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Cats - August 2007

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Its found on the underside "chin" like..the mouth/jaw, pointy part. Some of the black stuff is attatched to her hair and some appears to be down at the skin. If I hold her still and rub at it a bit some of it comes off. She doesnt appear to be in any pain when the area if touched. Again, shes an indoor cat, thanks

2007-08-25 07:48:45 · 8 answers · asked by nightgirlie1958 2

My 8 week old kitten loves to bite and scratch at me and my fiance all the time! Is there a trick to help her be more less aggressive with us?

2007-08-25 07:13:33 · 10 answers · asked by ~Brig~ 1

My cat is spooky, but friendly and lovable.

2007-08-25 06:39:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it sounds dumb but I am bored. And I kind of would like to know what colors would look best on them. One of them is a grey and white kitten with blue slanty eyes, there is a link to a pic below..


But her eyes are really blue, they just look greyish-green in that pic. Now the other one, I don't have a picture of him, but he looks like this:


Except he has green color around his pupil and has and orange belly.

Thank you for your opinion!

2007-08-25 06:27:31 · 8 answers · asked by Jeszie 2

My cat just had kittens 4 weeks ago, I'm feeding them replacement milk and they are half way weaned. The mom cat's been missing for four days. She has never left when she has kittens to care for. I hope shell come back. She's had 6 litters in the past year and 9 months. Also the longest she has ever stayed gone was a day in a half at the most. She is six years old and I've lived here at the house for six so she knows where she lives. She's an outdoor/indoor cat. Do you think she'll be back, or is it a loss hope?

2007-08-25 06:15:23 · 16 answers · asked by amandab 2

I'm so annoyed with my cat. He only started doing this recently too. He will not drink water unless it's fresh and it's in a martini glass (I swear to God). I think he likes the martini glass because it's propped up a little bit higher than his regular water bowl, and because it's tapered so that he can drink every last drop as easily as the first. The thing is that he won't drink from either bowl (the water bowl on the floor by the food bowl) or the martini water glass unless it's fresh, and ice cold (from my Brita filter container that I keep in the fridge). If it sits there for more than half a day I'll catch him drinking water from the toilet instead, which is disgusting because I sleep next to him at night and I don't want to sleep next something that smells like something I got rid of earlier that day, if you know what I mean. In general I keep the toilet seat closed, and when he can't get to that water he'll whine and whine and cry until I give him new water. Advice?

2007-08-25 05:41:43 · 9 answers · asked by Michelle B 3

2007-08-25 05:37:49 · 5 answers · asked by Abby T 1

The wound is on her neck. She has had a cone on frontward and backward, gauze dressing and low stick paper tape around her neck, and her nails have been clipped. But she still manages to scratch and open up the wound again. She is on antibiotics and I think the vet is beside herself too. This is the 3rd week since her surgery.

2007-08-25 05:14:16 · 4 answers · asked by Nicole 4

that if a cat has babies

all the yellow/orange "tiger" cats are male

is this true?

or just a myth??

2007-08-25 05:12:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This sweet cat has been sorely abused, i have taken her to the vet and have spent several hundred on her now and still see no major improvment. She seems to eat only if i spoon it down her throat or syrgine feed her, which is the only way she gets any water, and if she jumps she has to shake her head hard. It looks very painful. The vet seemed very sure she did not have ear mites or fleas. I know she dosent have fleas but the stuff coming out her ears is not only gross but I am very concerend she does have the ear mites and the debris was so much the vet didnt see it. Has anyone seen something like this before? Or know what i can do to help her? I am out of money and do not want a shelter to put her down. Please help. Thanks!

2007-08-25 04:51:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im driving across the country, about 2500 miles actually,
I have two cats that will be coming with me. what is the best way to take care of this, as far as keeping them safe and letting them make use of a toilet?

2007-08-25 04:47:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

and the shop just got a 7 week old kitten. We were playing with it and on of the workers told me that someone offered him $300 for it bc it was a 3 colored male.. the cat is black, white, and grey. Are three colored males rare?

2007-08-25 04:12:45 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3

It's not explosive diarrhea because he casually walks to the litter box and goes. Doesn't seem to bother him at all. I haven't changed his food or anything in the house. The other two cats seem fine. The vet doesn't seem worried. Should I be?

2007-08-25 04:11:21 · 6 answers · asked by Leigh Ann 3

I really want to know your answers. Just opinions. What do you think of a people who would, for money, lie to see to it that a woman who was poor but loved her child, had that child taken from her forever, and for money, cut her off from family that she loved. And then when she got a little cat and invested in him some of the love she had reserved for her baby, killed the little cat in front of her so that she would have a nervous breakdown and never be able to tell the truth. This is a true story. I would be interested in knowing your opinions of a people like that.

I am that mother. This happened to me. I am not complaining. I want to hear from you.

