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Dogs - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

2006-12-24 04:33:10 · 22 answers · asked by JD 2

Whats the best way to find information on a breed? Someone told me to call a breeder or that breed and get the temperment ect, so i planned on doing that. And is it a good idea to buy a dog from the breeder and do most breeders in america and those other countries like miami, england ect, ask for alot of money??

Thanks in advance if you deserve a thanks
If you help me alot you get the 10 points and in details i will say whoi deserves a thanks or i'll just give a thumbs down.

2006-12-24 04:18:05 · 12 answers · asked by the13yrdchicka 1

Are they chihuahuas??

Thanks :)

2006-12-24 04:15:36 · 11 answers · asked by Isa.bella xD 2

2006-12-24 04:15:33 · 8 answers · asked by nowisgood41 1

I have a pitbull puppy. Almost a year old. He weighs about 58 pounds. He only drools mostly when he is outside but I've seem him drooling inside a few times. This happens when I'm taking him outside to the bathroom or when he goes on a ride with me in the car. Sometimes the top of his head like pulses I guess you could say. I'm pretty sure that he's healthy as he's been to the vet quite a bit and the only thing wrong with him is that he has dry skin. He ate a box of rat poison a few weeks ago but we got everything taken care of and he had an allergic reaction to the Vitamin K shot the vet gave him but he had been slobbering before all of that. Any ideas on what it might be? I'm sure if the vet saw something he would have said so in the many times we have been. We plan on getting him fixed here pretty soon. Thanks all in advance.

2006-12-24 04:07:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got my dog this ball that squeekes when she chews on it.. and she carries it around with her everywhere she goes for the last day, or day in a half. and the weird thing is when it squeekes, she starts to cry and whine...

what does this mean?

2006-12-24 03:57:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-24 03:54:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

my five month old JRT has a bad habbit of eating things she should not eat.on tuesday she was admitted to the hospital because she ate carpet and cardboard and today she ate a five dollar bill.I gave her some laxatone to help it move through her system and she is on a very high qualilty dog food.she is not board and gets peleanty of exerscise every day.any one have any advice on how to get this to stop?I have picked up everything execept her chew toys and food(her sister has never done anything like this)will the money hurt her like the carpet and the cardboard did?please help

2006-12-24 03:54:17 · 29 answers · asked by littlebratt78_96 1

i'm wanting to find something different and nice please help,

2006-12-24 03:35:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-24 03:34:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

he has his leash and toys etc. and he is still young and hyperactive but he is well mannered for themost part.

2006-12-24 03:21:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have read several sites here and everyone says something different, hoping to get a vets/vet techs point of view on this..but all help is great.

2006-12-24 03:19:59 · 10 answers · asked by sunshinegirly97 2

I know for a fact she is part Beagle, but I have no clue on what other breed she is. Can anyone else tell?

2006-12-24 03:16:25 · 17 answers · asked by Mosher27 1

We have a new dog.... He is a labrador cross, mainly lab and he is 3 years old. He is as good as gold...but as soon as we're out he will try and eat as much grass as possible.

Is it bad for dogs to eat grass??...does it not matter??....should we let him??

Any answers much appreciated!

2006-12-24 03:00:12 · 34 answers · asked by Issy 1

He licks himself everywhere, bites his paws, bites his butt, and there are red scars from places he licked and bit too much on his butt. He's on a million pills, but nothing works. Does anyone know of anything that will surely cure his itchys?

2006-12-24 02:50:27 · 5 answers · asked by Gum Chewer 2000 2

My mom has a pet chihuahua. She lives with my sister, who recently brought home a stray puppy. The puppy was taken to the vet recently, and put to sleep for having internal bleeding. They figured he had it just about since he was born because "his stomach was almost completely GONE". I don't know what would have caused that.

But now my mother's chihuahua is sick. He's lethargic, although he still eats and drinks, and will get up and go out to use the bathroom. But he's throwing up for two days now. It's Christmas Eve, and the vet isn't open! Furthermore, the chihuahua isn't up-to-date on his shots (I know, bad thing). I'm in Germany, so I can't help.

Does anyone know if these two might be related? And what we can do to help the Chihuahua at least make it through Christmas?

2006-12-24 02:48:54 · 11 answers · asked by ltygress 3

My dog has just bitten my finger and drawn blood. I know I need a tetanus. Should I just leave it or spend hours at A&E on Christmas Eve with children?

2006-12-24 02:47:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has my dog gone crazy?

2006-12-24 02:47:30 · 13 answers · asked by spontaneous_unknown 1

I need to choose a registered name for her papers and her 'call name' . From what I've read most registered names do include a piece of the mother and/or father's name, however. I like Bella for her call name (but other family members don't )

Anyway, any suggestions:

Father's name: Brutus Beef Kake

Mother's name: Jellybean

2006-12-24 02:40:23 · 18 answers · asked by J D 2

I have tried everthing and I can't get my puppy to stop biting. I have tried igonoring him, yelping, puting him in his create for a minute, giveing him something else to chew etc.etc. Nothing works. Help!!

2006-12-24 02:35:45 · 8 answers · asked by whattdo? 2

He ate it last night and this mornign has watery diarreaha.. He will not eat any of his dog food. Is he ok what can I do to make my lil man better. He is just sleeping.... and not very playful...

2006-12-24 02:31:06 · 10 answers · asked by Mommy to be 1

I have an 8 week old Yorkie. She's very cute. But I find myself yelling at her all the time for going on my carpet instead of the pooty pads. I have to constantly watch for signs that she needs to go. But when I see her squat I take her quickly to her potty pad and she'll pee but when she has to crap she does it on my carpet. Can anybody help? I'm running out of patience.

2006-12-24 02:28:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently adopted a dog from the humane society. The first time I opened the door to put him outside he slipped past me and ran as fast and far as he could.
My older dog who recently passed away never did this.
Please advise.

2006-12-24 02:26:18 · 10 answers · asked by mom 5

2006-12-24 02:25:56 · 33 answers · asked by laflaca66a 1

Since i was a little girl ive always wanted a Spaniel and since my friends and family have been going on about it for a month now i really thought id get one for christmas but i havent. I have two daughters who absolutely adore them too.
Does anyone have one i could have?
You'll make my christmas wish come true :o)

2006-12-24 02:21:56 · 12 answers · asked by lisa_mcd1234 1

2006-12-24 02:14:05 · 8 answers · asked by mega_lyn 1

He'll only sit if I have a treat.How can I make him sit when I speak,without a treat!

2006-12-24 02:12:37 · 4 answers · asked by ms.sweetproper 1

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