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Cats - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

My cats only attack the tree when I'm sleeping. They climb in it to take off the ornaments.

2006-12-23 07:32:42 · 11 answers · asked by amanda J 1

It's gotta be more than just furballs. What can i do? I'm so busy, I can hardly keep up with the cleaning. She's been doing this awhile, but since she's started she's caught a bad case of fleas (Which I cured) which left her badly scarred for a while, and she's also suffered nerve damage from a really powerful flea collar (Which i hadn't made her wera before and will not make her wera again). What's really going on here?

2006-12-23 07:27:16 · 16 answers · asked by Soundjata 5

2006-12-23 07:25:13 · 5 answers · asked by alyelgarhy 1

How do you get cat urien out of kittens fur? We just rescued 2 kittens from a horrible home where they kept the kittens in a box and the peed all over there selves all the time. We've washed them 4 times and we just got them last week. Can someone please help!!!! They stink so bad!!

2006-12-23 06:48:06 · 7 answers · asked by Melissa J 2

She gets really hyper with the pills and the drops. I am afraid to try anything else. Any hints?

2006-12-23 06:34:58 · 11 answers · asked by Connie K 2

I heard that if you cut off a cats whiskers it would go crazy or something... I would NEVER do that I was just wondering if it was true and if it is why?

2006-12-23 06:34:52 · 23 answers · asked by Lissa 2

I just brought home a new kitten, and she was a little scared by the new surroundings, and disappeared BEHIND THE WALLS in the basement, into a crawl space I didn't know existed, through an opening I didn't know existed. (I just moved into this house a couple months ago.) I'm really worried, because she appeared to be very vocal before, and I haven't heard a sound since then. I can't see where she is, and I am wondering what else might be back in that space. I just don't want her to get hurt! I tried using food to entice her to come out, and toys (her favorite ball from her previous home, plus one of those "feather-on-a-string" thingys), Then I opened a can of tuna to see if the scent would lure her out. I don't know if she's hurt, trapped, can't find her way back through the space, or is just hiding out. Any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

2006-12-23 06:29:50 · 14 answers · asked by Natalie K 2

my cat is stuck in a house for sale he has been in there for over a day now he has no food or water without it he will die the door has on a pad lock the back door is lock as well as the garage doodr we have called everyone the police fire deparment the operator realter animal control no one can help the real esate agent is not answering the phone the left window ups stairs is open but there is a screen on it in oreder to get to my cat i will have to brake the screen but that would be considerd breaking an entrie so wat do i do help my cat could die without water he is still a baby please help wat if ur cat was in this kind of sitiution please help me soon if you are a cat love

2006-12-23 06:23:56 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

The thing is i found a bit of fir on my bumper i was going to put it in the envelope is this wrong

Please help

2006-12-23 06:22:20 · 38 answers · asked by ozzysheeplover 3

my cat is an Australian Mist. I just wanna know how much it costs.

Cause someone said it's very expansive. And some other person said it's normal pprice.
I'm confused.

2006-12-23 06:08:43 · 3 answers · asked by makemyday 1

Or is it hard on them if they come in a warm house and have to be taken outside that's really cold? Or do they adapt.

2006-12-23 05:56:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 05:49:30 · 9 answers · asked by Avenue 1

I was going to feed it and i did and i was walking away from its bowl and it meowed and hit me...then i was about to leave and i was walking towards the door and it meowed, hit me, and bit me. Every time I go over there it meows and hits me and tries to bite me and now it bit me really hard and broke the skin a little bit...why is this happening and what should I do about the bite??? And i forgot to say its owners are away and im bleeding..

