It came off and it his bones are now visible on his dorsal fin. His skin is completely gone. And its been a week since the fungus dissapeared and its starting to come back? What do I do?

2007-04-25 04:53:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I spotted some ich in my aquarium yesterday. The affected fish are lethargic and now getting picked on by others ( i keep South American cichlids). Because of this they are even more stressed and have fin damage. I'm in college so I have no quarantine tank. Is it save to use stress coat in conjunction with QuICK Cure or will it harm my fish and/or decrease the effectiveness of the ich medication? (I also have catfish so I'm using a half dose of QuICK Cure)

2007-04-25 04:36:22 · 4 answers · asked by Tyler H 1

I have two goldfish. Both seem fit and healthy. They are both very active and eat well. One of them, a comet, has a light orange/yellow marking just under its head, on it's chin lol. It does look out of place but I am not sure what it is. It has been like this since I got the fish about 2 months ago. It also has a few scales missing which have also been missing since I got it, however the scales seem to have got better. I was just wondering if the fish has anything wrong with it even though it is very active, eats well and doesn't seem to be suffering from anything. The only disease I can think it could be is velvet. Any help would be great. Thanks.

2007-04-25 04:21:25 · 2 answers · asked by rich 1

I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 black tetras, 3 platies a guppy, a pecostimos and a chinese algae eater. I am wondering how much gravel rocks should be in the bottom of the tank. I have just enough to barely cover the bottom right now, it makes cleaning very easy. I also was wondering what kind of live plant can I have in there? What is the easiest to care for? Is it a pain to have live plants in the tank? I know they are good for some fish but cleaning a 55 gallon tank can be time consuming with one siphon hose and buckets. I don't want to add more problems. I would love for my fishy to have something real in there if it will help them and not be a BIG hassle.

2007-04-25 03:58:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a little Carnival fish named Bobbles (I call him Bob)... I didnt expet him to live long but he is now two years old!!! But anyways... He it jut plain old orange fish. But this past month he has been turning white. Today he offically all white! What happend to my little Gold Fish?? Is he okay? I know there is that stuff you can put into fish tanks for Ick and stress. Is there something I can put in Bob's tank?

2007-04-25 03:51:21 · 6 answers · asked by Small Town 2

I bought a long medium size fresh water fish. Its bright yellow in color and cost me around US$3. I know this is silly but in midst of excitement (Im new!), I forgot to ask what fish that is. Im trying to read up on it so I can know my fish better but I do not know where to start now. I tried googling for pics of the fish but to no avail This is the best I can do: http://www.lostrivers.ca/points/yellowfish.gif Ok, ok, so it doesnt help much! lol.... Anyone has any clue??

2007-04-25 02:49:33 · 15 answers · asked by Wish 4

I look and ready alot of stuff for how many fish you can have in a fish tank , i know it goes by the lenth when they are fully grown but does anyone really know how many fish you can have in a tank or the lenth of fish per gallon , I have reed that it is 1.5 in per 7.5 gallons of water and other numbers also , my pet store says 2 inches per gallon of water , And the other pet store across town tells me 1 inch of fish per gallon of water does any one really know

3 lionfish
1 naso tang
1panther grouper
1 morish idol
1 foxface
1 clown trigger
1 dottie back
4 diamond gobys
1 yellow eyed tang

fish only tank 160 gallon

2007-04-25 02:41:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help!!! I got 4 pufferfish about 2 weeks ago. 2 days after I got them it looked like they had ick. I treated them with Salt (followed instructions from dwarfpuffers.com) I fed them some shrimp, and dried worms, one started acting reserved, and hiding in the plants a lot. Then was dead today. But the other 3 seem fine. They do change their belly color to gray sometimes, I think it is a emotional response. I believe I have all girls because they are green with lots of black spots. What do you think happened, to the one. Am I doing something wrong? How often do you feed?
Feed: 2 x a day shrimp, dried worms
Clean water: 30% 1 x a week
Temp: about 78 degrees
Size: 1 - 1.5 inches each
Please help I don't want to loose another one. They are so sweet!

2007-04-25 02:35:14 · 6 answers · asked by mjoon 2


what fish can i feed to my Oscar, can i just feed him any fish that will be able to fit into his mouth?

2007-04-25 01:22:59 · 13 answers · asked by Pete 4

2007-04-24 19:34:15 · 10 answers · asked by fshtake 1

2007-04-24 19:33:31 · 5 answers · asked by fshtake 1

2007-04-24 19:32:43 · 3 answers · asked by fshtake 1

i have had fungus of sorts in my tank for a while, since i bought cheap feeder fish. there has been white fuzzy splotches on only the two goldfish, and just recently a little fin rot on one of them. however, this afternoon all my fish were swimming, and 5 hours later i find a minnow that had been perfectly fine without no tail whatsoever. the entire tail is just gone, from tip to base. i could see wat seemed to be the fin supports waving in the water for a little bit, and then he got stuck in the filter. i know it's the end for this little guy, but it's very depressing and he isn't going quick like i hoped. anyway, does anyone have any ideas about where his tail went?

