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Dogs - December 2006

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If i should get a purebred what kind ( i was thinking like a mini dachshund,mini pinchsher or a chihuahua and out of the bigger dogs like a lab,golden retriever or border collie) and if you think i should get a mixed breed what breeds would go together i am 14 but when i am 18 a was going to get another dog i already hav a purebred basset hound

2006-12-23 11:21:08 · 15 answers · asked by LabbieLover 3

i have took it to the vet but we live in a small town so they don't know anything so please someone help me out in my dog buthole situtions thanx alot

2006-12-23 11:16:23 · 18 answers · asked by hottie_101 1


my sister is getting a yorkie puppie today and we have an english bulldog the yorkie is a girl and the bulldog is a male the bulldog is very friendly but we dont want him to chew up the yorkie any answers (plz tell me my sis wants the answer by 8 when she gets the yorkie)

2006-12-23 11:06:10 · 6 answers · asked by carlosramirez2012 1

My dog, Tiara, pants and gets very anxious when it rains or we have a storm. She follows me everywhere and gets so scared. What can I do to make her calm? Thanks for your replies.

2006-12-23 11:06:06 · 13 answers · asked by Gayle 4

my chiwawa ears one statys up and the other one is down why is that? he is onlt 9 weeks old

2006-12-23 11:02:32 · 11 answers · asked by goochie07 1


i dont know what it is, but its not fleas. i know beccause i gave my dog a bath and she doesnt have any.

2006-12-23 10:59:39 · 2 answers · asked by Andrea loves Layla 1

2006-12-23 10:54:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 10:53:27 · 8 answers · asked by nitaj.colbert@sbcglobal.net 1

2006-12-23 10:51:25 · 20 answers · asked by twinklestars211 3

My dog that weighs about 10 lbs got into a fight over night. I gave him a bath and checked his wounds. They are just tooth holes from other dogs, but he is obviously in a little pain because they are around his neck.
They look ok. They aren't very large and they are not bleeding anymore.
I need to know what I could give to him to help with the pain. I have Tylenol, and Tylenol that contains Diphenhydramine HCI.
I also have some other medications in my medicine cabinet. I would just like to know what and how much to give to him. I can cut tablet into pieces if necessary.
He is acting fine except for the stiffness.
Thank you in advance for any information.

2006-12-23 10:50:49 · 14 answers · asked by miranda2586 2

2006-12-23 10:43:26 · 5 answers · asked by xavierdelgado@sbcglobal.net 1


it's my friend's dog, she says it's a chihuahua, but I think the seller has deceived her or something, I don't think he's a chihuahua. he weighs 13 pounds and looks like a mini pin. what kind of dogs do you think he is?

2006-12-23 10:40:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need a name for my new puppy shes a girl!P.S.Please dont be rude or nasty Thanx!

2006-12-23 10:35:23 · 30 answers · asked by Mike 1

I'm thinking of Taeder. Anything else? My dad likes Oogie. Tell me what name you like better and please give me more names.

2006-12-23 10:25:54 · 23 answers · asked by Beckerzz(: 2

My sister just got a 5 mo. old rottweiler puppy. i think that the owner's just introduced new food with out getting her used to it, so now she has a stomach ache. any ideas on what to do? she is also teething so do you have any ideas as to how we can make her feel better?

2006-12-23 10:19:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to take him outside about 6 to 10 times a day. Is that normal?

2006-12-23 10:18:04 · 8 answers · asked by john_brooks13602 1

Day before yesterday I had to put my 13 year old dog in sleep because he was sickfor the past 3-4 months he had an enlarge heart but he was on medication but lately he stoped eating completely and he was very week and slow in walking or doing anything ( eventhough he was able to response to us) he was dignosed with abnormally high kidney failure. (that made him loss of appetite) and his liver was not good too his vet said he can't to much about it because his kidney funtions are not good at all before he died he started throwing up a lot ( all uria,toxin came out)vetsaid the only thing they can do is keep him in the hospital for few days and they can give him fluid but he was never going to be recover(unfortunately) then we had to take that painful decision to put him down:( I feel guilty now eventhough I know I did the right thing best for my dog) and I am very heartbroken to loose him my each day is though to deal with. How can I survive? Am I gulty for killing my dog? Please help.

2006-12-23 10:16:19 · 22 answers · asked by hondolkk 1

I was thinking about getting my girlfriend a puppy. It needs to be a small breed because we live in a small house. She doesn't like long haired dogs.

2006-12-23 10:16:02 · 14 answers · asked by Butch 1

2006-12-23 10:09:07 · 8 answers · asked by mountaincreekgirl 1

I got a puppy and feed him dry food only. I put it in a bowl on the floor. When he eats it, he gets his paw and digs 1-10 pcs out with his paw and then eats it off the floor. Does anyone know why he does this? Thanks!!

2006-12-23 10:08:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

that is as easily used like say a staffordshire bull terrier's is or is it down to the dog's temperament,that sets lock jaw off

2006-12-23 10:07:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I let him out to pee then let him in and he goes to our bed and pees on our pillows

2006-12-23 10:04:03 · 6 answers · asked by Penny M 1

its a beagle and its 3 months old

2006-12-23 10:01:30 · 16 answers · asked by Save the trees! 3

This time he has my friends dog hostage! I want him to stop. What should i do and i don't want to hurt him.

2006-12-23 09:58:30 · 10 answers · asked by mobroz20 1

How harmful would it be to a 7 week old Shih Tzu puppy to have it' s 1st vaccinations within 3 days of each other? What side effects would it cause if any? Is there anything to counteract the harmful effects (if any )of duplicate vaccinations?

2006-12-23 09:58:01 · 3 answers · asked by Thumper's Mom 1

She just gave birth two days ago to two puppies and she wont eat her dog food. WHY? What can I do to get her to eat?

2006-12-23 09:51:38 · 5 answers · asked by papabare26 1

i recently bought a dog off a friend and was given the kc papers with it, but the part you fill out to register as the new owner, i found that it had already been filled in by somebody else (not with my name). how wud i be able to change kc papers into my name?

2006-12-23 09:46:38 · 6 answers · asked by STEFF Tarby 2

my 1.5 yrs old golden ret must be in heat time but no blood showing,, how can i know if she is in heat so i can get her a male? pls dont talk to me about spaying her. thanks in advanced. for more details Lebanon 00961 3788623

2006-12-23 09:42:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

she's in her 12th day of her heat cycle and we have had no progress. all she seems to want to do is play... she is trying to hump the male instead of him humping her...

2006-12-23 09:40:33 · 9 answers · asked by STEFF Tarby 2

The pup is a 2 months old Labrador male, he got fractured in the femur, we don't really know how, we just heard him crying and ran down to get him. The vet has already seen him, we x-rayed him, you can see the x-rays here: http://es.geocities.com/macrovivero/Duvel/xray1.JPG and here http://es.geocities.com/macrovivero/Duvel/xray2.JPG.

One of the vets says he will operate the dog to put a couple of pins in cross for the bone to heal properly, the second says the dog should be fine with a bandage, splint or cast.

My grandfather, an orthopedist doctor, has the same opinion of the second vet, but I want the dog to heal as fast as possible and with the least pain as possible. Currently the dog sometimes hurts himself when getting up, or pooping.

Please advice with expert opinions.

2006-12-23 09:39:31 · 7 answers · asked by Ayax 2

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