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Cats - November 2006

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I have two cats and they seem to get into everything imaginable. Last year I put up my tree and they tore the bottom half of it to shreds, all the ornaments had to go on the top half. Please tell me anything that you have tried or heard of to keep them completely away from the tree. Keeping them out of the room is not an option. Thanks!!

2006-11-19 12:00:38 · 7 answers · asked by Stacy 2

he is 8 years old, hes suffered with it twice now,i would like to here from other people who have had similar,and what they do to keep cat well thank you would be grateful for any advice

2006-11-19 11:58:57 · 12 answers · asked by bluerose123 2

they are all girls & they were born on oct 23.the mother cat has it too but not as badly.she is a great mom cleans them all the time but i do notice after i clean there little faces with a damp warm cloth,it's there again after awhile.is this normal for kittens this age?if they need a vet visit i wuld really like to know.any help wuld be really appreciated.thanks alot.
ang w.

2006-11-19 11:55:19 · 5 answers · asked by angela w 1

How many?
My 5 month old kitty is walking around on me, trying to help me type and chasing the arrow around the screen. lol.
It's cute but kinda annoying at the same time.

2006-11-19 11:52:38 · 19 answers · asked by real_sweetheart_76 5

because it really stinks! dont ask me how i know that. with what should i clean it with?

2006-11-19 11:33:12 · 24 answers · asked by victor y 3

We have two kittens age 6 1/2 and 8 1/2 months. We have only had them since September 1st.

We have a very small house. We would like a cut tree, but know they will attack it.

Any suggestions?

2006-11-19 11:16:07 · 28 answers · asked by Hedicat 3

My cat twinkie is the baby cat. And he gets along with honey the middle cat but dosnt with anniebell the oldest cat. Everytime anibell comes in twinkie runs over to her and pounces all over her and wont let go, unless i go over there and make him let go. Annibell didnt even do anything she just sits there until twinkie comes...

2006-11-19 11:07:22 · 8 answers · asked by x55xm 1

I have been feeding three feral cats outside for the past several months. They were originally left there by their mother when they were kittens. I tried to catch them, but couldn't. Now they're about 6 or 7 months old. I love these guys like they were my own kids. They've become friendly and playful, and I named them all. Now, I have to part with some of them, and it breaks my heart. If I leave them running wild in my back yard, the females will get pregnant and have litters all over the place. Not only that, but they could easily get run over or injured in some way. Thank God they haven't so far. There are some very cruel people in this world
who like to torture animals for the fun of it, and I have some real jerks for neighbors. I want to find these little guys a place to live, without them ending up being euthanized or confined to a small cage for the rest of their lives. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Sick answers will be reported.

2006-11-19 10:47:25 · 15 answers · asked by Road Trip 3

I recently moved and all the sudden my indoor cat has been getting scabs on her back and head. I've checked her for fleas and she doesn't have them. I really worried about her especially sinceshe seems to be getting them more frequently and they seem to be getting worse. I can't really afford to go to a vet and I need to know what's wrong with her.

2006-11-19 10:26:29 · 15 answers · asked by Kelly 2

my kitten who is 2 months old is a beautiful cat but she loves to bite i don't know if this regular of a kitten her age or what??i don't know ways to scold her because she's so cute if i tell her no i don't want to hit her i just want to know a way to scold her without hurting her i don't know if it's because she's teething but her biting is crazy!

2006-11-19 10:08:19 · 20 answers · asked by flyinghigh006 3

Well I have 3 dogs and 1 cat.I tryed to tell my mom that my cat mite need a kitten friend to play with when we are out shoping.I wanted a new kitten sense early August.My mom said no,but if I got one and took it home she what forget about the answer no.I have been saying to her all the positive things about getting a kitten but she still says no.My aunt just got 2 new kittens and let me tell you that makes me want a kitten more each day!Should I have a long talk to her about getting one or just sneak one in and why?Also is it better to own 2 kittens then just 1?Thanx!

