Go to your local vet office when your chocolate lab is 5-7 months old. it best because there are less possible complications during surgery and the testicles are still small. Congratulations for your decision to neuter your dog millions of unwanted animals are in our world and i support your decision to prevent more!!
2006-12-25 07:21:33
answer #1
answered by Lyra Silvertongue 3
It is possible to do early neutering: 6 to 8 weeks, weighs at least 2 Ibs. You probably don't want to do this, because of wanting to let him mature.
However, you don't want to wait too long, or bad habits will be established. I'm not sure about what would be the best, but I'd say 7-8 months.
Good Luck with your Chocolate Labrador. I've always liked that breed.
2006-12-25 07:21:45
answer #2
answered by Reflector 2
Six months is the best time. You avoid alot of behavioral problems and it will not affect his growth. You can do it anytime after that but the longer you wait the more bad habits they pick up. Neutering cuts down on aggression, and prevents some serious health problems.
2006-12-25 07:19:52
answer #3
answered by TritanBear 6
6 months
2006-12-25 07:18:45
answer #4
answered by ESPERANZA 4
5-6 months is ideal. Younger entails more risks than you'd really want (although it is still safe) and the older they get the more difficult it is for them to heal. Also, if they are mature before you neuter, you reduce the behavior benefits (ie. spraying) and health benefits (reduced prostate cancer) neutering can entail.
Have fun with your pup, and yay for choosing to neuter!
2006-12-25 07:28:19
answer #5
answered by maguire1202 4
between the age of 6 months and a year. You can do it after he's a year old, but I don't think you can before he's six months.
2006-12-25 07:18:53
answer #6
answered by locusfire 5
1 year plus, 6 months is ridiculous, it would detrimentally affect the development of his personality.
But in the conditions that you describe, why do you want to neuter him at all?
There are pros and cons to both neutering, and not neutering, and it is sensible to consider all aspects of a given case and situation.
A vet will always want to neuter, it heps his cash flow.
2006-12-25 07:28:47
answer #7
answered by ? 4
6 months should be a good time.
2006-12-25 07:39:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
when he starts humping your leg.
2006-12-25 10:11:09
answer #9
answered by WAYNE A 2