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Dogs - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

i really love doggies. i hav planned to get one. if a get a pup i hav to take up the responsibilty of it. now i am in class 9th. and tenth is the next one with board exams. it is said that puppies r very sensitive and must be taken care properly for first 1 year. i feel if i get one it can distrub my studies in tenth as i hav to spend time with it. there is noone else to take up the responsiblity. my school starts at 7.30 am but i hav to get my bus at 6.00 am & ends at 1.40pm i reach home at2.30pm. will i be able to feed it and play with it. wat should i do?? i really want a pet and i feel it may ditrub things.what to do?? help me plz!!!

2006-12-25 21:11:07 · 16 answers · asked by intellect 2

He is 1-2 years old and barks alot anyway to get him to stop?

(please no shock colar things)

2006-12-25 21:04:46 · 5 answers · asked by fred 3

we also have a nine year old staffie dog, who seems to be quite jealous he keeps trying to do things to our cushions

2006-12-25 21:02:25 · 15 answers · asked by Janet C 1

Hi, I have 13 wks puppy, since 2 wks old I've been training her to do her business on the newspaper, I want to move her outside, but she just dont want to pee unless i put a newspaper. How can I get her to pee outside without a newspaper? is she too late for potty training?

2006-12-25 20:17:28 · 9 answers · asked by stardust 4

i looking for a pup in singapore or asia? wher can i find 1?

2006-12-25 19:56:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 8 week old jack russel terrier, I take him out all the time and he pottys out side but then when I bring him in he just gos right ahead and does his buisness in the floor. I bought him the Piddle pads and everyonce in a while he will pee on them and I will reward him but he just dosent seem to get the idea....and still pottys in the floor Ive had him almost a week and a half now and I just can't seem to get the whole potty training or useing the pads correctly down...

2006-12-25 19:36:57 · 9 answers · asked by hollya707 4

Can i do about this? He has a 2 1/2 inch by4 inch gap on his back and several smaller holes in his body. The dogs who attacked him are full bred american bulldogs(big big) dogs. These dogs are always trying to attck us..they tried to attack my grandmother while she was getting into her car(everytime we were on our own property) we have notified the owners everytime and all they say is(If we (the owners) didnt see it..it didnt happen) My dog is suffering bad injuries as the result of thier huge very very very mean dogs coming onto our property, what a great christmas for my dog huh? I called the pound there was nothing they could do untill tomorrow because its christmas. What do you guys think i could do about all of this...i want to really bring them down this time now that my dog got attacked on our own property while being on a leash and being held by my 14 year old cousin and im lucky she didnt get hurt. These dogs probably weigh in arounds 100 pounds and are very vicious, Thank u

2006-12-25 19:32:42 · 15 answers · asked by Justin F 1

2006-12-25 19:01:57 · 4 answers · asked by Bride2Be 8/30/08 5

Sorry but thank you so much!!!

2006-12-25 18:31:18 · 6 answers · asked by blazq420 1

I have a little boy puppy who is 6 days old, i also have another litter by a different mum who are 3 weeks old and doing fine. The mum of the 6 day old, who we have called baby, her milk has dried up compleatly and gone. The baby is whining all the time, crying , obv hungry and poss in pain as the mum, who cant settle keeps following me with the baby in its mouth and dropping it then laying with it where ever i stop. I will add the mum is my dog, love her to bits she follows me everywhere normally, i have slept with the dog and cuddle the baby for the last 4 nights, i have put the baby on baby milk diluted, warmed etc, but he is still screaching . I have tried everything and have not slept properly in 4 days!! So last night at 3am, when i could take the babys crying no more, felt so sorry for him, i put him with the other dog with older pups, who mothered him , and now he is cuddled up with the older puppies and she is feeding him, is this wrong and now my dog is pineing obviously

2006-12-25 18:26:54 · 15 answers · asked by suzie1968uk 3

I've tried puppy potty pads and those didn't work for me. HELP!

2006-12-25 18:20:56 · 9 answers · asked by tmathews3195 1

He is a older dog, not a puppy. I recently got him about a month ago and he has rapidly lost weight. I feed him dry and wet food that his onwer fed him, but he wont eat. Well he eats but small amounts.

2006-12-25 18:20:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need help to try to convince my mom and dad to get me a yorkshire Terrier!! THERE VERY CUTE and i wanted one since i was like 10 or somethin
please help me

2006-12-25 18:11:21 · 8 answers · asked by yorkie_luve 1

Hello, just recently (within the past couple of days), I have noticed my 9 month old Chihuahua has been favouring her left hind leg. She does walk on it, and when she goes outside runs like usual, but every so often she will favour it, or carry it up in the air. I have tried examining it, though she does not cry in pain, she growls when I rubs certain areas. I am quite concerned about her, as she has already broken her right foreleg previously... due to an unexpected fall from a measly 8 inches off the ground. I'm hoping it's just a pulled muscle, but I would like some other opinions. And I do not have the luxury of going to the vet to get her looked at, as I do not have the funds any longer to get her checked for over 100 dollars a pop. Thank you in advance!

