first make sure he doesn't have a blocked tear duct by taking him to the vet. then ask your vet what they reccomend. you can buy tear stain removal for dogs at most pet stores.
2006-12-25 10:06:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have an American Eskimo, this dog is a white ball of fluff and she deals with the dark stains under her eyes. We went to a new vet and they suggested that we change her regular drinking water to filtered water. The filtered water doesn't hold as may minerals as tap water. Think hard water stains in a bathtub. If filtered water was used, that wouldn't be an issue. The filtered water has reduced the stains greatly. Make sure to keep her eyes clean and in between shampoos we just wash her face with a wet cloth. From PetsMart we get our dog the Veterinarian's Best Pet Swabs for tear stain removal. They do work, but sometimes it's hard to keep her still long enough to get the stains off, that's why the wet washcloth usually works best. When we first got our pup 12 years ago, we considered using her as a show dog since she came from a line of show dogs, so we'd pick up some tear stain white paint from PetsMart. It worked, but it looked silly. Basically it was white mascara for the tear stains. Sometimes it would blend in, sometimes it just wouldn't and the dark stains would peek through the white paint as tan stains. My suggestion, use the tear swab cleaners, or just get a washcloth. Much easier.
Hope this helps!
2006-12-25 10:24:02
answer #2
answered by Yeeps 2
Well, you could use the ones from the pet stores but if you want 2 do it yourself, these are some ways. Also, I would find the cause for the excess tears and cure that instead of cleaning it up every day.
If you wish to attempt to remove tear staining from the facial hair there are a several things that can done. There are a number of products available from the dog products suppliers at shows or through mail order that can be used on the facial hair on a daily basis. However, it is my opinion that unless you have minimal staining these products just do not work.
I have several methods that I can suggest to remove tear staining. Care must be taken in using these products or any other chemical solutions to not get anything in the dog's eyes. It is also important to remember that when attempting to removing tear staining you my also be damaging the hair. Before I bleach I make sure I condition the hair well first. What works best for me is Wella Kolesterol. I pack the face furnishings with this for several days before I bleach. After you bleach make sure you neutralize the effects of the chemicals you have used and condition the facial hair after any attempts to remove stain.
Milk of Magnesia, corn starch and peroxide (20 volume to 40 volume)
Use equal volume of MOM and peroxide, and then use the corn starch to make a good paste of this; put on and work well into the stained area and let dry overnight. Wash out, CONDITION WELL. Keep doing this for several days until tear staining is gone, although I would recommend skipping a day or two between applications if possible. I also like to use a few drops of Nexus KerapHix in this mixture to help with conditioning.
This MOM formula is my personal preference when I do need to remove tearstain color from the face of my dogs. It works quite well overnight.
2% Peroxide & Crown Royale Magic Touch
Use the Magic Touch (#1 is best for Maltese) grooming spray concentrate full strength 1:1 with 2%/3% hydrogen peroxide - as opposed to human hair peroxide (formula above). Mix up enough for a week at a time & keep in a closed bottle. Use as cotton ball to clean the eyes. This can be drying to the coat so follow with a conditioner such as Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner (a human product). This is a longer term lifting of color over a week or two and may need to be conditioned to maintain clear conditions.
Crown Royale makes a product called "WHITENER"
Mix this with human hair peroxide (20 volume to 40 volume) into a paste and again leave on overnight. The Crown Royale Whitener works a lot like MOM/peroxide, it works faster but IMHO it is much harsher -- again, CONDITION WELL.
Human hair bleach
There are many brands but Wella Wellite (this is the one in the light blue/turquoise package) is the best. Many of the human hair bleaches are very harsh and they all work, but care needs to be used in selecting the bleach to use. A gel based bleach such as Wellite is much gentler than some of the other beaches available. Other products that many have used with success is Quick Blue and Redken. Like Wellite they are very gentle products.
NOTE: Please use caution if you are going to try bleaching -- this is a last resort and one rarely used.
#1 All Systems Whitening Gel
This is a gel product that contains a mild bleaching agent. It is applied to the facial hair and left to dry. It takes several applications to work, but will also gently help lift some color from the hair.
After bleaching, ALWAYS follow up with JOICO Phine (this is a human hair product). This is a chelating conditioner that will help remove all traces of the bleach product. It is most important to get all traces of the beach from the hair. I you do not and then dry with moderate heat the bleach can "frizzle" the hair causing irreversible damage.
I recommend going to this site:
Good luck!
2006-12-25 10:26:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I also have a Bichon Frise, and that they are large canines. mine is that this sort of suck. I carry her like a sprint one and he or she has found out various hints to. She loves her ball. The tear stains are simply by leaking tear ducts which will nicely be fixed via your vet, yet I save the hair around Lucys eyes short, it additionally enables to stay away from an infection. you ought to purchase products for tear stains, yet I had yet to locate one that works. i could basically whip her eyes as oftentimes as you could, save it clean and save the hair short around the eyes.
2016-11-23 16:55:06
answer #4
answered by bolte 4
Mix some bicarbonate soda and water into a runny paste and wipe your dogs eyes with cotton wool. It is cheap, readily available and soothing for your dog (no sting).
2006-12-25 10:57:38
answer #5
answered by kierenmcnally 2
Have the dog dyed the same color as the stain.
2006-12-25 10:11:15
answer #6
answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7
my dog has a prob with eye stuff i just make sure i wipe it off with a tissue b4 it gets crusty
2006-12-25 10:06:36
answer #7
answered by kelly r 4
sounds like a question for the vet
2006-12-25 10:34:18
answer #8
answered by carrie 3
i use wet cotton balls to wipe my dogs eyes dailey
2006-12-25 10:48:02
answer #9
answered by harley w 4
see wut the vet suggests, my granny bred poodles and she always cleaned the white and gray 1's eyes with a warm washcloth swiped in vaseline.... dogs looked good
2006-12-25 10:27:47
answer #10
answered by Y!um 3