my cat sleeps on my chest too, also he: chases his tail, plays fetch, carries things around in his mouth, sits on top the tvs and leans his head over to watch.. no joke. He also wraps his paws around your hand so it looks like he's huging your hand, and he never uses his claws while doing it. He also can sense kinda when someone is hurt, and he'll lick whatever it is. (headache-licks forhead, cut on thumb/crushed thumb in a door-licks thumb,etc.).
I lie down and put a twizzler in my mouth, and he'll eat the other end up to my lips like in the lady in the tramp(just a lot more chewing and a lot more time haha!). He also sleeps on his back and sits up like a human.
He also pees in the sink and the toilet, and likes taking baths with me. Also, If I'm in the shower he'll sit on the edge and like try deflecting the water to splash on me. He's quite a handful, and my shadow! He's quite peculiar, yet I love him more than anything! ♥
2006-09-22 08:33:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am not a back sleeper, so my cat will sometimes sleep on my hip. Mostly she sleeps between my feet or above my head. My other cat likes to nuzzle my face while I'm reading. As for your cat staring at the crucifix, there must be something about the way it looks that interests her.
2006-09-22 08:39:12
answer #2
answered by OrianasMom 3
Oogerbooger lets out a shriek, and runs the length of the house with his head down and his tail arched, but mostly down, bouncing off the walls and anything else in his way, then comes back into the room with this innocent "huh? did something happen?" look on his face. His name is really Baby and he's a 2 yr old siamese, but oogerbooger fits him even better, because he's more than just a booger!
2006-09-22 09:01:09
answer #3
answered by Baby'sMom 7
I have 3 male cats. One of them likes to give the other 2 a bath around their face. All 3 of my cats came from different places so they are not from the same litter. I've always wondered why this one cat like to do that......
2006-09-22 08:37:20
answer #4
answered by ravred300 2
My female....I've dubbed her a "dilute calico retriever". I can take play mice and toss them underneath the entertainment center. It appears she has a compulsion to keep things out in the open because she will shoot underneath the entertainment center and army crawl to get every single one out. And this can go on for a while. She'll be getting tired and not want to play anymore, but if I throw even one under there, she's right under there after it. It's hilarious.
My male is a sneaky bugger with food. We have to keep bread in the cupboard because if we don't, he'll get on top of the fridge and tear into the bag. He'll only take a few nibbles, then leave the bread to get stale. Last week, he knocked a box of Cheeze-It's down, opened the box, and started rutting around for cheesey crackers. And last night, he got on top of the fridge and OPENED a plastic container which held cider doughnut husband discovered him happily munching away on one on the kitchen floor.
My female doesn't like other animals sitting by the patio door. It's HER spot. When my brother had his dogs over, they both kept getting claws in their rear ends every time they tried to go to the door to look outside.
My male is like a dog. He enjoys belly rubs, intense ear scratches (even shakes his back leg if you hit the right spot), drinks from the toilet, watches tv, eats anything, sleeps all sprawled out on his back, and drools.
2006-09-22 08:35:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I have a cat named Lilypot..because I found her as a newborn in my mom's hothouse underneath some clay pots. She sits on a post outside my kitchen window and puts her paws up against the and get me! All I have to do is turn on the outside light and she hops down. It has become a game with her. Never had a cat so loving. But then, never raised one from a newborn. My Lilypot!
2006-09-22 08:39:11
answer #6
answered by Shar 6
I Have 2 , brother & sister , an I notice that when one is Lying down an the other walks by they trip each other up .. lol I just chalk it to being Brother & Sister.
The Brother Monte , he likes to wake me up at 6am by licking my eyelids .. not funny after the 100th time on a saturday Morning (LOL) .. an Jynx his sister .. she likes to Hop up on the Bed an paw at my husband leg hair .. I just dont get my cats .. but they are too cute !!
2006-09-22 08:38:17
answer #7
answered by lilredhead 6
my cat sleeps longways on the back half of my pillow-she is a pillow hog. Most of the time I end up sleeping with no pillow. She is a tortoise and weighs about 20 lbs. My hubby thinks it's ridiculous that I let her but I am a sucker what can I say-love the story of yours-that is cute! -LOL
2006-09-22 09:07:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
One of my cats lays on her back and looks up at me, waiting for me to pet her, so I do. Whenever I walk into a room where she is she does the same thing. Other times she will sit up along with one of my other cats and beg for food. I feed them everyday at the same time.
2006-09-24 00:50:06
answer #9
answered by spiritcavegrl 7
My one cat can sit up like a person that's sitting down and loves pompoms. When she gets hold of a pompom she walks around the house with it in her mouth and then drops it on the ground and meows for you to throw it-just like you play fetch with a dog.
2006-09-22 08:34:43
answer #10
answered by Horse crazy 4