The puppy was a Chihuahua X Shih Tzu Hybrids.She inherited mostly everything including Chihuahua’s temperament except the ear is Shih Tzu’s.She is now doing crate training; so I had 2 let it out at home for some time in the day. But when I let her out, she keeps running like a wild horse or sniffing the floor, but I can’t get her attention to me. She was so busy that sometimes even I hold a treat in my hand, she just simply don’t care when I call her name (Not Always). Another problem with her is she biting the leash that I hooked 2 the collar and sometimes trying 2 take off her collar by shaking or scratching. She looks like she dislike the leash and the collar but she still need 2 put it on! I heard of others dog walk their master, but in my case, she is biting and pulling the lead backwards from the direction I am facing, trying 2 stop me from going. I also tried 2 train him 2 sit, but after a few times, she sat down without my commend and waiting for me 2 give her treat (dry food).
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