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I'm thinking about getting red platies, black mollies, silver mollies, zebra danios and cherry barbs. My aquarium is all set up now so I'm just waiting for two to three weeks before I start to add the fish. Do you think all these varieties of fish will be ok together? Also, how many of each should I get? My aquarium is a BiOrb (60 litre). Thanks for your help!

2007-02-21 08:48:11 · 18 answers · asked by Hotpink555 4 in Pets Fish

18 answers

These fish should be fine together,the cherry barbs will nip,but if you get three or four the nipping will lessen considerably,also you may have some problems with your mollies as these tend to prefer brackish water,The danios are shoaling fish and should have at least four.Other fish you could add are black widows,pearl danios,plecs,butterfly and keyhole cichlids are also safe to add as they are very peaceful,even when spawning,sword tails,guppy's,corydoras,oh and dwarf gouramis,the males are beautiful,females are a bit drab,but nice fish,good luck with it.

2007-02-21 22:04:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The cherry barbs may cause you a bit of a problem since they are barbs, and barbs are more of a semi aggressive fish. Mollies, Platies and Danios are all peaceful fish. Now here is another concern, Mollies like a higher ph level than Barbs and Danios. The Platies would be fine with the higher ph level since like the Mollie, they are a live bearer. But you could keep them together I just think you should prepare yourself to maybe loose a few. I would suggest if you want to keep mostly mollies, then just keep mollies and platies and maybe some fancy guppies all of these will be healthier with higher ph. The barbs and the danios wont be healthy in high ph, mollies wont be healthy without it. So if you want the highest health of your fish you need to pick one or the other. A bio orb is a taller tank and will have a lower oxygen level at the bottom, so this will mean you cannot keep as many fish as you could in a traditional rectangle tank. You could probably keep about 10 fish max in this tank. So you can decide how many of each fish you want to make up the number of 10. The largest numbers should be more of the smaller fish. I think if you go over 10 you will have over crowding and all the problems that come along with that. (injuries, ick, and lack of food for smaller fish.) This probably wasnt exactly what you were hoping to hear, but it's really the best honest advice for what you want. Good luck with your new tank.

2007-02-21 09:03:34 · answer #2 · answered by okiegirl 3 · 1 0

No. Barbs are aggressive. The mollies mentioned get 6-8 inches. You can't keep mollies in a 60 litre bioorb (which is 15 gallons but should be stocked like 10). You can keep 5 platies and 5 danios. You need to get a test kit for the water. You can't just let a tank sit for 3 weeks and expect it to cycle. You have to add a source of ammonia and test the water to see when it is ready. This is most important if you want the fish to not die right away.

2007-02-21 11:05:20 · answer #3 · answered by bzzflygirl 7 · 1 0

Mollies will grow too big by themselves. I would not get any of them. I suggest choosing 1 species, either the danios or cherry barbs, get 6 of them, and then get 2 male platys as a centerpiece. A biorb can not hold as much due to the round shape(less surface area for oxygen exchange), so the 15 gallon biorb needs to be stocked more like a 10 gallon rectangular tank.

Cherry barbs are a peaceful barb. They will rarely nip at other fish, if at all. They only grow to 1.5 inches and I have kept them with many fish from bettas and gouramis to rams and angelfish. I think people are confusing them with tiger barbs.

2007-02-21 09:12:19 · answer #4 · answered by fish guy 5 · 2 0

Danios are too active for a Biorb, and mollies only just fit in (they're quite large fish). Cherry barbs and platies should be fine- cherry barbs aren't as aggressive as the barbs most people think of (tigers) and are fine for community tanks.

2007-02-22 07:56:08 · answer #5 · answered by oohfeeshy 2 · 0 0

Forget the barbs, they are uncompatible with the rest of your tank. You need to know the adult size of each and in 60litres of water you should have 60cm or 24 ins. The platies and danios are about 2ins so you cant have more than 12 and so I'd suggest a species tank may look better! You should consider adding an Otocinclus Cat fish as an algae eater! you'd need to have at least 4 platies with only one male and danios need a shoal size of 6 so you haven't room for the mollies!
Recommended site. Thinkfish.co.uk - see the community creator page.

2007-02-21 11:40:53 · answer #6 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 0 0

All except the Barbs really.

You could add either some penguin tetras, neon tetras (though do those last as they prefer a mature tank) guppies or cory catfish.

There all schooling fish (almost) so a minimum of 4 is best to each group.

An example of my tank, I have 5 cory pandas, 5 neons tetras, 5 penguin tetras, 2 mollies and a male betta. Still looking to add to mine but cant decide on what yet, going to add another 5 neons as there the smallest and thrive if the group is the biggest in the tank.

2007-02-24 22:46:49 · answer #7 · answered by A C 2 · 0 0

Okay that sounds fine, a lovely little community tank. The only ones I'd worry about are the Barbs as they can be quite destructive and aggressive, I think you'd be advised against them - they also grow quite big and could intimidate the other placid fish you have chosen. Mollies, Platties and Danios are particularly lovely little fish - personal favourites of mine - maybe instead of the Barbs add some Tetras or Guppies. If you go to a decent centre they will advise on the amount of fish to fit your tank - Enjoy your aquarium!

2007-02-21 08:59:31 · answer #8 · answered by Flossie 4 · 0 1

all those would do fine...except teh barbs.. barbs are semi agressive and territorial fish. danios are nice, fast swimmers and do well in schools of 4-6. Mollies and platys are great and are live breeders who multiply OFTEN. I would sugggest 4 danios, 3-4 (total) mollys and the same for platys. get a few bottom feeders such as algie eaters or cory cats as the breeds you mentioned are mostly top water feeders. You also do not have to wait 2-4 weeks if you use a clorine removal/water conditioner. do wait a few days from first filling it and then transfer out (take out and refill) 1/4 of the water.

2007-02-21 08:58:28 · answer #9 · answered by mom tree 5 · 1 1

sure, each of the fish listed might want to correctly be mixed. searching on the dimensions of your tank, i might want to get, 3 platie ( 2 women, one male, similar with guppies and mollies, and sword tails.) 3 guppies 3 mollies 3 swordtails 10-15 neons. a million apple snail. For those fish, you'll want a 20 gallon tank or higher. once you've a smaller tank than that, bypass over both of the stay bearers( guppies, mollies etc.) and cut back the shoal of neons to 10 or a lot less ( yet a minimum of 6). wish this allows!!!!

2016-10-17 08:26:10 · answer #10 · answered by pellenz 4 · 0 0

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