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12 answers

Easy peasy! At 24 months they can hold their bladders fine.

For the first week, simply take your dog outside into the yard on a leash every half an hour when you're home and give a command word to toilet. Don't interact with the dog even if it wants to play at this time.

As soon as the dog starts to toilet say in a calm and friendly voice "Good Dog".

When the dog finishes lay on the praise big time, be excited and show the dog that toileting outside brings praise.

Watch your dog all the time whilst it is inside, if it has an accident inside that will be your fault not the dogs.

If the dog has an accident inside the house and you see it do it, say NO in a firm voice (don't yell or hit or anything aggressive or negative), take the dog outside to finish it's business and use the same steps above to praise the dog.

Clean up the accident inside and use a spray that you get from the pet store that will remove the stain and also the odour that dogs can smell that we can't that indicate to the dog that this is the spot that they should toilet in again.

If the dog has an accident that you didn't see, you can't do anything, don't say anything to the dog, don't give off any angry body language, simply clean it up and learn your lesson that you need to watch the dog more closely.

Never ever take your dogs water bowl away from except just before going to bed, it is actually illegal to do so. A dog should always have access to fresh water, you could seriously damage your dogs health by doing so, so ignore the poster who suggested this.

Ignore what BRE said, this is actualy cruelity and will only ever teach your dog is fear.

2006-12-24 20:59:05 · answer #1 · answered by Sas 3 · 0 0

hi! The best way is send him to professional training.
Unless you have the time to start training him from the begining! It can take up to 2 weeks to properely "potty" train a puppy. Yours is 2 years old, so he may take a bit longer. He might get it right away, you never know.
When training, they need to go out around 6-7am.
Again in a couple hours, and so on. Every 2 hours, be persistant. Always go to the same spot in your yard you want him to go in, so he understands that is his place.
10-11 at night should be the last outing. If he whines in the night, dont take him. Wait till he stops the whining, then take him or he will learn that whining is a way to ask for an outing. A bark is ok, but not a whine. (Thats my own opinion!)
You must never spank him for making mistakes in the house. A scold with your voice is enough. Just say NO, pick him up and bring him to his outside place. He will get it if you are persistant.
** If you want, you can buy those puppy pads, but then at his age that will confuse him. He will wonder why he gets in trouble for going on the carpet, but he can go on this pad.
:o) good luck!

2006-12-24 16:04:56 · answer #2 · answered by Wendy 5 · 0 1

Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://bitly.im/aMQx7

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

2016-05-17 17:46:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You sound like me. I have JUST finished training my Chihuahua. I just had to take him out--on a leash---twice daily and develop the routine. However, he still uses paper when weather is bad or when he gets too excited. They can also be trained to use a litter box due to their size. I don't mind because Chihuahua poop is so small. Mine is not neutered and he will mark anything on his level ( sack, bags, furniture legs)--I was told that this would continue as long as he was not mated or kept un neutered.

Good Luck--they're a mess but worth it.

2006-12-24 15:34:39 · answer #4 · answered by reeses30135 2 · 1 0

Is he neutered?-He might be spraying. If not:

Chihuahuas tend to be stubborn, so be persistant in training him to stop.

Chihuahuas also have shorter digestive systems, so they need to go out to go to the bathroom after they eat, and when they awake in the morning.

We got a chihuahua around 1yr old last year, and I highly recommend reading "Chihuahuas for dummies" and highly recommend doggy soil mats that can be placed in the house, which the dog learns to use as an emergancy bathroom deposit place. (They're kind of like giant diaper place mats)

2006-12-24 14:45:20 · answer #5 · answered by My Shadoe 1 · 2 0

kasie restrict his water and start crate training him we are in the process of crate training a 9 wk old chi and he is doing great . get a crate that is only big enough for him to be able to turn around sit up and lay down in . these chi hold their water because a dog will not lay in it 's own feces or urine . Also you may want to get a bottle of nature's miracle for accidents . they sell it at petsmart.For us it works great.Now for the first few days the chi will cry at night when you put him in it but be strong and ignore the cries and he will be accustomed to it . Merry christmas and a very joyous new year.

2006-12-25 02:15:23 · answer #6 · answered by Kate T. 7 · 0 0

Kasie, Buy a dog cage and put him in it at night. In the morning about ten minutes after the dog knows you're awake, walk him. You have done two things here. Because he would have to sit or lay in his own mess he probably will hold it until you walk him. second, because you didn't walk him immediately upon waking he won't expect you to do so. He will learn he has to wait for you!

2006-12-24 14:39:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mine is three years old and only about 80% house broken. We rely on newspaper and putting him out as frequently as possible. They are sensitive to cold and have to watch birds of prey and other predators so they need attention when putting them outside. He is somewhat good when we put his out, but he seems to hit the newspaper for number 1 and hit and miss on number two on the newspaper. Fortunately they seem to be hard and dry. So we love the little cuss and we put up with his shortcomings. I hear the females are more easily housebroken.

2006-12-24 14:42:22 · answer #8 · answered by AN 2 · 1 1

We litterboxed out 2lb teacup chihuahuas. Darn things don't go outside because they are afraid of everything!!

2006-12-24 17:12:55 · answer #9 · answered by C H 1 · 0 1

Ok this is sad to do, but its no money or cage required. Everytime the dog pees or poops on the carpet grab the dog and shove him into it then shout "did you do that" spank and kick outside fr 10 minutes. My dogs are 100% housetrained within a week and still love me to death.

2006-12-24 14:46:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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