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Dogs - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs


2006-12-23 20:22:46 · 9 answers · asked by mahesh_khrt 1

It is a 12 week old cairn terrier and the past few days she has gotten worse loose stools, she still eats, I feed her Nutro lamb rice puppy, is there anything I can give her to help this go away? What is usually the cause of this in puppys?

2006-12-23 20:10:38 · 8 answers · asked by oreogirl 2

The main reason we bought a dog is to avoid strangers, and burglars. Our friend had a golden retriever as well and it was pretty friendly, so we bought one. Now it is 16 weeks old and it doesn't bark at any strangers, but it actually is excited to see people walk down the streets along our neighbourhood. He runs up and down and licks and jumps on them, happily wagging its tail. I don't know how to train it so it will not be so friendly with strangers, but so that he will bark at strangers, because that's what we bought him for. Sometimes I think its he nature of this breed of dog.. or can we train it? Another thing...my dog keeps on digging muddy holes everywhere in the backyard. Nearly everytime I look in the garden he is digging huge craters everywhere. Also, he picks out the plants we plant in the vegetable patches. Any advice will be greatly appreciated =D

2006-12-23 20:03:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 20:02:09 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi.. everyone out there..i have a 3 years old female Jack Russell which i just get it from a friend 7 days ago(15/12/06) ..she is a very obedient dog unlike other hyper Jack russell..but the problem is she don reail wan to eat anything (pet food,dry/wet or human food,i mean as long as it is food)she don reail drink water too..she is veri skinny..she don stick wit any other family member except me..my dad says her period is cuming soon that y her mood swing 360..some of my friend said she don eat is because she miss her pervious owner that y her mood swing n don eat..i can understand how much she miss her pervious owner or her period is cuming but at least she muz eat something..wad muz i do to let her eat at least abit? how long she will be ok and back to normal? i'm really WORRY..wad muz i do? god plz help..

thank you

2006-12-23 19:56:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf's shitzu has two rows of teeth at the bottom and they're crooked. Is this normal and is there a way to fix it?

2006-12-23 19:46:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dog ate about a pound (hopefully less) off the table that we were packaging for the neighbors when we weren't looking. He threw up (we think most of it) within 30 minutes and then several more times over the next hour, until only bile came out. Now he seems fine, but it's a holiday weekend & I hate to bug the vet if I don't need to!

2006-12-23 19:09:26 · 15 answers · asked by Stacy Cuccia 3

We are new to breeding and our 2 year old bichon has mated with the same. We do not know how many times before it takes. We do not know how long the pregnancy is. We do not know if she will need our help, statistically speaking. Anyone who can give us details about breeding bichons. We really would appreciate it.

2006-12-23 18:10:52 · 11 answers · asked by Janet L 1

i hear 2 dogs barking out side my door i look out and see two young little dashunds .one looks healthy and the other one bones are showing.i brought them in.and fed them (there so cute) and plane on bringing the boney one to the vet tuesday.if someone should post sighns up about them (which i dout because the boney one is all scraped up) i think i shouldnt respond because it looks like they didnt take care of them.my boyfriend thinks someone just droped them off.

2006-12-23 17:58:32 · 20 answers · asked by bassetluv 4

my poor dog is sooo itchy and we're sooo broke! she keeps chewing on herself sometimes so much she bleeds. I bathe her i brush her i'm at at a loss! does any1 know how to make her not so itchy? I need some kind of home remedy. also if any1 knows of homeremidy websites for dogs. Thanks in advance.

2006-12-23 17:57:51 · 11 answers · asked by ? 4

We feel that animals have the same rights as retarded children."
-Alex Pacheco, Director, PETA, New York Times, January 14, 1989
The life of an ant and that of my child should be granted equal consideration."
-Michael W. Fox, Vice President, The Human Society of the United States, The Inhumane Society, New York, 1990.
"Surely there will be some nonhuman animals whose lives, by any standards, are more valuable than the lives of some humans."
-Peter Singer, Animal Liberation: A New Ethic for Our Treatment of Animals, 2nd edition, 1999
"To those people who say, `My father is alive because of animal experimentation,' I say `Yeah, well, good for you. This dog died so your father could live.' Sorry, but I am just not behind that kind of trade off."
- Bill Maher, PETA celebrity spokesman
"If the death of one rat cured all diseases, it wouldn't make any difference to me."
-Chris De Rose, Director, Last Chance for Animals

