I have a little boy puppy who is 6 days old, i also have another litter by a different mum who are 3 weeks old and doing fine. The mum of the 6 day old, who we have called baby, her milk has dried up compleatly and gone. The baby is whining all the time, crying , obv hungry and poss in pain as the mum, who cant settle keeps following me with the baby in its mouth and dropping it then laying with it where ever i stop. I will add the mum is my dog, love her to bits she follows me everywhere normally, i have slept with the dog and cuddle the baby for the last 4 nights, i have put the baby on baby milk diluted, warmed etc, but he is still screaching . I have tried everything and have not slept properly in 4 days!! So last night at 3am, when i could take the babys crying no more, felt so sorry for him, i put him with the other dog with older pups, who mothered him , and now he is cuddled up with the older puppies and she is feeding him, is this wrong and now my dog is pineing obviously
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