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Cats - November 2007

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She was having ceizures this morning. She had a bout 5 in one hour. those stopped. and now she is walking into walls. and acting like she does not know where she is or what she is doing and all she wants to do is curl up next to the heater vent and sleep. do you know any possible causes of this? my dog did get a hold of her. she tried grabbing her by her neck. would that do it? please help i dont want my little kitten to die. she has not had a chance at life.

2007-11-18 13:49:18 · 7 answers · asked by Brittany 1

I have a cat and she gave birth to 6 beautiful kittens. (one died when birthing unfortunatly) Well its been 2 1/2 mounths and we just gave them all away recently. The mother cries every night and looks in every room in the house calling for them. Can cats be sad? it kills me when she does it, it just makes me miss the kittens even more. And i feel soooo sorry for giving them away, but it had to be done. How can i confort her and when will she realize her babies are gone and stop crying for them?

2007-11-18 13:42:52 · 5 answers · asked by icebreakersaychow 2

We got a 2 month old kitten yesterday and he has not eaten anything in over 24 hours. We bought the same food from the pet store that he is use to but doenst seem to want it. However he goes crazy when he smells our food. He has drank water and taken a few bowel movements and is acting normal otherwise. Should we be concerned?

2007-11-18 13:40:34 · 7 answers · asked by loosh22bg 2

This is not a question. I want to honor my beautiful 10 year old Calico, Sabrina, by telling you on this website that she died tonight. Just a while ago. She was very healthy so it was not illness that killed her. It was a car. She has NEVER gone out in the street but tonight something possessed her to do so and a car got her. She was the sweetest cat I ever had, a real lap cat to be sure. So please say a little prayer for her if you would so she makes it to kitty heaven and maybe I'll see her again some day.
Thank you.

2007-11-18 13:22:05 · 14 answers · asked by Kelly_from_Texas 5

I have to drive five hours on Tuesday and must take my cats with me as I'll be gone for several days. One of my cats gets motion sickness. I won't have time to take her to the vet. Do you know of anything that will help her during the drive?

2007-11-18 13:03:52 · 4 answers · asked by CakeOrDeath? 4

i want a tiny chihuahua for christmas, yet i dont want to get rid of my two male siamese cats. would they get along, or be total enemies?

2007-11-18 12:54:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-18 12:48:34 · 25 answers · asked by suzywong 4

2007-11-18 11:47:57 · 31 answers · asked by dazza 2

My cat has tapeworms from what I have researched and I am calling my vet tomorrow. What if they touch you or get on you can they go through your skin? I had one on me and did not know what it was til I saw one on my cat when she was laying beside me, I washed my hands and put alcohol on my hand as soon as it happened. From what I understand the only way a human can get a tapeworm is by ingesting a flea with a tapeworm. Can someone please answer my question?? We do not have fleas, but they like to eat bugs that come in from the outside, but my mom does visit me at my house could it have been possible a flea was brought in with her? I have a 15 month old daughter and this is gross so some advice would be nice please!

2007-11-18 11:31:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Obviously the first thing to do is to go the vet.

But, I'm looking for alternative methods to helping my kitty as well. I believe she has a urinary tract infection. She is a young, healthy, indoor cat (about two years old).

Lately, she has been (around every half an hour) getting into her litter box and squatting as if she was peeing, but nothing comes out. And she's continuing this routine often. Every few hours she does succeed in peeing (because she actually needs to)

Now, does this sound like a urinary tract infection? And do any of you know any home remedies for the problem? Someone suggested giving her some plain yogourt b/c of the yeast content.

Thank you!

2007-11-18 10:59:24 · 12 answers · asked by blurry_6_9 2

Long story short, there has been this male gray cat that has been hanging around my yard. He trusts me a lot. He takes food from my hand, comes to me when called and rubs against my leg. Now he is a stray. The other day me and my mom caught him in a crate so that we can get him vaccianated and neuteured. Now since we have released him he has not come back. Im afraid that he might not trust me again since we tricked him into getting in the crate...what do you think?...do you think he will come back...we do feed him

2007-11-18 10:20:40 · 13 answers · asked by XoFaithXo 3

I thought I would be able to get him to the vet to get frontline, so by the time his hair grew back, the fleas would be gone. I did this about 2 months ago. His hair is growing back slowly, he used to have a full tail, now he looks scraggly. Do you know how long it will take for his hair to grow back?

2007-11-18 10:09:36 · 26 answers · asked by sapphirephoenix83 1


My mother recently took in a stray cat and her kitten. She took them to the vet to get checked out and found out that the mother is a FIV carrier. The baby is still too young to be tested (he's around 8 weeks old). What exactly does this mean? All the vet did was hand us a pamphlet and told us that something "might" happen. Since she's a carrier does that mean she will be sick? What are the chances that the baby may be infected?

2007-11-18 10:00:12 · 9 answers · asked by siamsa_siamsa 5

Hey, this morning someone covered my cat in diesel or petrol... earlier his meow was very gurgled (as though he had been dunked in water)...
I washed him with very mild soap and he's dried off now (still a wee bit greasy with a strong smile), but he's eating and drinking, and is still cheeky enough to try and jump on the kitchen worktops in hunt of food (lol)
His meow has returned, but one eye is very sore looking, and although it can open fully, he seems to prefer squinting....
I don't necessarily think this is an emergency, and I dont want to have to bother my vet this late (11pm), and he's walking around very well, but any advice for the eye??

