I was lying in bed, dog at my side, cat by my head, and started to stroke the cat, (six year old short hair, second day of having him from the ASPCA) and he did his usual head-butts of love. He laid back down, so I started to scratch my dog, (13 year old, chihuahua/boston terrier mix, had her since she was 8 weeks old) and my cat got PISSED! He meowed very loudly repeatedly, and ran up to me and bit my cheek, I tried to calm him down and he charged me again, swiping at me. I stood up, and stared him down while voicing my disapproval of his actions. He just kept meowing loudly, then he just clicked back to his normal happy purring self. Almost like he had some kind of Bi-polar episode or something.
Cat is male, dog is female. Was this just an extreme jealousy snap or what?
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