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Dogs - December 2006

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They are both between 5-9 pounds or so and the chocolate bars are those thin cadbury milk chocolate bars that are 100 calories. They also have little mints in it. They got into the christmas presents and ate about 2 of them. How much chocolate will hurt a pomeranian dog, I want to know if they will be ok. P.S. all the vets are closed and I live in a small town so thats not an option at the moment

2006-12-25 07:09:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Little dog swallowed a pork chop bone and is feeling
sick! Please Help!, I need information on how to help my little dog !
No vets are open today !(Christmas).

Is there anything I can do or can give to my dog to help it's stomach and help it pass the bone? If the bone has splintered and is cutting the inside of my dog's stomach what can be done to help it?

Thank you very much!

2006-12-25 07:06:12 · 10 answers · asked by MNevara 1

My chi sheds so much!!!!!!!!!!! She is a short haired chi. I brush her and it seems to get worse. I feed her science diet and iams hard food. I have heard alot of this has to do wit their diet.Can I give her something to help the shedding? Like vitamin e or something? has anyone had a similar problem?

2006-12-25 07:02:58 · 6 answers · asked by ilovmycats 1


2006-12-25 06:51:48 · 42 answers · asked by EMMY 2

Ohhh everyone please answer?
okay well i have a dog that is a Beagle and is protective and barks when people come in the houe. My sister is bringing her little fragile toy dog and im afraid of what will happen and my dog isnt around other dogs, so im not sure how he would react. My dog isnt violent at all, he just barks a little. But im just curious as to what i could do to help of both of theses dogs. They're in the same situation basically.

2006-12-25 06:44:37 · 5 answers · asked by x0o_deanna_x0o 1

Ohhh everyone please answer?
okay well i have a dog that is a Beagle and is protective and barks when people come in the houe. My sister is bringing her little fragile toy dog and im afraid of what will happen and my dog isnt around other dogs, so im not sure how he would react. My dog isnt violent at all, he just barks a little. But im just curious as to what i could do to help of both of theses dogs. They're in the same situation basically.

2006-12-25 06:43:46 · 7 answers · asked by x0o_deanna_x0o 1

okay well i have a dog that is a Beagle and is protective and barks when people come in the houe. My sister is bringing her little fragile toy dog and im afraid of what will happen and my dog isnt around other dogs, so im not sure how he would react. My dog isnt violent at all, he just barks a little. But im just curious as to what i could do to help of both of theses dogs. They're in the same situation basically.

2006-12-25 06:40:49 · 3 answers · asked by x0o_deanna_x0o 1

I have a 6 month old pomeranian. He is house trained to do his business on a "puppy-pad" which is kept in my bathroom. He is very good at going to the bathroom on the pad, but ONLY when he is confined to my bedroom & bathroom (I block the door with a baby-gate). I have tried everything-- gradually moving the pad to the door, bringing the puppy-pad outside for him to go out there, etc.-- but he rarely does his business outside. He'll hold it until we come back inside & then go on the pad. Also, if he is NOT confined to the bedroom & bathroom where the pad is (i.e. if he's allowed to roam the house under supervision) he just goes to the bathroom wherever he pleases, without an attempt to return to the pad. I'm getting worried because he's getting older... what should I do to solve this problem & get him to go outside? I would like to eventually be able to let him loose in the hous while I'm home (he is crated when I'm out) without worrying about him having an accident.

2006-12-25 06:36:10 · 2 answers · asked by alexrc17 1

As a rule of thumb, I do not feed my dogs foods containing ingredients I will not eat myself. If it's not good enough to be on my plate, it sure isn't good enough to be in my dogs' bowls.

Please share your knowledge, experience, and links with your fellow dog owners regarding why animal/meat by-products, corn, and other filler ingredients are bad news for dogs. Give them the tools to choose a healthier food for their furry friends :)

2006-12-25 06:29:38 · 13 answers · asked by Wags 2

I have a 2month old lhasa apso and im trying to potty train him..

sometimes i succes at it but not always.. for example

when i see him sniffing and stuff i quickly pcik him up [is that bad
that i do that?]

and take him outside.. he sniffs and eats the leaves..[how do i stop that]

after a while he poops.. thats all then i dont know wether to leave him there a bit longer till he does both of them.. so he just sits there eating stuff so i take him inside..

couple minutes later he pees in the carpet i clean it up and everything but he still does it inside nothing else just pees..i think i take him at the wrong times because i get scared that he might do

it again when im watching him.. as soon as he stops for a moment and what i think gets into the peeing possition i take him but he never does anything,
How can i solve this
Thank you for your time.

