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Cats - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

2006-12-16 06:15:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

That up and coming breed that is large and exotic, and according to the breeder I met at a pet market today has Chinese Leopard Cat in the mix. If the info I'm going on is current, I think it's only in it's 4th/5th generation of being domesticated, but she swore they are great pets whereas I can swear I've heard otherwise about all the exotic cat "breeds"
So what's the truth? I'd preffer answers to be from personal experience and not what you've researched on the web, because most of what you read is mostly opinion passed as fact. In other words, if you've owned on or had close contact with a bengal, feel free to share, but if you haven't and have only heard the hype *good or bad, it's still just hype* please, hold your tongue.

2006-12-16 06:14:34 · 3 answers · asked by mandy 3

This cat showed up a few weeks ago and he was clean and friendly. Just a few days ago he showed up again and was dirty, and he has just gotten dirtier. He doesnt seem to be grooming himself, and now is salivating a lot. He feels hot. He is still friendly and still has an appetite, and he's still drinking water.

2006-12-16 05:54:52 · 11 answers · asked by sbronte1991 1

used pepper and silver foil with my other cats which worked a treat no joy this time round and its driving me crazy.

2006-12-16 05:46:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in a busy apartment, lots of people come in and out-the cats seem to sense when my brother is coming, right before he enters-they hear other people come in and out, they dont react to them-is it due to sense of smell?

2006-12-16 05:30:14 · 12 answers · asked by Eric S 2

I have a 3 month Old KItten That Likes to Bite and Scratch other people But at night see loves loving But when shes playing she tends to bite my other cat or me Plz help! thanks

2006-12-16 04:59:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-16 04:32:23 · 19 answers · asked by krazykitten31@verizon.net 2

i have noticed that my cats craps a lot like 2 loads a day sometimes more. i mean she just went to the vet last week and is free of any worms but she just likes crapping a lot i guess and she dosent have diahrrea or anything. does anyone know how many times do cats go to the restroom in a day?

2006-12-16 04:21:46 · 15 answers · asked by skibunny 1

2006-12-16 04:17:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell me now

2006-12-16 04:06:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is much to say about the Iraq War but I believe that if Saddam did 9/11 then we need to go and give those people a new life and let them know that they are loved by others and we support them and want them to be free.
THey now have freedom and can do elections and speak out. we made this for them and rumsfeld chose it when he decided to go to war.
If he chose to go to war why cant we choose to support him?
Those people did 9/11 and saddam needs to be taken out of power!!!

2006-12-16 03:37:48 · 4 answers · asked by Macy O 1

hi i have a pet cat aged 3 and just lately she has started biting and chasing her tail.she is an indoor cat as i live near a busy road but she has plenty toye etc to amuse her and i have another cat to keep each other company .i have checked for fleas and worms and she is clean and clear .people are telling me its like a dog it can be a sign of madness.its quite funny watching her but i am a little bit concerned now has anyone else experienced this with their cat to

2006-12-16 03:30:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

You can read about it in the news section of todays Yahoo.

2006-12-16 03:23:31 · 2 answers · asked by raisenet 5

We have a 14wk old cat who is quite comfortable inside the home. But to keep her stimulated I have started taking her outside. The first time it was scary for her but now when i take her outside she is more confident but likes to go in the bushes. My only problem is that i spend an hour trying to catch her once shes in them. I am lucky so far she has not jumped the fence or anything but I want her to be able to go outside and then come back in. When i take her in her carrier she acts frozen and scared and i tried the leash and she has a hatefull look in her eyes when i pick her up and to bring her back in or make her stay away from the bushes because i know i wont be able to catch her.

1-How will my cat even know how to come back to the house if i let her venture outside. Im confused how cats come and sit by the door where they live after they have been out all day. I mean will my cat do that how does one even know?

I know my cat will find MANY OTHER CAT FRIENDS but how

2006-12-16 03:19:29 · 13 answers · asked by skibunny 1

What could be on a surface that cats get on such as a kitchen counter?

2006-12-16 03:09:02 · 7 answers · asked by ibscotte 1

I have an old christmas tree stand and a live tree there is some rust in the bottom of the tree stand and my cats and dog drink from it even when they have plenty of water... is this bad, can they get tetnis from it?

2006-12-16 03:06:05 · 4 answers · asked by *STAR* 3

Z has about 7 spots on her back of ringworm that is basically healed (it has been like 12 weeks)...the hair has grown back, but ust not really long yet. You can still see under the fur and the skin is a little more pink than the regular skin...is this normal? I am keeping her away from the other cats becasue of these pink spots, but if they are ust scars, i might ust call the battle and say i won and let her out!!

Scars or not??

2006-12-16 03:01:46 · 2 answers · asked by stephasoris 4

Yeah I saw mushed up food come out of her mouth. As she was was done spitting up all of her food she started to eat it again. Why would she do that she knows there is food and water in her dish if she's hungry. Is my cat sick? What should I do?

2006-12-16 02:56:44 · 5 answers · asked by Loaha 2

i have tried all kinds of treats and when i go to give garfield a treat all he does is beg for attention. wants to petted instead. shouldn't he want treats? i like to reward him for good things he does.

2006-12-16 02:34:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 5 year old male cat. We recently moved in with my girlfriend and her male labrador retiever. After about a month the cat started peeing on the bed and furniture. How do I stop this behavior?

2006-12-16 02:03:50 · 14 answers · asked by krupsk 5

This cat needs a name. He's yellow with srips, and has a white chest. He's a male cat from h#@!#$%%##! How can I keep him from digging in my plant's?

2006-12-16 02:02:09 · 10 answers · asked by Gatorsfan 1

I have 3 cat boys , but one of them its just a little devil , very smart but very independent in his actions, when ever he doesnt get food when he wants then he is pissing in the kitchen sink , dont get me wrong that i dont feed them , I DO !! and enough , hard food is there non stop and 3 times a day soft one. So usually he does it in the middle of the night when i sleep or when we are away from home too long. I really tryed everything, i put him with his nouse in there , i spray him with water, and i can see the little bastard understand its wrong and that i hate it but still he does it, because after he does it and i just give him a look about what he just did he runs out and look guilty , or other times he just give that bad look like he did it in purpose.
Any other suggestions ??

2006-12-16 01:47:10 · 22 answers · asked by AlinaU 3

He's rescue cat and been attacked constantly by other cat.

2006-12-16 01:39:46 · 25 answers · asked by JCT 1

I was told by a lady that cats have a disease (still trying to research this so-called disease), that can eat up a woman's uterus.
I've never, ever heard about this. If you happen to have any information on this, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thanks in advance!

2006-12-16 01:17:25 · 12 answers · asked by sunny 3

I am going 2 get a kitten soon....wot name shall I call it???....its a female kitten....black & white

2006-12-16 01:16:46 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this really old cat named Simon, he's 19 in human years and about 95 in cat years. When ever he stands up, he meows really loudly, or if he wakes up he will, or for no reason at all. He'll just walk around meowing this really painful meow. Is this normal for an old cat? Or is there something wrong with him? Help!

2006-12-16 01:14:34 · 5 answers · asked by auf wiedersehen 2

I always hang out with my kitty and everything! like all the time! and he still wants more attention! what do I do.. *i am writing this with my cat on my lap trying to lick my EYEBALL!* HELLP!!!!!

2006-12-16 01:10:19 · 11 answers · asked by bicker12 1


I got a new cat but I do not live in a neighborhood I live near a neighborhood. I have a feild & some woods behind. Can my new cat find his way home? I leave food on the patio will he remember where it was? HELP!!!!

2006-12-16 01:00:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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