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Cats - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

2007-11-21 03:36:39 · 28 answers · asked by petite_cutelady 3

there is this stray cat that has lived around my house for several years, it had a kitten about 2 months ago, stupid me has been picking it up and feeding it today, it bit my finger not bad but a blood spot come, what should I do, do you think it could have rabies!

2007-11-21 03:33:59 · 12 answers · asked by Mydogsrcute 2

I have an ExoticShort Hair cat shes almost like a persian but a little different! Iv had her for 3 years and she was my everything! I want her back soooo badly but I dont know who took her I have tryed everything poster phone calls flyers! but nothing seems to work out my flyers ALWAYS comedown iv called the police and they didnt do anything! We went on vacation and then came back and she was gone! If anyone has any advice please let me know I cant help but feel like it was my fault but i know it wasnt.....=[

2007-11-21 03:02:24 · 11 answers · asked by mandypants 2

Ok so i've had this cat for 4 years and he was a rescue. He is about 12 years old. He's getting a little old and mean. He's never done it before. My boyfried put him outside last night but he is meowing so loud that i'm sure the neighbors are getting mad. What should i do????

2007-11-21 01:37:22 · 13 answers · asked by Glamaris 6

We are not sure if he scratched at a itch or something to hard, or if a dog got him or what, but he came in the other day with a cut on his neck and it was bleeding. The next day that side of his face was a little swollen, now it has lots of puss coming from it, some clear, some not. The swelling has gone down a lot. My hubby just got laid off so money is TIGHT, and as much as I don't want the cat to suffer, a trip to the vet is near impossible right now. Is their anything I can get at a store to put on it or anything I can do for him to help it heal faster? Like Kitty Neosporin or something of the nature? Thanks!

2007-11-21 01:31:53 · 12 answers · asked by ASH 6

i`m getting a kitten soon for my 10 yr old but we never had a cat before ,we did cat but it wasn`t my.So how?

2007-11-21 01:29:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My six month old male cat makes the craziest sounds, its so loud at night. At first i thought he was crying for a mate but he's been neutered and still does it. He doesn't sound in pain, just like he's talking! He's an indoor cat at the moment, do you think he wants to go outside?

2007-11-21 00:47:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cats have fleas and I have tried zodiac flea treatment and it didnt work.. I dont want all the chemicals is that stuff. Anything natural anybody can think of?

2007-11-21 00:43:57 · 6 answers · asked by caramellnvanillaaa 1

2007-11-20 23:57:36 · 13 answers · asked by petite_cutelady 3

There are two cats, a mother and daughter, letting us humans live in their household. The mother is probably about 4 to 4-1/2 years old--she adopted us as a stray just over three years ago. She's started to develop quite a pudge on her belly and has begun to have a fold of fat start to form in her lower abdominal area. I think we've stumbled upon an exercise she really likes that will help make her more active--chasing light from a laser penlight up and down the stairs--but I got to wondering, how can someone tell if their cat is too fat? And for those of us who have odd schedules and find it somewhat difficult to keep pets on a regular exercise schedule, is it OK to feed them just every other day? I guess this would be less of an issue if there were only one cat in the house, if it's advisable to lessen the cat's feeding schedule, but not being a veterinary expert, I figured I'd throw the question out here for discussion. Any other suggestions for exercises or toys for the cat?

2007-11-20 23:00:50 · 9 answers · asked by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com 6

About a 2 months ago i noticed that my maine coon cat had scabs spreading around his body and was loosing his lovely fur. I took him to the vets and they said he had flea bites but i knew he didnt have fleas as i treat both the house and the cat. They gave him some antibiotics, the scabs have gone but his fur does not seem to be growing back very quickly. Is there anything to help his fur grow or to help with conditioning? Thankyou

2007-11-20 21:53:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well ive been thinking where it grows abundantly because i need it for my cat and is there any catnip near Asia?

2007-11-20 21:49:51 · 4 answers · asked by Kā†ēŕĩńă 2

2007-11-20 17:51:32 · 6 answers · asked by AnnaMaria 7

my cat is 10 and i am wondering how much longer she'll live for. she doesn't look old at all...so i'm hoping she has a while :)

2007-11-20 17:47:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why would i cry more now than i did over it four years ago, and i also have tons of guilt, like i should have looked at shelters. i have no idea what happened to him and i always think the worst. I was not even the one who left the door open.

2007-11-20 16:51:57 · 8 answers · asked by xospoiledcupcake 1


My kitten was spayed yesterday and since coming home she has only eaten 2 or 3 small pieces of kitten chow. She is drinking water and peeing, but not eating or pooping. She won't eat canned food either. She is walking around and starting to play some. Also, her incision looks really good. But she has an upper respritory infection is on Clavamox for it. How long after surgery does it take for a cat to start eating again or is this related to the stuffy nose? Any suggestions or advice is great. I do plan to call the vet first thing in the morning.

2007-11-20 16:23:25 · 9 answers · asked by jilldaniel_wv 7

My 8 month old Kitty is sick. She has been throwing up everytime she drinks something. She has been sleeping and not feeling well all day.

I think she may have eaten a wasp...

Her vomit is tinted pink (blood?) and my vet is away for the holiday.There are only 2 vets in my town.

I called another vet and they said that it was hairballs (I do not believe this) I should try some mineral oil - which we did- and if I brought her in tonight, they would start to treat her for this immediately - I think it is more than this, but if I bring her to these people I dont think they will listen to me or take me seriously
Has anyone ever been through anything like this? Should I take her to the "hairball" vet (dont like them) or wait out the night and bring her to a different vet in the AM.

I am very worried and I cannot sleep.

