My dog is 4 years old and i only got him a few months ago. Before we got him he was nearly starved to death. He keeps going into cupboards and eating things out of them. The other day he went into our understairs cupboard, got into a draw and ate a full christmas cake. Just before he got into the cupboard and ate a tub of gravy granules, 2 pot noodles, a tub of pasta and a box of spagetti. I don't know what to do with him. I understand that he is only doing this as this was his only way to get food at his old home. Any ideas on what to do?
( P.S he knows how to get the lid off a bottle, before i gave him an empty bottle to play with. He didn't try to get into it to get the drops of coke, he just unscrewed the top then went away and lef the bottle!)
22 answers
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Babe, pig in the city ;)