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Health - 7 April 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

My grandmother had an operation for diverticulitis in late 2005 and again in early 2006. She had been fine mentally before this, but ever since, she has been very forgetful: forgetting to take her medications, when she eats, misplacing things, and she has a preoccupation with needing to have bowel movements. She's always complaining of not feeling well, especially right before we're ready to take her somewhere. She has a car, but drives it less and less even up to our home for dinner and she lives right in town. She hardly goes out of her house. My gram's short-term memory is just terrible anymore. My mom is the only one in the area who takes care of her and is getting frustrated. My uncle lives 2 hours away, rarely comes in, and only calls my gram once a week. She was supposed to have an MRI done, but cancelled, and it's difficult to get her to go to the doctor. She sees nothing wrong and gets upset when you think something is. Could this possibly be the start of dementia?

2007-04-07 05:50:31 · 3 answers · asked by niceguy 2 in Women's Health

how come whenever i get hot i sweat & smell no matter how mush perfume & deordorent(anti prespernt) i put on??
ALSO HOW COME my feet smell and so does um my pubic areas please help me i take a bath & wash my clothes daily but still.

2007-04-07 05:43:34 · 7 answers · asked by harmony h. 1 in Women's Health

Or reduce the chance of getting it? I read a book about it and now im scared.

2007-04-07 05:38:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

I really need help :(

2007-04-07 05:35:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

if i drink 1 litre of vodka a week.. usually most of it on friday and saturday nights and maybe 1 drink each night am i an alcoholoic ???

2007-04-07 05:31:19 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine


Stair Master


Stationary Bike

Elliptical Machine

I'm looking to both drop some fat (not necessarily weight, just fat) and to build up my muscel tone. So which is best for each of my goals.

Thanks all!!! :-)

2007-04-07 05:30:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

i'm trying to figure out how i just woke up late and i'm eating down my breakfast because i need to read and i have a lot of hmk!! :(

2007-04-07 05:26:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Like everyone else i want to improve my upper body strength and the biceps in my arms. Last summer i did a fair amount of running and cycling, this made my legs rock hard - but my arms are still looking like chop-sticks.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym for upper body and bicep control? I also noticed that the muscle in my legs have diminished during the winter, even know i'm a pretty hard skier.
How can i maintain these muscles after gaining the body that i want?

Male, 17.

2007-04-07 05:24:25 · 4 answers · asked by bpop7ole 2 in Diet & Fitness

My partner uses the Nuva Ring and we also use the withdrawal method (Perfect use - Multiple times urinating and never any ejaculate in or near the vagina). Is there any chance she could get pregnant? The reason I ask is that he gynecologist had her come in for an abdominal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound. I'm not sure what this is for, but she has been asked to come in for some blood work. She has not asked the doctor what they are looking for or has been very private about answering my questions. I'm worried it could be a pregnancy or a health issue. Lastly, she is still using the ring to this date. I'm not sure if this is relevant in any way. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

2007-04-07 05:16:06 · 1 answers · asked by Question Guy 1 in Women's Health

I live in an apt complex and across the hall is a man and a woman. Well, the problem is, every few days, I hear what appears to sound like vomiting. To me, this isn't normal. I've gone through several ideas in my mind, why this could be happening such as, maybe he has an eating disorder, or maybe he has a disease, or maybe the medication he's on makes him sick??? Also, maybe he drinks himself sick? I don't know. Everytime I hear this, I always have to turn music on because it makes me sick to my stomach to hear him. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!

I know this may not be my business as to what is really going on, but at the same time, I feel it IS my business because this is distracting to me and it makes me feel sick!!! Do you think I should talk to the Landlord about this, knock on my neighbor's door, or ignore this??

Thank you!!!

2007-04-07 05:15:33 · 7 answers · asked by sugarbear 1 in Other - Health

I have been sick for like a week now, I know the difference between feeling like I have the stomache bug, and having something else. My mother bought me lactaid milk, but this time it was in a gallon plastic container. I usually buy it in the cardboard carton. Can someone get a parasite from that? Or they just grow because of what we eat. I have been really dizzy lately, and I had an attack the other night. Where I was sweating, and shaking so bad, it only lasted for 5 minutes if that. I was thinking I could have a blockage in my colon because I have the bad poop, but I'm constipated too. My stomache and my intestins keep making noises. So I understand it's bug, but could it be a parasite? How do I rid myself of this?

