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Cats - November 2007

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what is wrong with my cat
he is 1 year and 3 mounths old
and can't meow
what is wrong with him

2007-11-20 10:45:56 · 18 answers · asked by Buckeye_Babe_9 1

i'm getting a kitten, hopefully an orange, domestic-short hair. what i cant decide is to get a boy or girl. no matter what it will be "fixed". we want to have a playful, yet cuddly kitten that will grow up to be the same as an adult. she/he will be alone for about 6 hours during the day. please give me some advice on what to keep the kitten in during the day (for the first few weeks, after that we'll just let it roam) and whether to get a boy or a girl! thanks! sorry its sooo long :(

2007-11-20 10:05:13 · 44 answers · asked by fluti_tutti 3

I have "Boobles", whom I named, & "Bourbon", who came with that name. They sorta' fit; eh? Boobles & Bourbon!

2007-11-20 09:56:46 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 4 year old cat called mark has fleas i think :(
I shaved all his fur off and now he is always cold!
Where can i buy a cat coat from?

2007-11-20 09:56:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


My cat died of 'natural causes' well old age it was about 16. im just wondering how to dispose of the body? and what have you done with your past beloved cats? thanks. p.s its name was flunge! r.i.p flunge!

2007-11-20 09:39:12 · 11 answers · asked by Sarah Smith 1

My cat likes to play in the bathroom sink and drink from it too. She doesn't mind getting wet. She also sticks her head in the fish bowl. What about yours?

2007-11-20 09:25:14 · 25 answers · asked by jingersnaps 3

last saturday when i wasnt home, my 1 year old daughter got to him and "cuddled" him...to death. There was a fair amount of blood involved. When i got home and my hubby told me i just lost it and cryed for 2 days straight. I feel so guilty, and so sick thinking about it, i know my little girl can't be blamed because she had no idea. but i am completely traumatised now, what an awful way to go. Has it happened to anyone else?? how do you get over it...

2007-11-20 08:50:09 · 5 answers · asked by artyfarty 2

2007-11-20 08:49:14 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's just over 2months old and has fleas, but i can't afford to take her to the vets, so can anyone help me with some cheap remedies or ointment that can rid of them?

2007-11-20 07:34:53 · 27 answers · asked by 3

he thinks that the local hoodies may have hurt it, however i don't think this is the case what do you think the chances are of him getting his cat back after 4 weeks.

2007-11-20 07:19:17 · 20 answers · asked by louise d 6

I know why but when I tell my cat off it brings something bigger in! It even brought a squirrel in!! Help!

2007-11-20 06:47:28 · 43 answers · asked by Sahara H 2

I took my beautiful angora/persian mixed cat in for a grooming. I asked for a shampoo, comb and for his belly and tail area to be shaved. The technician SHAVED HIM BALD! I am distraught and my cat is traumatized. Can anyone tell me how long it will take for the fur to grow back? and will it grow back to it's previous length?

2007-11-20 06:36:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat needs to take some antibiotics, and i cant get her to swallow the pill!! Any tricks? I tried using a pill popper to push it down her throat she she would swallow, but still no success! HELP!!!

2007-11-20 05:20:06 · 13 answers · asked by just a girl in this world 3

My cat(s) keep tearing up the role of toilet paper at night (or probably when ever) when I put it on the roller in the bathroom. Their litter box is in the bathroom so I can not lock them out. Is there some kind if scent that they do not like or something that I can do to prevent this?

2007-11-20 05:15:46 · 7 answers · asked by Zhedray 3

2007-11-20 04:38:39 · 3 answers · asked by gert14 2

Recently I asked a question about a pesky raccoon that keeps coming around and eating the food i leave of for four, fixed, vaccinated feral cats. I dont like that hes around but my neighbors have FREAKED when they see it, and are ready to take action.To make things worse, the local TV news had a story about wild rabid raccoons in the area that have been attackg peoples pets
Granted feeding strays really isnt allowed under my city ordinace and laws, but Ive explained to all my neighbors that deligently trapped all the ferals, had them fixed and vaccinated, and they all seemed appreciative and supportive of what ive done and wont file any complaints or call animal control on me. However with this raccoon on the loose they are ready to call animal control out to set traps, and im certain some of the fixed feral cats will stumble into the traps and be taken away/euthanized. What should I do? I still have a humane trap and im serious considering trapping and relocating the raccoon myself.

2007-11-20 03:49:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay I declawed my cat a few months ago, we needed to it was either that or get rid of her because she was tearing up our apartment we rent, as Graduate students paying for ripped screens would not be good. Anyways the vet that did was supposed to be board certfied but they really messed it up. They used to much glue and it fused to her bones, so she had to have another surgery where they removed the glue. She still walks with a limp, its been about 4 months. She is now going to another, better vet who said it could be due to nerve damage!!! She has been on pain meds and we love her so much Is there anything we can do or does anybody have any ideas as to what the problem could be? We do physical therapy with her every day (vet recommended we massage her paws). If worst comes to worst the vet says it will be a perminant limp.. what else can we do?