2007-11-20 16:07:54 · 24 answers · asked by Nancy 1

She hisses at my husband whenever he picks her up. She bit him and drew blood the other night!
She's a total sweetheart to me....
This is the kitten my cat had back in Sept, that we were originally going to give away but decided to keep. I'm afraid my husband's going to tell me we need to give her away now, since she's "turning mean", as he calls it.
Could there be a reason she's freaking out on him?

2007-11-20 16:00:58 · 13 answers · asked by shellj_foxy 3

We have had a major flea problem in our house for about 3 weeks. The cat now is cured, but unfortunately the house wasn't. We got so sick of the fleas biting us that we finally invested in calling Orkin. The guy came and sprayed something all over the carpet and furniture. Can anyone tell me how long it takes for the fleas to be gone after the treatment, since I am still seeing fleas around? Thanks

2007-11-20 14:21:41 · 5 answers · asked by trumpeterny 2

i jus came home from work and snuffy didnt come to say hi like usual and i called him when he came over his eyes were closed my heart sank, then he opened his left eye but the right eye stayed closed and i noticed its puffy and gooey stuff on it like pink eye but it looks so much worse then a person pink eye. his eye isnt even his natural color its all white and like pink red and rolled to the side..im so scared he wont let me wipe it and his right arm fur is crunchy i guess from wipin his own eye.im confused cus he wasnt sick when i left for work 4hrs ago how can he jus get sick so fast..he has had like a stuffy nose for the past few days as do i maybe i gave him my cold idk..help i never took him to the vet not sure if his ever been seein that i got him 2months ago from my lil sis friend idk nothin about him really i jus didnt want him in the street so i took him in but i dont have money to take him to the vet??someone help!!! thank you

2007-11-20 14:06:09 · 11 answers · asked by curlyshorthair24 3

I found 2 kittens I think their mom died, I have been feeding them and handling them since they where born, one of the nudges my face and i dont know mutch about kittens I would like to know why?

2007-11-20 13:28:00 · 14 answers · asked by taniae123 1

Ok, so I just got a 10 month old maltese boy a few days ago.
I let him loose so he can meet my cat, who's a year old and they were okay with it at first. After a day, the dog would chase the cat and bark at it everytime he saw her.
My cat's terrified of the dog now, and the dog won't stop chasing and barking at my cat. My cat's now in a separate room because she's too scared to come out.
I was wondering how do make them become friends? If that's even possible.

2007-11-20 12:20:48 · 4 answers · asked by ilc85 1

2007-11-20 11:54:05 · 13 answers · asked by Robert C 1

My kitten is limping when he walks and he puts some pressure on it. any help would be greatly appreciated

2007-11-20 11:37:18 · 6 answers · asked by lorilee 1

If so, which one do I use?Does anybody know the side effects (if ever) of dog flea powders on cats?

2007-11-20 11:33:37 · 4 answers · asked by ^_^ 2

okay so my neighbors are extremely irresponsible, and their cat had kittens about 2 months ago. 3 outta the 4 kittens were caught by fellow neighbors and taken to the humane society, but there was still one left. i tried to catch that one by feeding it, since winter was coming, but i noticed she always used to just lay around.
i caught her now, she came to me this morning and shes in a nice cage in my room [well taken care of] and shes acting strange. shes very mean, but only when i pick her up. after shes in my arms, she cuddles and purrs, so i think shes just sick.

she has a very large, hard belly for her size, and she just lays around alot, shes not active like a normal cat. shes probably malnutritioned, since i feed her outside, but shes never had a home before. im gunna take her to the vet in a few weeks [there booked until then] but i was wondering if theres a chance she has worms etc. and if there gunna wanna put her to sleep when she goes. PLEASE HELP I LOVE THIS KITTEN.

2007-11-20 11:33:18 · 6 answers · asked by mcrxx725 2

i bought it on the 17th and i applied it exactly as it says on the package. its been at least 3 days now and my cat is still itching.the itching reduced a bit and i see dead fleas on his fur but there are still some that are alive.i have kept him indoors ever since i applied the frontline because there are fleas in the neighborhood as well as wild cats that are filled with fleas. oh and my cat rolls in the mud when he is outside,but i gave him a bath and put frontline on him and i haven't let him out since.i will not be able to keep him in the house forever ,which means after all the fleas on him are dead,i will be letting him out.

so what i want to know is will the frontline keep the fleas off him when he goes outside?and will the frontline still work if he rolls in mud?

2007-11-20 11:28:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Unfortunately i live in a neighborhood where ALOT of stray cats wander around. And the worse thing is they poop everywhere near my house and my neighbor's. I do try to chase them away before they can do it but unfortunately i cant keep track of it all the time. Now it reeks every where i go in my side of the neighborhood. Is the smell going to affect my health in any way?

2007-11-20 11:23:23 · 5 answers · asked by Davey M. 2

When we got our cat she was supposed to have been spayed. We had her for a year, and now she's in HEAT. She's over a year and a half old, so we were suprised she hadn't had a heat prior to this (having not been spayed). My husband and I are arguing because we can't get her in to the vet to be spayed until next week because of the holidays and our vet being booked up. My husband wants to keep her locked in our back utility room because she's peeing on things. I hate the smell of cat pee too, but I hate to keep her locked up all that time (she's already been in there for 3 days). She has access to her litterbox, food and fresh water, but I hate it. Every time we let her out she ends up peeing on something within a few minutes. We live in military housing, so this is a HUGE no no. What can I do?! I'd hate to leave her locked in there but I absolutely can't take her peeing everywhere (and all the yowling all night).
Help please!

2007-11-20 11:01:29 · 6 answers · asked by Miss Informed 5

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