2007-04-24 18:45:58 · 7 answers · asked by lordessdanioz 3

My beautiful Oranda seems to be hanging around the top of the tank. I have thrown in peas, but I can't get him to eat them -- what else could be wrong to make him do that, and is there anything else I can do? I love this guy -- he is able to swim lower, but tends to go right up to where the filter sprays water on him. Thanks!

2007-04-24 18:30:36 · 6 answers · asked by boncarles 5

i have only one fish, Nix, and his tank is pretty empty until i can afford to buy him some gravel and stuff this weekend. i put a mirror next to his fish tank to see what he'd do, and he's been literally staring at it for HOURS. he's so excited, and i'm wondering if he thinks it's another fish, or is he just mesmorized by his reflection or what? also what do you think would happen if i took the mirror away from him.

2007-04-24 18:24:35 · 10 answers · asked by splatterpunk 2

I have had the same two goldfish for almost a year and it has
never been like this.

2007-04-24 18:01:08 · 6 answers · asked by krissy h 1

I posted a question about my Betta not eating but after some research and a flashlight I discovered he's got velvet. I'm preping a small med tank so I can transfer him tomorrow and I have the tank covered as I read it helps. I need advice on the best medicine and where I can get it and the best way to sterilize the infected tank.


2007-04-24 17:51:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my guppy pregnant and i was wondering about the gravid spot when it gets really dark does that mean that the babies are alomst coming becauae i got my guppy from a pet store and shes pregnant and i was just wondering

2007-04-24 16:09:28 · 5 answers · asked by Susan H 2

i have heard that people give guppies peas????what is the for can anyone explain please!!!!

2007-04-24 15:31:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, so when I put the fighting fish in the fishbowl all these air bubbles covered the inside of the bowl and on him. I put him back in the cup he came in and all the bubbles are off of him. Should I put him back in the bowl or leave him in the cup for a few hours so he can get adjusted? Is he okay?

2007-04-24 15:05:01 · 6 answers · asked by annika s 1

I bought 4 of them 5 days ago to go in my 125 gallon allong with my columbian sharks (2), kissing gouramis (2), angel fish (2), ghost knife (1) and rainbow sharks (2). They were fine just an hour ago at feeding time. I fed them frozen bloodworms. Now 3 of the 4 are dead with their stomachs open. What happened? All the other fish are okay.

2007-04-24 14:54:37 · 5 answers · asked by ascloud@sbcglobal.net 3

I've had a total of two die on me so far and none of the fish in my tank were sick and they always were very active so it seems wierd that they just up and die.

2007-04-24 14:50:03 · 3 answers · asked by Jess_Eka 2

I have a small 10 gallon tank and I have a few tropical fish in it. One of them (I apologize for not knowing the name of it) has had a kinda bloody looking thing pop up on his upper belly. It doesnt seem to bother him as he eats normally and doesnt act any different but Im getting worried because I think that it is getting worse daily. Do you think he will die?

I have treated the water with stress coat and before someone tells me I HAVE NEVER seen the other fish pick on him NOT TO SAY that they havent. they probably did is my guess.

All the fish are pretty small.

Thanks for any advice you may give me.



2007-04-24 14:43:31 · 8 answers · asked by ★Eric Hilton☆ 6

I have a 10 gallon tank that I want to put a pair of Blue Rams and some Ottos in. I would also like to keep live plants.
10g all glass tank
2 x 15w compact fluorescent bulbs
50w heater
Aquaclear 20 filter
Rena 20 pump w/ airstone

I would like to aquascape but don't want to spend loads of money on substrates. I'm working with a budget of about $100 CAD which has to include the substrate and fish. I have Fluorish and Fluorish Excel.

I really want my aquascape to look like this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_2/cav2i6/planted_aquascaping/full_size_pics/4-30_front.JPG

He uses eco-complete for the black part and regular river sand for the middle. In my middle of my tank I'm going to have rock work for my Rams.

Any suggestions on substrate types for good plant growth? Suggestions for cost cutting? suggestions in general?

2007-04-24 14:36:46 · 5 answers · asked by Ryan M 2

I have a 55 gallon with multiple semi agressive fish, I was told everything would be ok with only two rainbow sharks. I have had it running for 2 mos. But one of the sharks tails is white now for the past couple of weeks.

2007-04-24 14:29:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got a fighting fish 2 hours ago from the pet store and put it in a fish bowl. I looked at the bowl and the whole inside wall was covered w/h little air bubbles and there are some little air bubbles stuck to the fish. What is going on w/h him? I called the pet store and they said he was fine but he seems to be just floating on the bottom of the bowl, not really swimming. Please help asap!! Thanks!

2007-04-24 14:28:52 · 9 answers · asked by annika s 1

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