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Dogs - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

I am adopting a Siberian/Mal mix and am training him to be a hearing dog for me.

I have done all the research and I feel that he really is the best option for me. I have done my homework.

Now here is the problem:
My mother thinks I should wait until I get to college.
(for 2 reasons:
doesn't want to get stuck with the dog
and thinks he is to large)

Can any one help me?
I need to know to following:
1: Laws that will allow me to bring the dog with me to college
2: Places that can help me if I run into a finance problem
3: Training tips
4: Your own personal opinions on what should be done
5: Personal experiences

I am sorry I know I have a lot of questions.

P.S. Just for information: I do NOT want an already trained service dog. From past experiences and articles I am not interested.
I want to train my own, and thats a final.

Thank you, and sorry for the long questions.

2006-12-26 05:29:16 · 10 answers · asked by TierneyLynne 1

All my dogs think this is the coolest treat, and I have even bought peanut butter flavored dog treats so I know it's not just me. This is obviously not something they would have in the wild, so why do they love it so much?

2006-12-26 05:20:14 · 9 answers · asked by littlblueyes 4

she is house broke and wets on doggy pads at night, but she has started to poop at night at around 4 am, she wakes me up to clean it up,(the smell is unreal) how do I get her on a normal schedule.

2006-12-26 05:19:59 · 6 answers · asked by drlowens 1

2006-12-26 05:16:38 · 6 answers · asked by jcole230 1

its a taco bell dog

2006-12-26 05:12:19 · 16 answers · asked by Emily L 1

we rescued a labrador from a home with 6 pit bulls she has adapted to us very well and is very happy. however at her old home she was not let outside they had to use the restroom on newspaper. we have had her for 4 months and at night she uses the resroom on the floor but not during the day. she is 1 yr old. i dont know if it is od habits not broken or should we take food and water away at a certain time. please help!

2006-12-26 05:10:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my labrador/chow seems to be testing his limits. he is going to be 2 on valentines day. i have had him since the day he was born and had to bottle feed him because of the death of his mother. he is very vocal and can be a fun loving dog. lately he has been doing things he isnt suposed to such as chewing, jumping, and if u stop him from what he is doing and ignore him for his bad behavior he will just stay right by you and bark this high pitch nerve racking bark. just these past to days if he does not get it his way he will nip you on your butt. one member of the family finds it funny and does not stop it he just encourages it. if you tell him NO he wil bark at you and if you try to grab him to tell him NO he will play that little you cant catch me thing an d shout a playful bark. about 4 months ago we got another labrador (purebread female) it hasnt affected him in any negative way. i am afraid he may turn on us and hurt somebody. why is he doing this and how do i control it?

2006-12-26 05:05:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Her ears are very puffy and lately she's been getting into sweet when we don't know!

2006-12-26 05:04:27 · 13 answers · asked by Clara M 1

I want a tiny dog that I can fit in to my purse an I can dress up but not all the time. What I want is a Teacup Yorkie now this is where I need to know how much is this breed and a price range. Now I want to find the best breeder even if I have to fly him or her out here I will. And I need the mouth to mouth care of this breed and cost. At this time I am living in a house that dose not allow dogs But in the next year or two I will be moving and I need that time to save.

2006-12-26 05:00:03 · 7 answers · asked by Car bear 2

My dog got alot of ham from the holidays and now he's being kinda mopey and sore. He's a little dog and I havent seen anyone hurt him (and I've been with him since it started) so I thought maybe he might have ate too much which is causing him to not poo and be sore. Any ideas what could be going on?

2006-12-26 04:38:46 · 3 answers · asked by amber f 1


. My first question was almost exactly the same...I got answers like: What's Furry Paws? And so and so... So now Im telling u that it's www.furry-paws.com...My real question was, Is it free? That's what I want u to answer...