2006-12-23 05:44:49 · 5 answers · asked by Cassidy S 1

We have two other male cats as well as the sick male cat, he is 7 yrs old and he is always hiding from the other cats and he is now refusing to eat and drink water, he will eat the can food for me but maybe 1to 2 tablespoons for me at a time. But he will not drink water I have tried forcing him with it with a syringe, he keeps fighting me. Please tell me what I can do he won't let anybody come neat him except me. He has not drink any water in 3 days and today I started forcing him with water. He is really weak and I did sperate him from the other cats. If their is food supplements I willing to try. I don't have enough money to take him to the animal hosiptal please give me some suggestions. Thank you fro any help. Sheila Baker

2006-12-23 05:41:36 · 5 answers · asked by donald b 1



2006-12-23 05:23:30 · 20 answers · asked by pets 1

I adopted a six year old male cat last December. For 6 months he was perfect, urinated and pooped in the cat box. Then after six months he began to poop on the carpeting in the living room. I don't understand what happened. I clean his box every day. I don't have any other pet in the house so he can't be jealous. I have two cat boxes in the house for him. One in the utility room, the other is on carpeting outside the bathroom in the hallway. It's the one in the utility room that he uses to urinate all the time. He sometime uses the one outside the bathroom to poop, and sometimes he uses the one in the utility room to poop, but most of the time he poops in the living room, not always in the same spot. Does anyone have any ideas that can help me?

2006-12-23 05:20:44 · 9 answers · asked by vetrow 1

I have a jacuzzi tub in my room, there's no door because it's not in the bathroom. It's kind of like a dressing room area. Anyway the cat is about 3 months old and it thinks it's a big kitty litter I guess. Is there any thing I can spray it down with or do I just have to live with it? He does go in his box but if my door is open he will run in there and go straight for the tub! Thank goodness those are the only two places he goes.

2006-12-23 05:14:09 · 11 answers · asked by Ms. Nita 3

Pet injury?
my kitten fell off the kitchen table onto a carpeted floor. she is hiking up her hind leg, and crying on occasion, she will sit on my lap, lay on her side that appears injured and still purrs. how would i spot a break? i am concerned taking her to a vet if it may not be a broken bone because of how expensive a visit can be (plus she has no shots, indoor cat). Is there anything i can look for to spot a potentially dangerous (and painful) problem?

Additional Details

0 seconds ago
OK Update.
Took her to the vet and it turns out the leg was in fact broken...she is now in a splint and we are going to have to return once a week for about 5 weeks and have a new splint put on along with x-rays. She is so uncomfortable, she is crying constantly with the splint being bigger then she is!!! I'm concerned, will this effect her emotionally, is there anything i can do to help her out at this point?

2006-12-23 05:04:03 · 10 answers · asked by spazbam 1

2006-12-23 04:46:38 · 10 answers · asked by dodge_22 1

2006-12-23 04:45:49 · 7 answers · asked by dodge_22 1

i see my kitten stalking me when im just randomly doing things like im watching tv in the game room and from the corner of my eye i will see my kitten stalking me coming down the hallway she tip toes towards me and when i make i contact with her she stops in her tracks and sits down still staring at me and the when i look away she starts stalking me like im a prey again and when she finally does make it all the way up to me she just looks and starts doing her own things, like today i was eating she was sitting in the doorway down the hall staring at me before she started stalking me again. its creepy why does she do this, her eyes get this freaky look in them when she does it and in my heart i get scared for real

2006-12-23 04:42:33 · 15 answers · asked by skibunny 1

My cat has been doing what I would call dry heaving. (At first I thought he just had a hairball, but the problem is persisting.) My room-mate says to just give him a Pepcid AC to coat his stomach-but I feel this is dangerous. If he doesn't get better by Monday, I'm going to take him to the vet. In the meantime, I'd like to know if there's anything that would help.

2006-12-23 04:34:44 · 18 answers · asked by nunya 3

I have a 1-yr-old cat who has alwasy been known for his easy temperment and relaxed nature. Well, the last day or so he has been acting like he's been on speed! He races around the house, jumps from couch to couch and acts real spooked. I'm worried about him because nothing has changed in our home, despite the holidays and everything things have been the same. He's not getting into catnip either. How can this be stopped? I want my old cat back!

2006-12-23 04:23:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my younger sister is getting a kitten 4 christmas and we are trying to think of a name for an orange cat.
do you know any?
(it can be male or female)

2006-12-23 04:18:38 · 30 answers · asked by kc 2

He has a hard time getting in the litter box...is there somthing like a diaper that could work?

2006-12-23 04:17:07 · 8 answers · asked by Cyndi C 1

It seems impossible.


2006-12-23 03:28:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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