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Cats - November 2006

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Eight years ago i lost my best and only friend, Katy. She was the greatest cat i could ever have hoped to have. She asked me for so little, and the one thing she asked me was to be with me when she died, but i couldn't even do that for her. She got stuck somewhere and a week later she stumbled home. We took her to the vet and they said she would be fine. The night we were supposed to take her home the vet asked us to let Katy spend one more night so they could run more tests, my parents agreed. I had been holding Katy and when i went to put her in the cage she tried her best to hold on to me, and she had always been just fine in cages before, call it silly, my imagination, or whatever, but i know she wanted to come home with me. The next morning we got a phone call telling us that Katy had died. She gave me so much over those years, love, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, everything i didn't get from those at school When i see how much my bird hates me it makes me miss her more why

2006-11-18 14:15:07 · 18 answers · asked by Andy 3

my 5 month old male kitten keeps using my quilt to wee on.and my female 7 moth kittn using behind the toliet. they both use the litter box and go outside via the cat flap which is always ope. its driving me mad. i am fed up with washing quilts and disenfecting behind the loo. i now close the bathroom door but if i forget trouble starts.please help.

2006-11-18 13:54:27 · 13 answers · asked by flashtwinkle 1

I have a beautiful navy comforter that my cats love to sleep on all day. Is there a way to prevent all their hair from sticking to it?

2006-11-18 13:44:09 · 15 answers · asked by bethatsea 2

died this morning, what could have caused this for it to die out of the blue like that from just seeing the vet the day before..

2006-11-18 13:23:35 · 6 answers · asked by Crystal 1

My cat takes food in her mouth runs to the liveing room spits it out then eats it. HELP! What can I do.

2006-11-18 13:22:09 · 15 answers · asked by Calby 3

HOw can I get rid of cat pee on a matress? Without having to get a new one?

2006-11-18 13:21:46 · 9 answers · asked by z_ballerina15 3

My cat (1.5 yr old female) was sick last week (throwing up, would not eat) but seems a bit better now (is eating normally, drinking and using litter box) but is still sleeping alot and won't play with the other cats (2) in the house anymore. They used to play together alot and she didn't sleep nearly as much as them. She used to love sitting on the windowsill and looking out and now all she does is sleep. She has also stopped sleeping on my bed at night and will only sleep on top of a bag on the floor. Do you think this is just cause she's getting older or that she is still sick with something? Anyone experienced anything like this before? I miss my cute, friendly kitty :(

2006-11-18 13:06:12 · 4 answers · asked by ln 1

2006-11-18 12:49:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-18 12:49:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

we thought it was becouse of the other cat and him wrestiling but sence we got rid of the other cat the sores stillhavent healed and he wont leave them alone we would take him to the vet but we have just moved and there isent one neer by all there is, is emergency vet hospitals but it isent so sever to go there

2006-11-18 12:34:12 · 7 answers · asked by Hannah D 1

2006-11-18 12:25:01 · 19 answers · asked by lady diva 2002 2

I have a cat who is about 2 yrs. old and she came home with a big old scratch on her eye which had made it start bleeding and gunky and junk like that the same not she got a really bad cold what do I do. Does the cold have something to do with the eye scratch?

2006-11-18 12:21:26 · 13 answers · asked by anomanous 2

I've recently set up a website aimed at getting some kitties that live on the street near my place into homes. It has live streaming video of the kitties needing homes at night, and my kitties in the day. For awhile I was getting a good response, but now it's quietened down, and I need to figure out how to get it happening again! Ideas?? It's for a good cause...I"m paying for the desexing, vaccinations, aids & FelV testing etc.... the site is http://www.kittiesinthehood.com
I have already adopted 8 myself, and really need help with the other 12!

2006-11-18 12:12:46 · 17 answers · asked by Phoenix 1

Im tired of her dirty mouth, bottom, and paws.

2006-11-18 11:52:31 · 5 answers · asked by LaHoma 2

My cat is eight years old and often when I pick him up under his arms he gets upset. Ypu know how a cat gets cranky from you teasing it and, he is like that when I pick him up.Also he is never jumping up on my bed to sleep at the foot of my bed.
Does he have arthritis ?????