2006-11-19 09:40:56 · 16 answers · asked by ♥PolkaSpotPrincess♥ 3

2006-11-19 09:40:51 · 13 answers · asked by Heather 1

2006-11-19 09:23:27 · 11 answers · asked by sherry s 1

Did you laugh just a little:)

Politically Correct Terms For Cat Owners:
My cat does not barf hairballs he is a floor/rug redecorator
My cat does not break things she helps gravity do its job
My cat does not fear dogs they are merely sprint practice tools
My cat does not gobble she eats with alacrity
My cat does not scratch he is a furniture/rug/skin ventilator
My cat does not yowl he is singing off-key
My cat is not a "shedding machine" she is a hair relocation stylist
My cat is not a "treat-seeking missile" she enjoys the proximity of food
My cat is not a bed hog he is a mattress appreciator
My cat is not a chatterbox she is advising me on what to do next
My cat is not a dope addict she is catnip appreciative
My cat is not a lap fungus he is bed selective
My cat is not a pest she is attention deprived
My cat is not a ruthless hunter she is a wildlife control expert
My cat is not evil she is badness enhanced
My cat is not fat he is mass enhanced
My cat is not hydrophobic she has an inability to appreciate moisture
My cat is not lazy he is motivationally challenged
My cat is not underfoot she is leading me to my next destination (the food dish!)

2006-11-19 09:17:30 · 15 answers · asked by Goldylocks 5

he has always been aggresive i was warned before i got him.
ive had him since he was 8weeks old i got him from a friend who didnt want him scratching her 4 year old daughter.
he is now a year old and he has been neutered.

he is nice and cuddley one second purring, then he just bites or scratches.

sometimes he pounces on me from out of nowhere while im watching tv or on the phone.

my friends dont like to come round to mine that often because he goes for them too.

i have started spraying him with a water bottle when i see him getting ready.
i dont do anything to encorage him to attack me.

how can i stop this behaviour?
i cant afford those pherimone plug ins.

2006-11-19 09:16:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

We got a 2nd cat this morning. He's a sweet guy, but pretty frightened.

He's set up with his bed, food, litter box, toys, etc, in our bathroom for the moment, so is relatively undisturbed by our first cat. He doesn't object to being petted; nary a hiss or anything, but he's in hiding every time we go in there.

Food and litter remain untouched.

The food is the dry stuff he's used to eating, a bit of high-quality canned, and some treats; it's not like he's been thrown entirely new stuff -- the dry is even in his old bowl.

Any thoughts?

2006-11-19 08:51:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our new neighbors have 4 kittens or cats (im not sure)
and every time we open the garage door they go in and wont leave. every time we get near a door they race and wants to go in.

2006-11-19 08:50:07 · 16 answers · asked by DeViLeD 2

my parents went out of town im alone and they forgot to buy the cat food. wat other foods that humans eat can he eat? plzz help his been really weak. thanks

2006-11-19 08:48:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-19 08:42:23 · 15 answers · asked by sullenseraph 1

We have a 3 year old male cat, and have an adoption pending on another male approxamtley the same age.

2006-11-19 08:25:26 · 4 answers · asked by debra 3

just seeing if anyone knows the answer to this, without going on about x and y chromosomes

2006-11-19 08:23:16 · 9 answers · asked by Lou Lou 2


My cat keeps sneezing or coughing (if a cat can cough) constantly now she's even foaming at the mouth. Her breathing sounds horrable aswell. And when she eats she throws ups. What could be wrong with her? It's been constant for a whole week now. Will she need to be put down? I can't afford the vet. I'm just wondering if she might be contagious to my other cats or will she get better. also she pregnant.

2006-11-19 07:59:16 · 12 answers · asked by Gina Wina 1

At my church i saw two TINNNNY kittens and two big ones. I tryed to catch the kittens,with out luck! I realy want to catch,and spay and neuter these kittens before they get to old and become afraid of humans. ANY suggestions on how to catch these kittens? There is a dumpster that i have seen them eat out of and a creek nearbye. They run in the woods but the "woods" are not big and i can see everything in the woods. I also see the kittens run in holes and tunels. PLEASE HELP! thanks:)

2006-11-19 07:51:21 · 7 answers · asked by Chiclacrosse 3

Is it ok if I don't do anything and just let her .. manifest? My mum doesn't allow me to bring her a tomcat but I think she's suffering. Will this make her ill?

2006-11-19 07:36:09 · 22 answers · asked by Tess 1

she has been seen by a vet and given antibiotics and a paste to line the stomach with friendly bacteria but with no change .

2006-11-19 07:35:07 · 19 answers · asked by liz31171 1

she has six toes on two of her paws, bleeding heavily in the vaginal area, limping, quiet,sleepy, unsocialble, tender and very inbred

2006-11-19 07:34:54 · 12 answers · asked by cat coo coo 1

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