Not through ignorance.
What do you mean "retarded dog"?
2006-12-26 05:14:15
answer #1
answered by KJ 5
Only if can cure a retarted girl.
She's called Emily L
By Taco Bell do you mean? A chihuahua? What makes you think it is retarted? If you're serious then no one on here can tell you an answer that will help your pet and you need to go to the vet.
2006-12-26 05:14:43
answer #2
answered by laurel 3
Chis can be very tought little dogs. They are hard to train and hard to housebreak and most lack social skills and many are nasty tempered. Most is due to lack of training from the owner. People think everything they do is cute and they never give them any rules to follow they just let the dog what ever it wants. And much like a small child who has no rules they end up spoiled and nasty.
Depending on what you me be "retarted" your dog may just need some training.
2006-12-26 05:22:49
answer #3
answered by tlctreecare 7
Chihuahua, not a taco bell dog. lol
You can't really, but you can do brain excersises. Put a dog treat under a cup, and show your dog you're doing it. See if the dog will respond or try to tip it over. You can also throw a blanket over their head and see how long it takes for them to get it off. I do it with my stupid dog all the time. SHe has improved a bit.
2006-12-26 06:07:37
answer #4
answered by poniexpress4ever 2
When I was a kid we had a golden retriever that got hit by a car as a puppy and he had some brain damage, but he was able to live a full healthy life, he was one of the happiest dogs I've ever had. He thought he was a cat sometimes because we had 2 of them as well. But he had no health problems at all.
2006-12-26 05:24:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Unless it has a birth defect or has had head trauma, the dog is not "retarded." If there are issues with house breaking, inappropriate behavior or aggressiveness, first go to your vet for a thorough check up on the dog, if all is well go to a licensed trainer.
2006-12-26 05:24:44
answer #6
answered by awnery 3
I have never heard of a dog being retarDed; sometimes they are a little thick headed or just have a bad memory when it comes to certain thinks happening to them. I used to have a miniature dachshund and he never did learn that if you make a skunk mad, it will spray, he got sprayed three times!
2006-12-26 07:52:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Retardation is not curable. Are you sure that your Chihuahua is retarded and just not trained? Lack of training can be cured. Think about looking into training classes for your pup!
2006-12-26 05:18:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No more than you can cure a retarded person!!! Usually, however, dogs aren't retarded so much as they are victims of their owners' failure to socialize them, train them, and treat them consistently. Good Luck!
2006-12-26 05:14:50
answer #9
answered by Annie 4
Your in the incorrect area inquiring approximately your "retarted" canines. Is the canines a tart? Then get it fixed. in case you do hit upon a treatment for retarded canines enable me be attentive to with the aid of fact my lab has have been given to be the worldwide's maximum retarded canines. we hit upon distinctive love, twiddling with him, and giving him lots of interest facilitates. we does no longer commerce him for the worldwide, in simple terms love the canines, it ought to be greater sensible then you definately?
2016-10-06 01:03:05
answer #10
answered by Erika 4
you can;t cure a dog ;just like you can;t cure a retarded might try to be real patient with your dog;and give him or her lots of love and kisses,remember[it;s not their cat is brain damaged and she makes a mess once in awhile;but she can;t help it;so we don;t ya or punish her.we just keep giving our cat beans extra love and kisses.....good;luck
2006-12-26 10:04:10
answer #11
answered by Cami lives 6