2006-11-18 11:40:45 · 8 answers · asked by xpseth 2

i have heard that some get more doscile and others may freak out, or began to act strange. I am thinking about but i want to know if this is true.

2006-11-18 11:38:09 · 18 answers · asked by Donna B 2

I last asked a question about how to treat my kitty's ears for ear mite. (read my last question if you would like to get more information) Well I treated them like people had suggested, and now on one of his ears, at the tips, it lookes irritated and sore. What should I do about that. The package says to use for 7 to 10 days. Should I continue the treatment? Did I do it wrong. Thanks for any information.

2006-11-18 11:31:47 · 6 answers · asked by samantha 4

Isn't it wonderful to be a cat owner. If we lose one we seem to get another and another to love.

2006-11-18 11:31:44 · 19 answers · asked by Hedicat 3

he had a check up recently and there is nothing phys wrong with him... was perfect while using littertray .now he pees and poos outdoors but occasionaly 1-3times a week pees or poos in doors. i have a little 2 year old child so i need to get it sorted asap.
he keeps peeing by front door mostly. one morning i found 2 poos in my living room on my sofa, i had to already get rid of a sofa as he coninual peed on it.. dont know wat else to do, he spends lot of time out durring the day but doesnt go anywhere... any advice much appreciated

2006-11-18 11:29:46 · 10 answers · asked by emma c 1

My sister's cat just had kittens and my partner and I will be adopting one. My sister's partner said on the phone he couldn't tell the difference between boys and girls. Wouldn't it be much like a dog? Having either a penis or a 'vulva'?
We want a boy so what should we look for?

2006-11-18 11:29:24 · 5 answers · asked by montanasamra 1

Ok heres the deal.....
I have an outside cat she's about 1 year old...
She's not fixed and I think she may be pregnant. Does anyone know how I can find out if shes pregnant? without going to the vet... warning signs or anything else???
She's getting fatter and I think that may be the problem. Or if you dont know any warning signs do you know a good website that could help me pleaz?
anyone with exsperiance with cat pregnancy pleaz help me find out if she's pregnant or not...
Thank you all so much, I love this website it's a big help in my times of need.

2006-11-18 11:15:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriends cat has just turned 21 (4th nov) and doesnt have ne signs of old age. she been de-wormed and de-flea... she hasnt had injections for a while.. she doesnt go outside and hasnt done for past 4/5 years. she looks like a little kitten.. she is the size of a 14mth old cat. the questions are what the signs of old age? is 21 old for a cat?

NB* she hasnt had injections because boyfriend feels that the shock of injection would kill her.. she has all the medication she needs via drops. so before you ask she is getting all the right stuff, the vet told me injections are mainly for older cats.

2006-11-18 11:13:22 · 18 answers · asked by sarah p 3

my cat got outside, she was in heat i heard that if a cat has sex when its in heat it will defanitly get pregnant now i know its a chance but is it defanite? and how do u know if your cats pregnant how long are they pregnant for?

2006-11-18 11:12:54 · 6 answers · asked by tanya 1

I think she owns like 35 maybe more. I am tired of this. She lets them hang all around her trailor. A few of them have been hit by cars. My mom told her she shouldn't be aloud to have that many but she wont listen. What can we do about all these cats?

2006-11-18 11:02:21 · 19 answers · asked by J 2

My family just recently adopted a rather fluffy cat.
He was found wandering the streets when the adoption center found him.
I'm just really curious as to what breed he is...not that I care at all, I'm just curious.

Things about him you notice right away:
His pink nose
His VERY fluffy satiny fur that is like heaven to pet
he changes between moods quite often,
he can be super affectionate and lovey for a second,
and the next second he is like RAWR i'm going to eat you!!
and he darts around alot like he's being chased.
he is lazy sometimes and looks out the window alot.

here's two pictures of him:


thanks so much!

2006-11-18 10:54:15 · 14 answers · asked by Jo 1

My 4 year old black and white cat Tom, knocks over any cup, glass, or drinking vessel with water in it and spills it!

He refuses to drink water from his bowl. So anytime I go to the bathroom, he runs after me and jumps in the tub and meows for me to turn on the fawcet for him so he can have fresh water.

Why won't he just drink water out of a bowl like normal cats?

2006-11-18 10:53:09 · 20 answers · asked by Agent99 5

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