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Cats - September 2007

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okay so i don't really know whats going on, but when i got home from school today my cat seemed to follow me everywhere and she meow at me every .02 seconds. It was getting really annoying and then she crawls on my lap and rolls around and rubs her face in my thighs and stuff. Sound cute eh? well not really, she jumped up on my lap like 2 minutes ago and then i felt my leg get wet and i look down and see there is like creamy white liquid comming out her end. It was actually disturbing, i almost puked it was so gross. Well now i just want her to stay away from me and she won't I closed my door and she keeps clawing at it. What was this liquid she secreted? and how do i make her get away from me!? i dont think shes in heat? cuz i put her outside and she like climbs the door to get back in

2007-09-04 15:01:19 · 6 answers · asked by markp9114 2

MY cat got hit by a car, and it is at the vet now, but at first when I saw my cat on the road, there was a pool of blood, and the cat was screaming in pain, the car ran over it'stomache! I am really worried right now, what can I do?

2007-09-04 14:48:45 · 9 answers · asked by lizzy 2

Actually ther're kittens their 41/2 months. We got them 3 months ago and their outside cats but were going to put them inside for winter. We have a 2 story house and we have a landing and i was wondering if you have had a cat or dog while having a landing. Did they try to jump off? Did you have to put something their so they dont fall off/jump off. Their heads are small enough to go through.

2007-09-04 14:35:47 · 5 answers · asked by Pretty in Pink <3 3

i was in a hurry and i accidently bought her dog food, is it ok if i feed her it jus this once? it says it's made w/organic chicken.....

2007-09-04 14:24:42 · 16 answers · asked by una ragazza siciliana 6

I have a cat who is a little over 5 years old. My parents chose to have her declawed when she was a younger, and I don't agree with it. I was wondering if theres anything to make her feel more natural, or do something to get her to have her nails back. Silly question, but you never know what's out there

2007-09-04 14:22:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My vet just put my cat on this dry food. Does it work and does it cover all of the nutritional needs she may have?


2007-09-04 13:17:07 · 7 answers · asked by ms33 2

I saved my cat from the wilds of the outside about 2 weeks ago, she's only about 5-6 months old. She's very plump all of a sudden. She has no sign of nipples yet. Do you think she's pregnant?

2007-09-04 13:11:11 · 9 answers · asked by shadow9668 2

2007-09-04 13:01:09 · 5 answers · asked by debbie 4

when i go on vacation i leave my cat at a pet hotel. i dropped her off there 2 weeks ago, and she was FINE! i picked her up and she is sick! i cant leave her there any more! so what do i do when i want to go on vacation? i cant bring her with me! what do i do now? there are no good cat hotels in my area!

2007-09-04 13:01:09 · 10 answers · asked by [blahh] ™ 5

I rescued a cute little stray, the vet didn't realize she was pregnant (maybe to early to say) and gave her vaccinations. I hope the kittens will be fine, since I heard they can be born premature or with brain damage. She is already 45 days pregnant and she looks really good and big. Please let me know if you had a similar experience or some advice.

2007-09-04 12:47:35 · 4 answers · asked by Ambra 3

I have 2 male cats, and I'm not sure which one it is. I thought if I had them neutered, they wouldn't ever spray, but one of them is. My son's closet and hamper is the preferred target. I don't want to get rid of them, butif they don't stop, I'll have to! Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!

2007-09-04 12:10:28 · 14 answers · asked by ladyscootr 5

I've been reading about raccoons and rabies and something I read led me to believe it may not be full proof. My friend has been feeding a small raccoon, and by his description the raccoon is almost unable to walk and has siezures, this sounds like rabies to me. He also feeds the neighborhood cat, his next door neighbor takes this cat to the vet for health problems, in for his shots, and gives it a flea treatment, but no one owns him. I understand that rabies is transferred via saliva and you should wash your hands after handling an animal you suspect of contacting rabies. I'm sure when the raccoon is done eating out of the bowl that the neighborhood cat looks for food there himself, as this is the normal place for him to be fed. I am trying to tell my friend he is making a big mistake allowing this sick wild animal to be around, the neighborhood cat could get attacked defending his turf. My friend has a soft heart for all animals. Is a rabies vaccine full proof in a cat? Cat at risk?

2007-09-04 12:08:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have four cats, and they are all indoors cats. they keep getting those ugly little worms around their anuses and in their stool.. they have been dewormed a few times. how do you get rid of them for good?

2007-09-04 11:52:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

because , this today i saw this black and white adult cat i think its one of my neighbors cat . keep coming to my house and even staying on my yard. but the point is that the darn cat stretched me on my left arm its hurts badly that i was bleeding . so i dont really know if the cat has owner or just a straight one doesnt have a collar or a tag on. i do have a cat too but she never harm me she is friendly to everybody. but this big cat blk with white wouldnt go way i tried to use a boomstick or water hose to scared the cat but it didnt even worked. just the cat started grr at me like mean way.