2006-12-25 18:07:26 · 5 answers · asked by o0_poirier_0o 1

She uses the pads now, bc the vet told us not to take her outside until she gets all her shots, which will be in 2 months, should i even bother starting to crate her now and have her go on the pads when i let her out? or should i wait till she's four months to crate her and take her outside?

2006-12-25 17:46:59 · 12 answers · asked by Bubba 2

I came home at 930 tonight and saw my 12 year old shih tzu in a daze. I rushed her to the emergency vet which is a half a mile away. They rushed her in the back and then came and told me she had a grand maul siezure. She has never had a seizure before. She died. I feel so guilty for leaving today but she was fine this am. She was even playing with her new christmas toys. But my question is why dont the other dogs notice shes not here? Thanks for taking the time to read this.

2006-12-25 17:27:31 · 12 answers · asked by sunset12211 3

I came home a couple of hours ago and noticed something was wrong with my 12 year old shih tzu. i rushed her to the emergency room (2 minutes away fro me) and they said she had a grand mauhl seizure. she has never had a seizure before. She died. im really devasted about this. Thinking should I have left today? I feel so guilty but she has never had a seizure before. Now every christmas will be very sad for me. Also why dont my other dogs seem to notice shes not here?

2006-12-25 17:17:08 · 3 answers · asked by sunset12211 3

well my dog was due 21st of december going by what my vet said her first service date was 20-21st of october is this right well now is nearly day 70 should i be getting worried shes had milk a while and is huge but not nesting or anything at all yet the weather conditions here are a bit warm at the moment. i cant call my vet today as its christmas sooo just wondering if anybody out there can tell me anything (this is not her first litter).
my dog is absolutly misarable can vets induce labour ect i work in the large animal vetrinary field and we do with cattle pigs ect no rude answers please thanks and have a great day.

2006-12-25 17:07:07 · 7 answers · asked by nomorebabieshaha 3

location preferably in the Klang valley.

2006-12-25 16:56:13 · 3 answers · asked by roseguy 1

Im looking for a puppy for free i look all around and i cant find nobody with any i cant adopt because the shelter told me you cant adopted once u turn over a animal , it was a rabbit he was a male and he was peeing all on me eww, but any way if any body reads this please consider me i love animals and i been without a pet for 2 years i had cats and dogs growing up and it hurts to not have a pet tell me somthing , thanks

2006-12-25 16:49:39 · 11 answers · asked by candyberrys23 1

2006-12-25 16:37:36 · 12 answers · asked by woody a 1

2006-12-25 16:32:05 · 17 answers · asked by Angelo J 1

my lab acts like a stupid mut, i can't seem to get him to listen to me. He stays gone half the time and when he comes home he still won't obey me or my brother and sister what can i do to get him to obey us?

2006-12-25 16:07:34 · 8 answers · asked by rockinbeauty 1


i bought a new pup.. it's been less than 24 hours since i've had him.. and this is my first time. my problem is that he sleeps a lot. i dont think he is that type... from what i saw at his birth place he was playful. but he sleeps here. he is happy and a very good dog. i just want to know that does a 9 week old pup sleep a lot and if not what can i do to take care of him?

2006-12-25 15:54:34 · 12 answers · asked by rosekdyer 2

I think you all might be right that the mother and the father of my boy might be something wrong. I know the father. and I do not like his eyes. My boy's eye is crossed, but in the ring that is not a lot of points taken off. Yes, he had a good handler and was made a champion of breed. I entered him in Best of Breed he won only once. The reason I want to breed him is to get a girl who is good for showmanship and to breed her and to get him his ROM. I think I might have waited too long as he is six now. What types of tests are you speaking about to have him checked out. He has passed a lot them, eyes knees DNA , that's it. Or they know who my dog is out of and they do not want him. I do not know. I did not want to fix him yet.

2006-12-25 15:52:58 · 7 answers · asked by Flo-Jean 2

I have a puppy 9 mths old and he is bleeding when he poots!! just at end!! he strains soo bad and he is on one of the best foods i can possibly buy NUTRO!! does anyone else with a pit terrior have this problem and seriously what is it? isit the breed? what should i do to help him? I want to give him fiber for straining but yet he has diareaah.

2006-12-25 15:51:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need help with a problem that my dog seems to have. I have no clue to how serious a problem this can turn out to be. My dog is 5 years old and very sturdy in condition. For the past 5-6 months he has been making continuous chewing-like motions in his mouth and jaws, so all day long when he breathes he makes this 'pok' kind of noise. I have sometimes noticed him shaking slightly like a shiver, and a few times i've noticed that he tilts his head to the left. His energy levels are normal to high, and he has a good appetite. Is there something wrong with my dog? is it a serious neurological condition or a behavioural disorder?

2006-12-25 15:36:41 · 4 answers · asked by mercury 1

I own a 14 week old shiba inu and i just relized that she has some black dots on the roof of her mouth. Now i've seen them on german shepards and a couple of types of breeds is this posible that she might be another breed other then what i was told when i bought her? i do sometimes think she might be though becuase she does very much so look alot like a german shepard! please help!!!

2006-12-25 15:32:06 · 6 answers · asked by tluckie313 2

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