2007-11-18 09:59:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just found out my cat has intestinal worms. I really want to resolve this but the vet is closed on sunday and i must work monday. How can I comfort my cat until then? Should I give him a flea bath, would that help - since they most likely were caused by fleas?

ugh. must i request tomorrow off? 9:45 - 5:45 at macys. yet my clinic is 7 - 7 so if i hurried a little and had an appointment at 6.

2007-11-18 03:54:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello all...

I was attempting to let my male cat, Chumbuwumba listen to the song "Cats" on my i-pod, and when I was trying to put the ear buds into his ears, he went all crazy and scratched me repeatedly, digging his claws deep into my skin and drawing lots of blood. All I wanted to do was share an intimate moment with him, and he went pyscho on me. Is there an easier way? He doesn't seem to appreciate it when I just play it on the stereo for him--in fact, he seems insultingly disinterested. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

2007-11-18 03:33:38 · 10 answers · asked by MLA 6


ok last night he showed up limping his leg isnt swollen really just a little around his toes, so what do you think could be wrong with it? now keep in mind his a big baby and is probably making look worse than it really is but i dontno what could be wrong with it i felt it and all and it doesnt seem to be broken or anything so what should i do just leave him alone and see if it gets any better or what?

2007-11-18 03:29:20 · 4 answers · asked by Mrs T. 2009 4

I have 2 cats, one 22lb male, and a small female. They never go outside, well almost never. On one fast escape to the outdoors, I guess the big guypicked up a flea. Anyway, i was a bit lax on the flea meds and the little suckers took hold. When I discovered that they both had fleas, I started in with the flea meds (Frontline, the best kind I think), I also treated the house and got a "flea trap", which does actually catch fleas, though not in huge numbers. Anyway, the point is that while the little cat is good now, and I have kept it up with the meds, the big guy still has fleas. I will find them on him 2 days after I give the medicine. Is he too big for the meds to work well enough? Is there a BIG cat version? Or does the vet have some sort of ultra flea bomb? What should I do? I am getting really sick of this, and I know my poor cat must be misserable. Help!

2007-11-18 03:11:05 · 8 answers · asked by Kathleen S 2

We adopted a cat yesterday. He has been using the litterbox but he has been having diarhea and the poop smell stays in my room. What can I use to get rid of the smell, not just cover it up.

2007-11-18 02:17:13 · 19 answers · asked by kittenlova 3

okay some of you might have read my other question if not my cat is 8 months and he ALWAYS scratches on the cabinets and door he has destroyed them we have tried everyting we now of squirting with water ,putting scents on the doors and all that cats HATE , taking him to the scratching post which he has three if (wasted my money haha) I dotn know what else to do I am open to trying anything so suggest away please
and for those who did read my last one He STILL did after that bathroom incident :(

2007-11-17 20:56:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi there, I've been researching kitten food before picking up our new Ragdoll kitten in a few weeks. I keep hearing about Wellness Core or Innova Evo, are these the best & where do I find these? I want to feed her both dry & wet food. Thanks.

2007-11-17 20:29:45 · 5 answers · asked by JA 1

What is the biological reason cats purr? What part of their body produces the sound? Thanks

2007-11-17 16:57:14 · 9 answers · asked by Katja P 2

well i Just want to know and no my cat has nothing like this but to make sure.
could cats live a week if they swallowed a needle?
how do cats get liver failure?
how do they get flus?
what behavor should i watch for if something like these happen?

I like to be cautius about my cats but since i love sewing and if i accidently drop my box of needles and sometime i'm afraid abou tthis liver thing cause one of my cat stop eating but she finally have eaten she had a slight fever. and if anybody could tell me about all the answers so i could be a caution about this in the near future i'm also saving up a cat fund for my cats so if something terrible happen then i would know that i have some money for them.

2007-11-17 14:56:54 · 17 answers · asked by risaru@sbcglobal.net 1

My cats have fleas, I can't seem to get rid of them after shampooing. Would shaving them be drastic? I have no money for treatments...

2007-11-17 14:31:18 · 11 answers · asked by BIG LIZ 2

There is a cat in my neighborhood that has adopted me. It constantly hangs around my house and tries to get in. It has very patchy fur and is very lean. As much as I want to let it in, I already have a cat and I don't want her to get sick. I believe it may be my neighbors cat. The cat is sick. I have put a collar on it with a note stating to call me if this is your cat. Nobody has called.

I am contemplating putting another note on it stating I intend to turn it into the SPCA if nobody claims it.

What would you do in such a situation?

2007-11-17 13:52:37 · 15 answers · asked by smedrik 7

2007-11-17 13:38:36 · 30 answers · asked by mindyourownbusiness! 2

Just resently my cat went from being an outside cat ALWAYS to inside, and i thought that he would be healthier and loving life, but the past couple weeks he has been acting sickly, I took him into the vet for his cold like symtoms, (only aware of lumps by his neck and one on his tummy) and the vet said that the cold like sysmtoms could be anything due to the fact that he hasn't had his vaccinations. I mentioned lumps by neck & that he had one on his tummy, the vet rubbed his neck and didn't really say anything about it ( you know how you go in there for one thing thats all they care about) i asked if it was cancer & they sayed no, probably just from an old scratch or something, So they gave me ammoxiccilian & sent me on my way. Over the last week & a half he has gotten several different lumps in several different places including back, head more on tummy etc. & some have gotton bigger!! I called vet & she just said maybe fleas! But they are under skin and growing bigger! HELP!!

2007-11-17 13:33:56 · 14 answers · asked by Jaynee K 1

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