I have 2 pit bulls and 1 german shepard mix, i have had the german shepard mix for about 3 yrs which is a female.. I have had my female pit for about 1/12 yrs and my male pit for about 1 month.
my pit and german shepard never had problems before, they are both females , both had puppies before and were always fine around each other, now,
my german shepard had puppies again about 2 wks ago, and since she had puppies and since we got our male pit , they keep fighting each other, i don't know if it is because of the puppies or if it is because of the new dog, but he doesn't fight, he just watches while they are fighting.
we try to keep them separted as much as we can but sometimes they get together and are just fine with each other but other times they fight
i would like to know what we can do, or maybe what the problem could be,?
if u have ever had this problem before then please tell me your experience and how u solved it?
7 answers
asked by
regina p