2007-11-20 03:40:41 · 14 answers · asked by jrzer7 2

About 2 1/2 weeks ago I treated my cat with a frontline-type product, bombed my bedroom, washed all the bedding and bed clothes, vacuumed, and sprayed some anti-flea spray. Now, they're back. What should I do? Can fleas live in mattress?

2007-11-20 03:37:45 · 7 answers · asked by Ike 1

I just got a female orange tabby kitten, & when i brought her to the vet they told me she was very rare and worth alot of money.. Im not going to sell her, im just wondering.

2007-11-20 03:08:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

His name is T-Bo and I got him maybe at the end of last month. He is a father but I only live with him and I dont know how old he is. All he does is eat but if it is dry food he will starve his self until he cant take it anymore...He doesnt use his litter box. He crys when he wants to go outside. He comes in the house at 6 or 5 in the morning. If I give him CANNED cat food he starts to crap alot and throw up. He sleeps alot and scratches anyone who touches his stomach. Whats wrong with him? And he farts alot and everytime her farts liquid comes out and white stuff floats around in it. Help!! 10 Points to best answer.

2007-11-20 03:01:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love my Maine Coon Tortoiseshell and white cat. The only problem is she can get a bit annoying. She's the friendliest cat I have ever met, and she loves to greet you and lick you. The only problem is when I am on my computer, she loves to sit in front of the keyboard and mouse so I can't work. Is she doing this just to annoy me? I ask because when I pick her up and hold her in bed, she purrs and purrs but only stays a couple minutes. She will sit in front of my keyboard all day long. I pick her up and put her down, but she jumps right back up. I have put her down like 50 times in a row before, but she still kept jumping back up. What can I do to stop this annoying behavior?

2007-11-20 02:59:56 · 9 answers · asked by McDudette 3

I buy diffrent flavors of the stuff to feed my 4 month old cats, but I don't know if the stuff Friskies contains is good for my cats. Please help.thanks.

2007-11-20 02:53:23 · 10 answers · asked by *Marie* 4

My landlord called and told me he'd be showing my apt. I was out today and unable to do some finishing up touches for an apartment showing like finish my dishes, pick my up dirty clothes, and clear my tables of papers. I told him it was messy but I am not around as much as a warning before he showed anyone "today". Another day would be different.

Anyway, he proceeded to ask me that if I was gone, "Do you still have your cat?"

I told him, "yes."

He said, "If you are not home I would like you to remove your cat from the building then."

I'm told him, "If I'm not home it be no more than a weekend visiting parents."

He told me, "Still, then you should get rid of your cat."

I can understand his concern that cats get naughty, but never once was I told, "You can have a cat UNLESS you decide to leave for the weekend."

2007-11-20 02:13:41 · 20 answers · asked by pizzagirl 3

I had to move my cats' food bowls and litter boxes because we're re-arranging everything in the house to make room for a new baby. It's not the first time I've moved the litter boxes, but it is the first time I've moved the food.

One of my cats, a 5 year old spayed female, has been freaking out ever since I moved her stuff. She still goes to where the food bowl used to be and cries for hours, she's been running all over the house top speed all fluffed up and being really mean to the other cat. I've shown her where the food and litter box are a dozen times and she's eaten and used the box, but she's still acting crazy.

I know it takes a while for cats to get used to changes in their environment, but it's been a week and she's still doing this. There's no possibility of putting everything back where it was because that room is going to be the baby's room. I'm going to go insane too if this doesn't stop soon. What can I do?

2007-11-20 01:09:23 · 9 answers · asked by Rachael 6

The house is similar to dog house but smaller made of cedar it is about 2 ft. by 2ft.6in. by 2ft. 6in. Electricity is easily accessible. We live on Long Island N.Y. it gets quite wet and cold here

2007-11-20 00:59:31 · 15 answers · asked by WoodcarverFrank 3

2007-11-19 23:49:16 · 41 answers · asked by t516j 1

My sisters cat goes in heat every 2-3 weeks, is this normal?

2007-11-19 22:24:29 · 10 answers · asked by Kerry K 6

My 2 Kittens have fleas. If I were to give the kittens away, how long would the fleas survive in my home without the kittens?

I am pretty sure that fleas have dropped off the kittens' backs into the cracks in my home.

It's proven difficult to keep two kittens. I just fear that the kittens even after treatment will become reinfected with the fleas, and I have a small child, and I don't want the fleas to endanger her.

2007-11-19 22:13:27 · 7 answers · asked by Janis S 1

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