2006-12-26 04:38:41 · 1 answers · asked by shimmey 2

5 days ago our 3 month old cocker spaniel puppy started having seizures, almost every hour from 7pm and @ 2 we took him to the emerg. vet. and they did an x-ray and gave him a seditive. THis really did not help. My husband took him to our vet @ 7 that morning and they use phenobarbatol and he kept having seizured, not as often but more than 10 a day. The vet took him home that night and Saturday he did not have a seizure. Sunday he had a small one and today he had one that lasted 3 sec (very small one). We can not find anything he could have gotten into. Our son said he saw Puck jump off the couch and landed on his head and he cried. He was fine the rest of the afternoon and the seizured started that night. Could the fall do all this?? We contacted the breader and there is no history or medical problems. I am at a loss. We lost our dog of 9 years to cancer 4 months ago and I can not take this! My heart is scared something bad is wrong. Is it weird this happened all of a sudden????

2006-12-26 04:35:20 · 5 answers · asked by Jan A 1

But do NOT watch that video unless you are strong of heart and *not* an animal lover. It nearly made me cry, and now the images keep running through my head. I am horrified. I want to do something to protect these animals, but I don't know what...

2006-12-26 04:32:25 · 11 answers · asked by melon_rose 2

2006-12-26 04:23:23 · 26 answers · asked by nbr5 1

my mini pincher of nearly a year old wont stop chewing she chews all day but worst of all she has expensive taste in what she chews she has just chewed 3 holes in my 4000$ leather couch everything i do doesnt work she keeps going back to pull out the stuffing and make it worse please tell me sumone can help its already going to cost a fortune to fix!!!

2006-12-26 04:21:16 · 15 answers · asked by sunshine 2

my dogs seems to be feeling blue. what kind of medicine can i give her, tylenol or motrin. and how much. she only weighs around 3-5 pounds

2006-12-26 04:15:38 · 12 answers · asked by pokey 2

He hasn't always been scared of them but when I put on an outfit and wanted to take pictures of him, he has hated it ever since.

2006-12-26 04:12:14 · 9 answers · asked by halea98 1

he's a mini dachshund-lhassa apso mix...
scruffy little weiner dog!!!!

2006-12-26 04:10:32 · 13 answers · asked by Dread Head has a pet Zorro 6

2006-12-26 04:10:10 · 17 answers · asked by Joe the God of Averageness® 4

2006-12-26 04:08:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well my dog was pooing then and worms kept coming out of his butt! I'm gonna take him 2 a vet 2day but i just wanna know:

Do you know what this is?

2006-12-26 04:04:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The booming number of new members since yestersay?

Many tried to discourage puppies for presents, but it appears it was all in vain. So many are asking about BASIC CARE.

Shall we keep an eye out for those asking if anyone wants a dog in the next couple months?

(Sorry if I offend.)

2006-12-26 03:55:23 · 15 answers · asked by KJ 5

2006-12-26 03:52:54 · 11 answers · asked by Evelyn G 1

My new puppy is a German Shepard mix(boy) he's ony 7 weeks old is first name is Buddy (bud for short) can you help me find a cool name kinda like something diferent that goes with the first name. Please THANKS

2006-12-26 03:48:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 9 year old wired hair fox terrier with catarax, and he bumps himself constantly against, walls, and any object, can that be the cause of nose bleeds?

2006-12-26 03:41:39 · 7 answers · asked by Lisi i 1

Ok, so, I just found out yesterday that we are going to be giving my black lab dog back to it's original breeder because our dog won't hunt, and that's mainly what we use her for, and so yeah, I'm having a really hard time with it, because over the past year we have had it I have become extremely attached. But anyway we are going to be getting a new dog right away after we give the dog we have now back, so does anyone know of any Labrador Retriever breeders in Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Wisconsin???
Thanks a ton!

2006-12-26 03:34:51 · 3 answers · asked by JuSt_PeAcHy7 3

she is so cute and i love her but she makes a mess in her crate when i am not home help me so i do not have to sckean up poop anymore.

2006-12-26 03:29:28 · 7 answers · asked by thinkpinkwhenyoushop 2

my dog just won't stop crying at night it is still a pup at 11 weeks old.but i love her and wanna keep her.it is a yorkie and very small.

plz help me so i can sleep.

2006-12-26 03:17:03 · 11 answers · asked by thinkpinkwhenyoushop 2

Should u pick a dog,cat,or fish?

2006-12-26 03:15:38 · 6 answers · asked by Sarah B 1

as of today, hes fine, no vomitting, no other issues... are we in the clear?

2006-12-26 03:06:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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