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Cats - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

Ok Can some one give at least 1-2 paragraphs about how cats interact with humans? go 2 this link 2 c y i ask: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Av3QIV_MzMCj4CMGuo8yWUjsy6IX?qid=20070123184253AAfkrxo

2007-01-25 13:34:43 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

my family just found out that we have a wild tom cat that likes to eat our cat food. the problem is, we have two other cats, females. they are fixed but we are afraid that it is keeping our cats from eating. one of our cats doesn't really care, she was in the garage when we found the tom, but our other cat is a lot more timid and is scared of the tom, and we're afraid he's beating her up. is there anyway we can get rid of the tom without harming our other cats? (making them house cats won't work, one because my mom is allergic, and two is because they spray everywhere)

2007-01-25 13:33:55 · 4 answers · asked by smart_blonde92 2

Here are some good reasons why you shouldn't. If you love your cat keep them inside ALWAYS.


2007-01-25 13:33:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Callie, is about 8-9months old, they lady whom we got her from "said" she had her shots... we've had her about 4months. she was very playful at first.. with in the last week, she is acting strange... she barely meows anymore, if you go to pet her--u get HANDFULS of hair-it's sooo bad i can see cat hair floating in the air... and she will not come out of her room.. she either sits or lies next to were her food is... she is eating-but is losing weight. anyone have a serious reply they could give me, i would truly appreicate.. and also her back legs are kinda bent in, she is walking kinda different...

2007-01-25 13:18:08 · 22 answers · asked by Kristy 2

2007-01-25 13:10:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so if cat whiskers aid in a cat judging the size of a passageway and stuff like that....what happens in a case where the cat has HUGE whishers. I have a 10 month old kitten with whiskers that are bigger on each side than my bigger adult cats whiskers are in total....does this mean she will be a big kitty(she is normal right now) or is this a breed trait? She also has VERY long hair in her ears and quite long fur(especially on her tail).

2007-01-25 13:07:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 12:59:29 · 6 answers · asked by nate s 1

I have a year old male cat and he has lumps on his belly and he is fixed. So I took him to the vet and she said it is a cats love handles. Do you think thats what it is??? She told me to put him on a diet. I am really scared something is wrong with him.

2007-01-25 12:52:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat doesnt really exercise... she has an episode once a week where she starts running around like crazy but thats about it.

2007-01-25 12:41:30 · 4 answers · asked by LaLaLaa♥ 5

I have a ferret who is 4 years old. It seems like her hair is thining && it doesn't seem to be like she is losing chucks of hair. It's just like it is happening gradually. I just wanted to know ..if it is normal. I dont want her being sick

2007-01-25 12:36:05 · 2 answers · asked by xolifes2sh0rtox 1

Annabelle is a prissy cat, her favorite color is pink. She has her own room which is decorated classy and drinks out of a martini glass. I am wanting to monogram her placemat for her birthday but without a middle name I can't do that. Help!

My favorite name will win best answer!

2007-01-25 12:35:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I accidently tripped over my cat while i was walking towards the trash can, i didnt hit her too hard but i pushed her away and she looked at me with her ears back for a few seconds and went to hide in her box. What should i do to get her to trust me again :( ?

2007-01-25 12:29:08 · 8 answers · asked by Radojka B 2

I know that it's normal for cats to shed, but he's a one and a half year old tabby, and his hair is EVERYWHERE! I don't know if this is so normal, but I've never had a cat who sheds as much as he does. Does anyone have any suggestions on to what I can do to make him shed less? He's not overly stressed or anything, and it's the middle of winter - is he okay?

2007-01-25 12:27:21 · 12 answers · asked by Euralalya 5

i always want a pet cat. and always have one but soon will die.. they just all lasted a year and then they'll left me. i wanna have a pet that lasted for many years. and i guess it has something to do with my way of caring the pet. could you help me?

2007-01-25 12:22:31 · 7 answers · asked by vade 1

My sister's cat was peacefully asleep, and that's when it happened. suddenly, he started running all over the place, and when my sis tried to touch him, he meowed in a loud screeching tone. Then he started spitting p white vomit. He continued to growl and my sister just gave him some water- the thing is, will he drink it? I know he isn't dehidrated, he gets PLENTY of water a day. earlier he drank most of what was still in the bowl- and it's a BIG bowl. WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BABY???!

