I have 1 29 Gallon Tank Containing The Following:
-5 platies(4f, 1m)
-4 neons
-4 white cloud mountain minnows
-2 Otocinclus
-2 pearl danios
-2 red blue columbian tetras
-2 serpae tetras
-1 pleco(planning to find it new home when it hits 6")
-1 chinese algae eater(not ful grown)
-3 dalmation mollies(2f, 1m)
-1 balloon molly(m)
-2 female bettas
-3 bronze cories(2m,1f)
-2 peppered cories(2f)
-4 guppies(2m,2f)
-3 rosy red minnows
Yes I know the tank is way overcrowded, it wasn't me who got all the fish and some incompatible fish species.None of the fish get in fights, even though some shouldn't be with others, they are fine.The water is at 80 F, have a 55 gallon filter, & do 1/4 water chnge every weekend w/ gravel vacuum. Anyways, I am planning on getting another 29 gallon tank within 3 months, this is how I was planning on dividing the species.The new tank will have a temp of 70-72F, lowering the old tanks temp to 78F.
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