I work at a vet clinic, and while we had a relief vet this week, she mentioned that at a behavior seminar she had attended, they said that with aggressive female dogs, spaying can make the problem worse because the estrogen isn't there to mediate the testosterone put out by the adrenal glands. I have been looking this up on the internet and have found conflicting information. I was wondering if anyone here had seen this/heard about it? Before anyone gets on their soap box, I'm not suggesting people not spay and neuter their pets, and I'm not suggesting aggressive pets be allowed to breed and pass on this temperament. And dont' insult my intelligence by telling me that that spaying/neutering FIXES aggression- I'm educated, and I work in a vet clinic, I have seen MANY aggressive dogs and cats that have been spayed/neutered, and aren't the tiniest fraction better after. I'm simply asking if anyone has seen the problem get WORSE in female dogs who already have aggression.
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