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Dogs - December 2006

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My grandaughter asked me this question on my 50th birthday, and I just told her dogs are like boys, they are just too happy & dumb.they don't have wonderful things to do like girls, polishing fingernails, changing our clothes, & grooming. Is this a good answer for a 6 year old girl?

2006-12-24 17:11:57 · 12 answers · asked by Vicious V 2

This is the link to my xanga, which has pics of my mixed breed dog, harry:) (i hope this works!!):http://www.xanga.com/missgorgon
we got him at a shelter and we have no idea what breeds he is(okok, I have SOME ideas-I think he part Akita or Shiba). Can anyone take an educated guess to what breeds he is??
He weighs about 22-25 kg.

2006-12-24 16:51:49 · 14 answers · asked by i like pizza 3

My puppy (female) is 11 weeks old, Her belly seems swollen maybe a little tight at times... I took her outside to poop and she did, and then walked some... after a bit i brought her inside she right away went poop again and it was kind of alot. I have inspected it for worms and could see none. It crossed my mind that my 6 month and 2 week old male puppy got her pregnant? Is that possable and Am i just worried... Im getting her back to the vet soon but christmas is near and i wont be able to do it for a couple days... Thank you

2006-12-24 16:41:51 · 18 answers · asked by richard t 2

I've just noticed that my dog has been eating his own dogshit. Can my dog die or get sick!? Please help!! I know that pigs can do this and be fine, but is that lethal to a dog nevermine sanitary?

2006-12-24 16:36:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

We used to keep our pomeranian in the house until he started peeing everywhere(don't worry, we don't keep him outside). We put like 6 peeing pads all over the house and he pees on curtains, couches, any furniture. We walk him in the morning, and he pees, but he never does the other thing. So, when we get home he always poops somewhere else(sometimes on the peeing pad). But, he ruins all the really expensive furniture and then it smells. What should I do?

2006-12-24 16:33:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pretty soon i will be geting a puppy....a yorkie(girl) i already know the exact puppy i want....im getting her from a farm in baout 2 weeks!! i cant wait! Now the only thing is that i cant decide what to name her!! here is an idea what she looks like:


I have a few names picked out! tell me what you think i the best!:
Melexsi (mu*lex*see)

any other suggestions?if you do please tell me!!!

2006-12-24 16:24:22 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

At first my golden retriever was very nice to other dogs and always wanted to play with them. But after a while he started to attack them. Every time he sees another dog all of his hair on his back stands up and he starts to bark. He runs and tries to bite the other dogs. And he has before.The thing is that the other dogs give him no reason to do this? Why is he doing this and is there a way to stop him?

2006-12-24 16:00:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an 8 week old pug and i noticed after a while she would shake for 5 to 10 seconds or until i gently shook her to wake her up. They are not like little dreams, she would be in a deep sleep and then her whole body would shake alot and i noticed her eyes shook with it until i woke her which is hard when she is shaking uncontrolably like this.

2006-12-24 15:58:43 · 23 answers · asked by dani L 2

I am looking for tips on housetraining her. She has been having trouble with accidents when I bring her to doggy day care at my sisters and other places. How long will this go on and what can I do to help her through this time.

2006-12-24 15:52:52 · 12 answers · asked by working mother 2

We got our german shepard from the local vet. They said they found him in Indianapolis so we took him. About a year or so he started to attack our dachshund but didnt hurt him intil two nights ago (bad fight) we called our vet and they said that its normal but 4 holes on another dog isnt normal. What should we do?

2006-12-24 15:52:34 · 11 answers · asked by Kristi s 2

A big dog, like a German Shepherd. Does anyone know?

2006-12-24 15:29:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anna L 2

It's for my grandmother she needs a dog that is small, quiet, calm, and that doesn't need to go out side a lot. What breed is best for Her.

2006-12-24 15:19:23 · 19 answers · asked by Kristi L 1

We have a 8 month old Brittany Spaniel who never seems to run out of energy. Especially at night. None of us have gotten a decent night of sleep in a while. I can usually fall asleep anywhere, any time, but something about his incessant whining keeps me up.

Is there anything I can do, give him, or otherwise to put him to sleep?

