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I'm getting a beagle on Tuesday, she's is 14months old, she is 12lbs. Is that a normal weight for a beagle? Are there smaller breeds like miniature? I saw her picture she looked really healthy but I'm just asking because I've never heard of a 12lb beagle.

2006-12-24 14:19:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

11 answers


she is in perfect condition.

12lbs is very good for only 14 months.
There are "miniature" beagles.

Congrats on the dog!

2006-12-24 15:04:10 · answer #1 · answered by animegirl160 2 · 0 0

First of all, is the beagle full blooded? And according to the Breed Standard set forth by the American Kennel Club, there are two sizes in beagles. Up to 13 inches and 13 - 15 inches. Anything over 15 inches is a disqualification. There are no weight suggestions/requirements in the breed standard. A 14 month old beagle is probably at that "gawky" age. And yes, backyard breeders have capitalized on the "mini-beagle". All they are doing is breeding small to smaller and so on and so forth. I would suggest researching your breeder and making sure that the beagle you are getting is free from genetic defects that could cause it to be smaller. Thyroid issues could cause her to be thin as well as many other conditions that could contribute. She might be in A+ tip top condition and just a small girl. Get some kind of guarantee that if your vet finds anything wrong in the first 3-5 days that you have the right to return her for a refund. (Sounds cold but could save you hundreds in the long run).
As far as beagles being stubborn, they aren't stubborn, they are EXCEPTIONALLY smart. They need "jobs" and will get bored easy and begin destructive behaviors if left to entertain themselves. It's lots more fun to chew up Nike Shox than it is to chew on a rubber chew toy MEANT for them.
Get a crate, teach her that this is her "room" and a safe place for her to retreat to when she's ready.

Good luck with your new girl.

2006-12-24 14:57:34 · answer #2 · answered by Britt 1 · 0 0

My beagle is almost 6 months old and she weights 22 lbs. there are differant size beagles. But at 14 months I'm pretty sure she's under weight no matter what size beagle she is. There is no miniature beagles. Just short and long legged. You havn't seen her in person? If I was you I would take her to the vet soon. Could be worms or the person who has her just hasn't been taking good care of her. Hopefully all works out. Merry Christmas

2006-12-24 14:40:02 · answer #3 · answered by dee g 3 · 0 0

It's below average weight for a beagle. Considering that the dog is female, it's probably a little small for the breed. Some are bred short legged and quite small--the weight is not that unusual for a small female beagle. Most of the links I can come up with discuss dog obesity. So if she's a little underweight, it may be better than overweight. If she's been active and looks healthy in the photo she could be the ideal weight for her frame. I'd have her vet checked even though she looks healthy.

2006-12-24 14:47:27 · answer #4 · answered by smithwithans 2 · 0 0

with any success you do not have a "pocket" beagle. they're a fabricated from undesirable breeding habit, that basically breed for the small length and under no circumstances for well-being. there are 2 top instructions interior the genuine beagle breed, one being between 13-15 inches, and the different being less than 13 inches. I actually have got here upon those "pocket" beagles to be bred with chihuahuas to get the small length, regardless of the indisputable fact that the beagle coloration, so some at the instantaneous are not even organic bred beagles, yet mutts. did you spot the father and mom, did they fall interior the conventional top variety, if so you may base the dimensions of your domestic dog through what they gave the effect of, supply or take a inch or 2

2016-10-16 21:29:54 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

There are miniature beagles but they're usually not that light, for example, I have a 15 month old beagle and she is about 30lbs. She was actually 12 lbs in the first 2 months I had her, so you should check with your vet when you take in the new dog.

2006-12-24 19:55:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is normal. There are three different sizes in the beagle breed. They are really stubborn dogs and hard to potty train so try not to get discouraged.

2006-12-24 14:26:28 · answer #7 · answered by Amber T 1 · 0 0

that seems too small a beagle that age should weigh at least 30 to 35 lbs get her vet checked she may be very malnourished or have worms.

2006-12-24 14:27:48 · answer #8 · answered by kissybertha 6 · 0 0

Yea thats a healthy weight for a young dog.

2006-12-24 14:23:20 · answer #9 · answered by Jess 2 · 0 0

yea beagles are light weight when a couple months old it should get bigger when its older

2006-12-24 14:23:23 · answer #10 · answered by Skipper 2 · 0 0

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