He loves cupcakes, we give him then all the time, but he always goes on w/ his regular rutine. today he stole part of mine, and he was fine. i think he drank the water..... im not sure. i have to go check on him.


2007-01-25 12:22:02 · 19 answers · asked by Paris 2

she eats all day. she'll eat anything and everything. she eats my older cats food. she'll sneak on the table or counter if your not looking and steal food, she knocks over and gets into the garbage. then she begs for food all day. i normally feed them again because my older cat didn't get any but then she just eats her food again. she is already heavier than the older cat. she definitely gets enough food and gets more attention than any other cat in the world.

2007-01-25 12:07:57 · 8 answers · asked by anonymous 6

My cat,Bella, needs to get rid of fleas. Do you know where i can go to get them removed for a cheap and reasonable price?

2007-01-25 11:25:26 · 10 answers · asked by lizzy 1

My two kittens have been sneezing and one has a little eye discharge (it's NOT yellow or green). They're running around and playing fine. Do they have a cold? If so, what do I do? Could it be allergies? I've had them a week and they didn't seem sick when I got them. I do have two other cats, but they're in good health.

2007-01-25 11:12:44 · 13 answers · asked by Isla14 2

My 6 yr old daughter spends a lot of time with a older woman down the street, who is sort of an adopted grandmother we will call Helen(all biological grandparents are deceased). Helen loves cats, way too many cats, the back yard has a huge pen that connects to the house, so there may be a dozen or more cats in the house at times. When I go over there, and walk into the house, I am hit with this real thick 'cat smelling' air, sort of a cross between the litter box smell and cat food smell. I am concerned about the health of my daughter when she is over there for several hours at a time, and she tells me she is used to the smell and it does not bother her. I like the fact my daughter has this friendship, but not at the expense of her health. My wife does not seem to be as concerned about this as I. I keep telling Helen to get an air filter, what kind would be of the most use? I will ask the same of our vet.

Any comments are appreciated

2007-01-25 11:08:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think my cat found a male cat a couple nights ago. She was in heat then. She still acts like she is in heat -- but could be pregnant from her recent outing?

2007-01-25 11:03:33 · 5 answers · asked by B.E. 1

2007-01-25 10:55:30 · 17 answers · asked by Rachel T. 2

I would like to purchase a rag doll cat

2007-01-25 10:54:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, my cat is a feral cat(or was a feral kitten when we found him) and he was bad at first but now he's nice. But now that it's winter he doesn't go out much(this is his first winter) and for some reason he cries a lot near the windows and the doors now. It sounds sometimes that he's in pain when he goes into these crying/howling phases. Not only that, but this cat has been showing up a lot more around my backyard. Before, when I first got him, this cat used to bully my cat and what not but now they seem to be hanging out a lot more and everytime i try getting my cat back inside, the other cat runs off and my cat follows suit. Why has my cat become this way? He never used to cry before but now he cries almost everyday, as if he wants to go outside with this other cat.

2007-01-25 10:33:06 · 17 answers · asked by omegachosen 1

i was chewing a mint gum and my cat was laying on my belly then he smelled my breath and he went crazy i took it out of my mouth and let him smell it and he wanted to eat it! i didntt let him but yeah i didnt know cats liked mint and i've always had cats.

2007-01-25 10:27:03 · 9 answers · asked by littlelady 2

2007-01-25 10:23:03 · 10 answers · asked by saau2003 3

Okay I moved from portland to Gorham with my aunt and on firdays and week ends i go back to portland with my mom and also all my school vacas well i have a kitten and i love her and i dont know if i should bring her back and forth what will happen will it mess her up in a bad way i mean i love her and i dont want to leave her but i dont know what it could do to her with being her back and forth on weekends and vacas

2007-01-25 10:20:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 10:04:07 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont want to wait till it has kiitens to find out if it is male or female

2007-01-25 10:02:53 · 8 answers · asked by manda l 5

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