2007-04-07 05:12:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I know this sounds crazy but I am 18 and still suck my thumb once in a while. I know a few people my age who still do it also. I talked to my psychology teacher and he said that we are fixed on our oral stage, which means we didn't suck our thumb enough as a child, or not at all. How can I stop?

2007-04-07 05:09:34 · 4 answers · asked by adnamarie 2 in Women's Health

I personally think it's the perfect height for an average U.S. woman. It's not short, it's not tall, but it can be either short or tall depending on perspective. It's just right. Smack dab between 5 and 6 feet, too. What do you think? I know for men this height is short but for a woman it's just right. :)

2007-04-07 05:09:34 · 8 answers · asked by Megan 2 in Women's Health

2007-04-07 05:09:29 · 14 answers · asked by krombone 1 in Diet & Fitness

any ideas would be helpful.
thanks soo much <333

2007-04-07 05:07:26 · 12 answers · asked by tellmebabyx3 2 in Diet & Fitness

About 12 days ago I started getting these tingling sensations throughout my body (everywhere excpet for my anterior trunk and groin). I am 26 years old and female. I had an MRI and it showed "multiple linear abnormal signal intensity lesions invloving the cortex and subcortical white matter of the right posterior parietal lobe". So then I had an MRI with the contrast and now it says "this is probably a benign process follow up with MRI in 6 months to assess stability of the lesion". I get the tingling bilaterally and it occurs off and on throughout my day. I have good muscle strenth and no problems with my bladder or bowel. My chem panel was normal except for mild elevated WBC count and low phosphorus. Also once in a while I get these vibration like feelings in my right calf. I also get a heaviness in the back of my neck. What is wrong with me? I am so scared...if it was MS wouldn't that have been diagnosed with the MRI? Please any advice would be appreciated!

2007-04-07 05:04:31 · 3 answers · asked by Cappy 2 in Other - Diseases

i am 16 years old and i want to know which is better for getting rid of / reducing your periods. pills or injections? please help!

2007-04-07 05:02:09 · 10 answers · asked by Katie S 1 in Women's Health

I've been wearing glasses since I was 3 and now I'm 14 and last night when i took off my glasses i could almost see the time on my clock and stuff and I could never do that before.. it's like my eyes are fixing their vision.. is that normal? or is something else happening?

2007-04-07 05:00:11 · 6 answers · asked by Baby #1 due 8/14/08! 2 in Other - Diseases

I am generally functioning okay, then i will have really hopeless thoughts, depressive.. Then at different times, i"ll have thoughts about all these solutions to my problems, my unhappiness...my husband says when i get like that..."here you go, trying to change the world again"....am i bipolar? or is this normal?

2007-04-07 04:59:32 · 7 answers · asked by cali mama 1 in Mental Health

I'm fine when I'm at work, but the weekends I just feel totally down, and now I have a week of work for Easter its going to be a nightmare, I'm not sure if its depression because as I say I feel 100% at work, maybe its because I haven't got any friends outside work (Well apart from my wife)

Sure I've tried to keep busy at the weekends by going shopping, going for walks etc but it doesn't do any good, I just feel fed up.

Since I got married I;ve lost my mates, they've moved away etc and we don't keep in touch, could it be lack of friends doing this.

Any ideas appreciated

2007-04-07 04:55:25 · 16 answers · asked by danny d 1 in Mental Health

I have a question for the ladies does it feel better with or without the condom. I enjoy it much better without but my wife can not take birth control so I really am stuck until I get my snip snip done in a couple months :)

2007-04-07 04:53:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

What's the best way to avoid forgetting what we learn?

2007-04-07 04:51:52 · 7 answers · asked by Hermione 2 in Mental Health

2007-04-07 04:50:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

I usually change tampons every 3-4hrs, but yesterday I left one in for 6hrs. I wasn't sick at all before last night when I suddenly got a really bad sore throat. Then when I was sleeping, I woke up a couple times shaking like I had a fever. When I woke up this morning, I took my temperature and have a slight fever of 99.9. I still have a sore throat and other cold-like symptons such as runny/stuffy nose, and feelings from a fever like shaking and a headache. Do you think these symptons point towards TSS, or did I just get sick while I was using a tampon?

2007-04-07 04:48:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

it looks like a little cut or something. hurts like heck. can anyone tell me more about his?

2007-04-07 04:41:19 · 13 answers · asked by Joe D 1 in STDs

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