2007-08-25 04:01:14 · 6 answers · asked by Mercy 6

okay. what kind of cats is this??? http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Curious-Cat-Posters_i2036338_.htm

me and my friend are at my other friends house and she has those kind of kittens. and they are sooo cute. but me and her want to know what kind of cat she is. thanks! =]

2007-08-25 03:57:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

August 25th (today) they are turning 3. I am at my dad's house today (my cats are at my mom's) and I won't get to see them today and I'll feel really bad. What can I do to make them have a great birthday without being there?

2007-08-25 03:43:32 · 13 answers · asked by caramello563 3

i have a cat that is is scared to go to the vet and we do not want to be rasponsabal if somthing happed to the vet wat do me and my mom do to stop my cat from herting some 1 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2007-08-25 03:33:15 · 9 answers · asked by alexis 1

She is just laying still on the table and other places and bearly moves, she hasnt eaten anything as far as i know. Her eys are usually a bright green, and now they are a dull cloudy green. She looks like she had a stroke. Is there anything i can do to make sure she wont die if she is?

2007-08-25 03:24:07 · 16 answers · asked by Audi 1

I cant bring it in b/c my family has allergies. I have an outside barn, will a cat like that? It's big, like a bedroom. I have alot of stuff in there. It smells like gas, and if i keep the cat there for the cold nights, will it be ok? Or will the smell make it sick? It's very warm and cozy in there.

2007-08-25 03:20:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 13 year old girl and I want a pet...(i'm in 3rd year high school now)

I prefer cats because sometimes I am busy with school work...
the only problem is...

I don't know how to take care of them properly...

could you please give me kinds of cats and how to take care of them...

thanks in advance...Ü ^_^

(sorry for the bad grammar...)

2007-08-25 03:19:48 · 8 answers · asked by aririkashirin 2

2007-08-25 02:45:35 · 3 answers · asked by roger b 1

I have Grown Up with and always have Had INDOOR only cats -
I thought this cat would be the same , But I am wondering if it is Cruel to make him stay inside and Look out the door and cry to Get out .
He's Breaking My Heart -
Still i Want to Stay strong - Cause my vet has always told us that there is too Much Disease and danger outside - its ok to Make them stay in.

I would love to hear Your thoughts on this one!

2007-08-25 02:45:24 · 21 answers · asked by Kymburlee B 2

I am getting my daughter a cat next week. I am not an animal person, so I need some good advice.

What is the best cat litter to buy?
What is the best cat (kitten) food to buy?
How often do you have to bath your cat and what is the best shampoo to use for your cat?
Which would be better, male or female cat?
And what about toys and sleeping bed for the cat?

This will be an inside only cat.

Please feel free to add any additional information that may be helpful. Since I don't like cats, but I am trying to be positive for my daughter, I want to start things out right.

2007-08-25 02:45:08 · 12 answers · asked by Sapphire 4

Mine is so ferocious the vet has to sedate him, trim his syringes (claws), and the report is marked ("Danger! Danger! Will bite! very aggressive!"
I'm a proud pop.

2007-08-25 01:37:59 · 11 answers · asked by quillologist 5

My 2 cats (just turning 1 year old) have been free fed since I got them (Innova Evo dry; one of them loves wet food but gets diahrrea/vomiting every time he eats any kind of wet food, so that is out). I want to get them off free feeding because they aren't kittens any more and one of them looks like he is getting way too fat because he seems to not be able to control himself and is constantly nibbling (the other appears to be a normal weight). Is only feeding them twice a day cruel? I tried taking their food last night and only putting it out this morning and then taking it again after about 20 minutes. Neither of them really ate much of it. They now frequently go back where the food dish was and look at it forlornly and meow. Are they eventually going to get used to eating what they need to eat at their meal times? Any other advice to make this easier for them?

2007-08-25 00:49:13 · 3 answers · asked by JDH 2

I let my 18month old cat out during the day. She usualy runs up to me when i arive home, though last night she didnt come home which was strange for her. This morning i found her on the back deck covered in kerosence and bleading from her vigina.I've washed her and got most off though i think she will need another bath tomorrow to make sure. She is still bleeding from her vigina though. Do you think its a coincidance and shes on heat? Or could it be caused by the kero? I havnt a clue how she got the kero over her. She is also refusing to eat or drink and is moving slow and acting dopy. When she is usually a playful thing. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow. Any information or advice would help thank you.

2007-08-25 00:41:58 · 6 answers · asked by miloved_2 1

My neibours cats always come into my house!! I don't mind if they're in my garden, but they always come in and my friend is alergic!! What shall i do to keep them out? it's summer so i dont wanna keep the doors closed either in the kitchen (that leads to the yard).

2007-08-24 22:32:02 · 7 answers · asked by My Best Friend is an emo! 2

I mean, I know thats when you know they have roundworms but does it mean that they're totally full of them and its at an extremly dangeous stage?

2007-08-24 21:17:47 · 9 answers · asked by B♥B♥ 2

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