2006-12-25 06:24:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a boxer mix, he'll be three in Feb. Everytime he comes back in from outside he charges back in the house like he's still outside. Then when he gets on his mat he still plays around and does not listen to any of our commands. While outside playing he does not listen to our commands.
We have very fragile things in our home and he has run into them several times. How do we get our excited dog to know to calm down while in the house and listen to our commands while still excited? Thanks

2006-12-25 06:01:31 · 9 answers · asked by Jason & Milly T 2

I bought her dog breath biscuits and a toohbrush and toothpaste. She won't eat the biscuits and she won't let me brush her teeth. It isn't regular dog breath, it's very gross. Kinda smells like a dead animal. PLEASE HELP!!

2006-12-25 05:57:18 · 16 answers · asked by Patty 3

I am just curious to how many people have curious dog and how curious they are? I guess it's a poll.

My dog is super curious and she's so curious that I have to watch her all the time and know where she's @ most of the time. When someone puts down something on a table she stands on her hind legs to try to sniff it and possibly pull it off the table or if the object is higer she'll jump. I don't know if min pins are curious breeds or it's just her nature, but hey sometimes @ 6 months it's good to be curious about the world. Happy Holidays

2006-12-25 05:48:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my dog isn't allowed in the house and he hasn't ben taught very much. he stays in a pin most of the day and i dont know what to do to make things better

2006-12-25 05:45:23 · 7 answers · asked by dorkk8531226 1

he already know sit, lay down, stand up, stay still, bark, roll over, hind legs, and think thats it, but ive run out of creativity, what else could i teach him?
i'm currently working on him to turn on the tv with his nose, but what else is there that i could teach him?

2006-12-25 05:32:33 · 8 answers · asked by zitro_divad 2

severe itching and chewing,hes given us many many meds.,both oral & topical,benedryl,soeps,foods and nothing is giving him any relief.Is a dermatoligist very expensive?Any suugestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-25 05:06:22 · 9 answers · asked by redhead 4

to the point that he gets sores and bald spots,the poor little guy is miserable.The vet has given us countles meds,both oral and topical,we've tried many,many different foods and nothig is easing his discomfort,any one have any ideas?THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-25 04:54:51 · 9 answers · asked by redhead 4

my daughter told me her big lab is getting skinny because her little dog is eating most of the dog food she puts out. the dog wont do anything about it. she wantsto know what to do.

2006-12-25 04:38:15 · 9 answers · asked by mrsjohnsonforlife 2

why do dogs turn in circles before layng down?

2006-12-25 04:30:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 dogs. My oldest dog is a male and he doesnt listen to me. Well sometimes. I dont have the money to take him to a training class, nor do I live near a place that offers pet training classes.

Can someone please help me. I would like to better understand my dog and learn to be a more dominate owner so he will listen to me. Please help. I appreciate your answers.

Everytime I try to bond with him, my youngest dog has to come in and interupt. What should I do about that?

I just dont know what else to do. I appreciate your help.

2006-12-25 04:12:49 · 12 answers · asked by Katherine S 2

my 3 month old chihuahua has really swolen pink pads on her paws, does that mean anything bad or is it just normal?

2006-12-25 04:11:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 7 month old pup swallowed part of a toy a few days ago and yesterday started having black stools.
I phoned vet he said dont worry it should pass.
This morning he has a normal stool and then all the rest are black.
He is acting normal.
I have examined the stools but nothing has passed .
What do i do now i am very worried?

2006-12-25 03:39:18 · 7 answers · asked by claire s 1

My sister-in-law sets a chair for her hound to sit and join us for dinner. How rude! I've left the table but, haven't said anything. Others don't like it but, stay and eat.

2006-12-25 03:38:49 · 17 answers · asked by Rocky 1

O.k. so my dog is my world. He is small. 1/2 pug 1/2 boxer. I am invited to stay the night all the time at friend's and family's yet I won't cause I don't want him to be alone all night! Am I crazy? Suggestions?

2006-12-25 03:23:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which is a good kind, what do i need to do for it.... IM SO EXCITED!!

2006-12-25 03:15:37 · 12 answers · asked by Maggie 3

The guy i bought him from says he is only 6weeks old and this puppy has quite a few ticks on him. What should I do bathe him or not? I have heard to wait til he is 10 weeks or wait til he has his shots but i cant wait that long with these ticks on him. What should i do? HELP! No dumb remarks please.thanks!

2006-12-25 03:04:40 · 14 answers · asked by Lost 2

help i am getting female choclate and white chihuahua tomarrow, and i still have not found a name yet.

any suggestions?

2006-12-25 02:12:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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