2007-09-04 11:43:31 · 5 answers · asked by statecalifornia2009 7

I adopted a 12 week old kitten 2 weeks ago and noticed his rear paws have an issue. One pad on each paw is all raw and had been bleeding. Now, kitty-litter is stuck to those pads on each paw and when I attempt to remove the litter, the pad starts bleeding again. The kitten doesn't seem to notice it at all, but I am concerned that this is going to turn to a bigger issue if I leave alone. And I am not sure if I should put anti-biotic oitnment on them. Or should I change to the fine-sand clumping litter? I am using the regular clay litter.

2007-09-04 11:15:35 · 10 answers · asked by Mike D 1

We live in a nasty area, guns and drugs and violent crime so I don't know many of my neighbours and I just want to keep to myself. But there is this young cat who just appeared recently. I try to throw food to her but she's scared (which is good, I don't want to encourage her to trust people in this neighbourhood) but also it means I can't get near her. How can I know if she's stray and needs to be taken in and cared for or if I should leave her alone?

2007-09-04 11:12:24 · 15 answers · asked by Loralei 2

i want to know everything you know . what the eat , when should she get fixed , how long they live , ect ect .
thank you !!

2007-09-04 10:24:54 · 6 answers · asked by ms.thingg 2

she has always been healthy frisky cat .indoors and out but not at night.sunday she stayed out all night monday she slept alot seemed ok.we had some errands to do when we got back she was hiding under the bed .came out to say good night but has been there most of the day today.we dont find cuts,bumps.not throwing up or anything like that just acting weird not herself at all.

2007-09-04 10:19:46 · 7 answers · asked by ravenswing57 1

ok i have this 3 year old female gry striped cat
named lynx
and she has been having a cough and kinda a choke for a couple days. its like shes trying to hack something up but she cant. i thought she has been hving a hairball from licking her self so much so every da now i brush her loose hair off and she still have a gag. please help. is there somthing i can give her like butter to stop it? thank you.

2007-09-04 09:39:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do cats or kittens respond or is angered, calmed, or has a reaction to music?

2007-09-04 09:30:41 · 15 answers · asked by seanlikeschickens 1

2007-09-04 08:50:16 · 10 answers · asked by Megan N 1

My cat is about 15 yrs old and has come back form being in kennels a week ago and has been coughing quite badly ever since. She sounds quit congested and seems to cough more when she moves fast or run. Its a kind of violent rasping/hacking sound. Does anyone have any ideas what i can do for her or what this might be. I have thought it mite be some kind of kennel cough but its her congestion thats worrying me a bit.
Any advice would b greatly appreciated.

2007-09-04 08:29:27 · 9 answers · asked by tigertiger987 1

Someone told me that Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys were better for your cat because it offers better nutritional value.

It's more expensive, but I will buy it for my cat if it really is better for him...

Can anyone shed any light on this?

2007-09-04 07:55:39 · 7 answers · asked by Tina 4

Hi, my wife and I have 2 cats, about 5-6 months old and every morning they meow at our door starting at 6:30 (give or take) which corresponds to the time that I get up for work in the morning during the week. We would just leave the door open, but they're still too young and rambunctious to allow into the room while we're sleeping. We also have neighbors underneath us (we have an upstairs apartment) and though they haven't said anything I'm concerned that they may be able to hear them through the floor.
I feel bad, it's obvious that they just want to be in the same room as us, but I just don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice? I really appreciate any advice you can give.

2007-09-04 05:36:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My female cat uses the litter box about about ten times a day.
I don't understand why she has to go so much and I'm going to have to start cleaning the litter box out twice a day. She eats a can of Fancy Feast (the expensive kind) and I keep a bowl full of dry food and water full for her. She isn't fat. And she complains every morning until I give her the Fancy Feast. She never finishes the dry food but she does drink her water. Does anyone know if I'm feeding her too much. As I said, she isn't fat at all. I just think that using the box so much is a little strange. Let me know what you think, please.

2007-09-04 05:29:18 · 18 answers · asked by Stephen W 2

Last week, on a tight budget, we took our kitten to the vet. She had earmites. We've been treating her with drops. Now within the past few days, both of us have noticed that we are developing circular sores on our arms, chest, and one on my back. they are circular and the skin in the middle of them is somewhat scaley. Does anyone know what this could be or if(hopefully) it could be the earmites? Please help me!

2007-09-04 05:16:10 · 8 answers · asked by mattluke_2000 1

My family have recently got a rescue cat and she doesn't seem to think much of my brother sometimes. Sometimes she will sit by him quite happily and other times she takes one look at him then scrams. Why does she do this and how can I persuade her my brother doesn't mean her any harm?

2007-09-04 04:51:59 · 1 answers · asked by angel_on_earth55 1

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