2006-12-24 15:12:25 · 15 answers · asked by Andrew H 2

Can you give a dog a soap enema if he gets constipated?

2006-12-24 15:07:53 · 9 answers · asked by smithwithans 2

I have an 8 week old German Shepherd....he is being crate trainer, eccidently peed in his crate....i washed everything.....he was doing awsome up till now....how do I get him back on sceduale and realize the crate is not for peeing in.?

2006-12-24 14:51:01 · 7 answers · asked by Ruby 2

2006-12-24 14:27:06 · 7 answers · asked by Sharna 1

My 7 month old Jack Russell itches herself on the back, hips, tail and back legs alot...is it something that I should be worried about? Also she chews on her feet...anything that I can do about that?

2006-12-24 14:26:01 · 6 answers · asked by Karlee N 2

I'm getting a beagle on Tuesday, she's is 14months old, she is 12lbs. Is that a normal weight for a beagle? Are there smaller breeds like miniature? I saw her picture she looked really healthy but I'm just asking because I've never heard of a 12lb beagle.

2006-12-24 14:19:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now, when we try to take our pants off she grabs hold of the garment and humps away. I tell her that isn't very lady like but she won't listen. Seriously, I didn't know female dogs did this. Is this unusual?

2006-12-24 14:16:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Chipin? (Chihuahua-Min pin Mix)
She doesnt have bug eyes or anything like that her eyes are really tiny. the ppl that we bought her from said she was an apple head... can you tell..maybe?


2006-12-24 14:16:25 · 10 answers · asked by Crazy.Cat.Lady 2

2006-12-24 14:16:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-24 14:15:40 · 9 answers · asked by denver c 1

ok im 14 and i want an enghlish bulldog and i already have a cute puppy but i want a bullldog lol so how muhc r they and NO PETLAND like from a breeder lol
thank you very much

2006-12-24 13:57:08 · 17 answers · asked by babygirl 1

My dog's dew claw came off and his foot seems to be sore. Christmas eve, everybody is closed. only have the home medicine cabinet available

2006-12-24 13:35:15 · 30 answers · asked by magsmom1964 1

We are bringing her to the vet in the morning, but we would like an idea of what her symptoms could mean. It happened very suddenly late yesterday. She looks as if her hips or back legs are very stiff and painful. She is unable to stand up on her own and can only limp a short distance outside to go to the bathroom. There were no signs of discomfort or anything before yesterday. There is no history of hip displasia in her bloodline, although she is 8 years old and in the past had 2 litters of pups. She spent all day yesterday in the fenced in back yard with our 6 month old yellow lab and we maybe think they played too rough and she's just a little sore. Any ideas or suggestions on what could be going on or how to make her a little more comfortable until the morning would be appreciated. Thanks

2006-12-24 13:31:20 · 8 answers · asked by lablover 2

for a 1 year old Yorkie - 6 pounds.

What are the advantages/disadvantages to both techniques?

2006-12-24 13:23:48 · 7 answers · asked by bru 2

My 1 yr. old red heeler has very dry skin. I bath him in shampoo for this problem and I have a hydrocortisone spray to help relieve the itchyness but he chews his back so bad that he will chew it raw. Anyone have any recommendations to help with this problem. Thanks

2006-12-24 13:16:37 · 21 answers · asked by aphcsorrel 1

My lab Brandy is only about 9 months old..she has been found with epliepsy. It's apparently common in labs, but I've never seen any other dogs really go through with it. My vet says to pet her and comfort her, since she's scared which makes sense. I'd like to be able to hold her. But im afraid to move her when she passes out. Should I just put a blanket over her?
Im in Vet. Asst. at high school, and I know how to handle animals. But she acts diffrently when she passes out, so she's harder to control then any other dog I know. She gets jumpy and snaps....any suggestions?
thanks =]

oh for those who don't know what eplipsey is here you go:
**A transient seizure or fit usually associated with a short-lived disturbance of consciousness. It stems from a synchronous high-voltage electrical discharge from groups of neurones in the brain. The disorder takes several forms, which include loss of consciousness with generalized convulsions (grand mal), short periods of loss of consciousness

2006-12-24 13:11:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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