2006-12-23 17:32:51 · 12 answers · asked by raven blackwing 6

2006-12-23 17:32:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My new puppy is a dauschound and schnauzer mix. His right eye is light blue and his left eye is dark brown

2006-12-23 17:18:50 · 9 answers · asked by Elizabeth 2

my dog is pregnat and about to give birth soon. We dont have a pet rectal thermometer and we want to monitor her temp. Can we use a digital thermometer to check her temp.?

2006-12-23 17:15:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My children's dog woke me up at 6:00 this morning. She only went tinkle a little bit. She has been growling and staring at me all day to take her outside, but when I do she does not do anything!

2006-12-23 17:15:36 · 7 answers · asked by Nelly 2

Everywhere I read, I hear different theories on how to train my beagle. He is 14 weeks old. Need help on proper crate training etiquette so I can get him house-trained as soon as possible.

2006-12-23 17:14:31 · 7 answers · asked by HowardSternMorning 2

My In-law gave us a male basset hound / beagle puppy in october. He very hyper. Constantly jump on people and doesnt listen. I have to told him no a lot when he jumps but he seen to jump more. Plus he not totally potty train yet. I need help with best way to train him. We do offer him rewards for good. He can sit but it doesnt last long. I heard beagle are him hard to train. Is that true?

2006-12-23 17:12:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone seen this site? Now unscrupulous breeders can 'legitimately' claim their dog is a champion! Puppy buyers' beware!!! http://www.americanchampiondogs.com

2006-12-23 17:10:11 · 6 answers · asked by Lori R 3

I have a female shih tzu in her first heat cycle I noticed it since December 1st , I separated her from my male shih tzu because she is still a puppy. When can she return home?

2006-12-23 16:59:17 · 3 answers · asked by fire.kisser 2

the cookie wasn't very large, but still, I worry about my baby!

2006-12-23 16:50:14 · 15 answers · asked by blah 3

We have had the puppy for about 4 days now. She is very very used to us as people. Whenever she says me or my girlfriend she will run to us and jump and get all happy. Other people she will run away from somewhat. Whenever we are around she always follows us everywhere in the house. She is a mix of a shih tzu and long haired chihuahua. She is 13 weeks old now. So we are having a few problems. One she is attatched to us and when we leave to go to work, she alwayswhines very loud at the door when we close it. The second problem is she won't eat her puppy food. Dry or wet. At first she ate is very well for the first 2 days, but now she will only sniff it. When we offer her some small amounts of human food, she will eat it in a heartbeat. I don;t think this is good for her. She is peeing a lot around the house, and pooping mainly one time a day. With little food in her system. I know she needs to be acustomed to where she is at, but she loves us. Lately she has been sleeping a lot as well.

2006-12-23 16:41:27 · 14 answers · asked by aznsoccerstar11 1

Is it true that pitbulls can suddenly snap and go violent in spite of good
ownership and training? My neices have a pitbull and it seems to be just as loving and playful as most other well-raised dogs.

2006-12-23 16:39:33 · 27 answers · asked by adrift feline 6

my dog is due to have her puppies now, she has been carrying them for atleast eght and a half or nine weeks. we think she is in labor but we are not sure. she is up and moving around but she is panting and every once in a while she will sit down and kind of wimper and her belly will get tense like she having a contraction. we are not sure if she is in labor but can someone tell me if she is like now ASAP!!! so we can figure out if she is in labor? also she does not like the box we set up for her to have her puppies in, what should we do?

2006-12-23 16:24:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My new puppy pee'd on our leather couch. What can I use to get the smell and stain out?

2006-12-23 16:00:09 · 4 answers · asked by daddyzgrl4u05 2

2006-12-23 15:56:56 · 16 answers · asked by Johnathan R 1

2006-12-23 15:56:29 · 15 answers · asked by H0TTCHiCK 1

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