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Dogs - December 2006

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He just got surgery in his throat to close a hole in his trachea.

2006-12-25 15:21:17 · 10 answers · asked by Gavi 3

I have asked the breeder to breed him and also his father;s breeder, both breeders do not want to breed him. I think they are black balling me or they have not given me a good dog and do not want to use him. I want to know what I can do about this situation.

2006-12-25 15:19:37 · 16 answers · asked by Flo-Jean 2

Am trying to find a suitable dog for my active 70 year old father. Would like to hear all the good and bad of this paricular breed, and I'd love to see photos, if you want to share yours :)

2006-12-25 15:14:56 · 10 answers · asked by dellamorte 2

Wanting to show my puppy..no vehicle to do so with. Help?!?

2006-12-25 15:12:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My beagle ate a bag of chocolate chips and is now throwing up. There are no vets open since it's Christmas day. What should I do?!

2006-12-25 15:11:00 · 14 answers · asked by kylie! 2

Is it free?

2006-12-25 15:08:23 · 14 answers · asked by shimmey 2

2006-12-25 14:48:28 · 16 answers · asked by kendal600 1

I want a dog just like Jessica Simpsons on The Newlyweds..Her dog Daisy is just the cutest dog.. it looks like my very first dog I had growing up and have decided to get one in the near future. I heard Jessica say in an interview her dog Daisy's parents were Maltese and Toy Apricot Poodle .. Where can I find a Maltipoo like this? Does anyone know a reliable breeder? I have a 3 yr old cat also how can I get them use to each other I was thinking of putting them in their separate carriers with the cages closed close but far to stare and get used to each other are there any techniques?

2006-12-25 14:45:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

we have a full blooded male chihuahua.He is brown and white,his ears are brown and he has a white strip down the center of his head

2006-12-25 14:36:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

We had to have our pug x put down a few monthes ago and ever since my older dog crys and howls whenever i go away, my husband says it is so bad..i am getting so i don't want to ever leave him..

2006-12-25 14:27:28 · 14 answers · asked by Julie G 2

2006-12-25 14:17:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

New dog, 14months, 12lbs. What kind of dog food would be best? Besides Iams and Eukunuba.

2006-12-25 14:14:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the corner of my dogs right eye it is pink and puffy and wierd how can i get rid of it? its bothering me because EVERYBODY teases me about it! how can i get rid of it besides going to the vet. its been going on like for 3 months now HELP ANYBODY KNOW WHAT THIS IS AND HOW I CAN GET RID OF IT AND HOW I CAN GET IT FROM COMING BACK?

2006-12-25 14:13:30 · 10 answers · asked by Amber 1

oops I just accidently posted it in the wrong sections, the general pets section...

well, how good is natural balance dog food on a scale of 1-10... 1 being the worst and 10 being the best? Please back this up with facts!!

Merry Christmas!

2006-12-25 14:13:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 3 poodles all males, 3yo, 1yo and 6mths. my 3yo about 1 yr ago started growling and recently he is now starting to bite me. so far only me will growl at my finance on occasion. HELP me....have tried closing him up in room alone, also holding his snout during growl session....doesn't work. Testosterone?? always humping on the 1 yo. bites/growls at the 6mth old.....

2006-12-25 14:07:36 · 6 answers · asked by greensgirl@sbcglobal.net 2

My cousin just had her baby two-months premature. While she is in the hospital with her we are watching her english bulldog. This dog shows aggressive and dominant behaviors. Would this be a good dog for her to keep when she brings the baby home?

2006-12-25 14:07:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it safe to give my st. bernard/german sheperd mix a ham bone from christmas dinner?

2006-12-25 14:00:16 · 14 answers · asked by Alicia Mae 2

My jack russell is 16 yrs old. She has now had her season for 6 weeks and i am worrying that this could be cancer. We have never had problems like this before- they have always been the usual 3 weeks with very little evidence of bleeding. Now I am finding little drips every where.
Any thoughts??

2006-12-25 13:55:50 · 6 answers · asked by yvsie 1

Ginger wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & a wonderful new year! (and yes, this applies to GitEmGang too!)

Share links to your pet's Christmas photos and help put a smile on everyone's face!

Here's Ginger doing her best impression of Max from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas -- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/raysingyrl/merrychristmas2006.jpg

God bless us everyone one!

2006-12-25 13:43:50 · 15 answers · asked by ? 4

She's a yellow lab and isn't acting lethargic, she is acting healthy other than she decided to go on a hunger strike. I found out she'll only eat if I toss the food at her one kernel at a time so she catches it in mid-air. I can't spend that much time feeding her every day, and she's barely eaten in the last 5-6 days due to this. She's energetic and normal otherwise. She's been eating the same food for a few years and never minded it before (Iams). Any suggestions?

2006-12-25 13:41:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my dog has been on herv break for over 6 weeks now, is this right? she had a bleed for about 2-3 weeks x had no bleed for 10 days and has now started to bleed again, she has been bleeding rather heavy now for over 10 days,surely this aint right x

2006-12-25 13:37:51 · 9 answers · asked by Mrs Paterson x 2

2006-12-25 13:34:11 · 10 answers · asked by mojonah 3

okay, i have a puppy named Daisy she is 5 months old and she bites me hard! she likes to jump and bark at people that walk by, she thinks bitting is a game! how can i make her stop besides replacing my fingers for toys she would bite me on my toes, arm, hand and fingers, pull my hair and try to drag me around the house, and she even bit me ear so hard that at the top of my ear i pulled something and it drew blood and i still have it like 2 months later! HELP I NEED TO STOP THIS MESS! MY FRIENDS EVEN TALK ABOUT HER AND DO NOT WANT TO SEE HER OR ME!

2006-12-25 13:30:59 · 15 answers · asked by Amber 1

when my dog see people fighting and playing around she gets mad and starts biting people. there is nothing form the past i had her since she was 2 months and she is a westie

2006-12-25 13:23:22 · 6 answers · asked by goochie1234 1

I am dealing with an 11 pound pekingese during her first ever pregnancy. I just recently found out that she is due to have puppies any time now. She is my baby, and is very small. The vet didn't express any certain worry in her size and the delivery of what she said to be "very big pekingese puppies". I am worried for her because i love her dearly and don't want something to go wrong.
I am certain she is over 63 days pregnant. Her belly has been alive with movement for the past five days now and just today has quieted down a lot. The puppies heartbeats are still strong and healthy but they are significantly quiter in their movements than they have been. Her temp is about 100.0 now, was 98.6 earlier. She still has an appetite. Isn't nesting.. She is a confusing little doggie. But I am sure it's because she has NO idea what's going on with her.
Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.
(I know the basics..nesting, panting..etc..anything else I need to know??)

2006-12-25 13:22:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is 13 months, smart as a whip, but chews up all her toys within minutes of getting them. Ive tried taking them away when I see her chewing them up and ripping them, but its not working It doesnt matter if they're stuffed, balls, etc..They are destroyed in minutes. I hate to not give her toys, because they keep her busy, when we arent playing or walking, but who can afford to constantly buy new toys (every week I have been) Ive bought those undestructable toys, but she's not interested in them. Any advice would be great.

2006-12-25 13:21:44 · 17 answers · asked by misstikal311 4

Specifically we want a mid sized dog, relatively energetic as my Dad is still active (but not overly so)..

Short hair (he won't like a dog that sheds much)

Warm climate (QLD Australia), huge yard, preferably not a hunter (lots of wildlife around his place)..

good companion...

any suggestions?

2006-12-25 13:18:01 · 12 answers · asked by dellamorte 2

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