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Health - 3 March 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health


this is a little embarassing but, I wanna lose weight badly, i'm following a very calorie restricted diet...and exercising a couple hour a day ontop of the 6 times a week of hockey.

I'm told i'm healthy, but my gym said I need to lose 25-30 lbs and they said I had 38% body fat. I can't help but see this large figure infront of me

But I can't help it...I feel so consumed with this...I'm taking a few things to try and help...diet pills and a couple of intestinal cleansers a day. I don't have an eating disorder, and I know theres no way i'm gonna get on. I've got more control then that.

But i feel so consumed...I wanna lose the weight so badly...but I don't know why...and I feel myself getting mroe and more consumed each day. That thought of consumption scares me....does that make sense?

2007-03-03 15:17:56 · 8 answers · asked by toronto_leafs 4 in Mental Health

My mom always told me that it was bad to look into a microwave while it was working because the waves would hurt my eyes. Is this true?

2007-03-03 15:17:26 · 22 answers · asked by wondering 1 in Other - Health

I'm a 12 year old boy, 5'5 feet tall, and 112 pounds...Am I fat? I eat a lot too cause I want to wrestle bigger kids next year and I want to be bigger for football... Am I overweight? Is it better to be like...average? Should I work out more and stuff? AND what should I do when I work out a lot? I can run a lot but that's only when I try...I tend to be lazy sometimes If I don't have to run...hehe

2007-03-03 15:16:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Just wondering, what is the proper way to control a bleeding shunt. Of course there is a high flow of arterial blood comming out of the site. I've seen a nurse apply arterial/venous pressure above and below the site of the bleeding shunt. Can I get confirmation on that?

2007-03-03 15:13:49 · 10 answers · asked by Ken W 2 in Heart Diseases

i dont care if its healthy or unhealthy... what is the fastest way to lose weight without starving yourself?

2007-03-03 15:11:22 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I often feel like a failure when i forget to do something or do it wrong. How do i improve and become better in social stuff, emotionally and things like that? im going through alot and if i fail, i really feel like a failure.


2007-03-03 15:09:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

how do you over come worrying WAY too much? like when something doesnt happen a certain way i can get either really mad or deeply depressed. how do i solve this problem? helpful tips wanted. no rude comments please.

2007-03-03 15:08:51 · 2 answers · asked by Lalfeaa 2 in Mental Health

i was wondering if anyone experiences the same thing that i do. i have a resting heartbeat in the mid to high 50s. like 57, and most of the time for the past year i get shortness of breathe, lightheaded and feel like im going to pass out. I never have passed out at all, i been to a doctor and cadiologist. both said my heart is fine they did a ekg and holter monitor. everything came back fine. they said i prob just have to deal with this until i grow out of it. does anyone else get this to, bc it sucks i hate feeling like this. could this be anxiety causing this everyday before i become a hypocrondiac and been to the doctor a lot and he keeps saying nothing is wrong. im a 23 yr old male, in good health. any input would help

2007-03-03 15:08:49 · 5 answers · asked by anthony10 2 in Heart Diseases

i was wondering if anyone experiences the same thing that i do. i have a resting heartbeat in the mid to high 50s. like 57, and most of the time for the past year i get shortness of breathe, lightheaded and feel like im going to pass out. I never have passed out at all, i been to a doctor and cadiologist. both said my heart is fine they did a ekg and holter monitor. everything came back fine. they said i prob just have to deal with this until i grow out of it. does anyone else get this to, bc it sucks i hate feeling like this. could this be anxiety causing this everyday before i become a hypocrondiac and been to the doctor a lot and he keeps saying nothing is wrong. im a 23 yr old male, in good health. any input would help

2007-03-03 15:08:30 · 2 answers · asked by anthony10 2 in Heart Diseases

i am also diagnosed with chiari malformation I. bleeding is bright red on paper and on stool. does not feel like hemroids. so far docs have not been able to find anything excepts some polyps that they removed a year ago. i am really frustrated.

2007-03-03 15:08:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Heyy, well i dunno maybe its just a weird month but i missed my period for feb. um i usually get it like late into the month like i say the last week of the month. um what can i say. i dont no about stress unless a new semester is causing it. no sex what so ever if u are wondering. um im 15. is it just maybe my age. im jsut a bit freaked out this has never happened to me and i jsut want to no whats going on?

2007-03-03 15:08:11 · 6 answers · asked by Jay 1 in Women's Health

I dont like my Penis size how can I enlargen It with out buying a Pump or Pills?

2007-03-03 15:07:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

2007-03-03 15:06:51 · 11 answers · asked by ♥---->AmBErRoSe<----♥ 2 in Diet & Fitness

any advice on feeling better or suggestions as to what it is??

2007-03-03 15:06:23 · 3 answers · asked by shockingselenophobia 1 in Diet & Fitness

So I've researched it plenty, but has anyone on here tried to the Birth Control injection (Depo Provera) or has any opinions about it?
I'm trying to find the right birth control method for me, and I know the Pill is out because I can't even remember to take antibiotics when I'm supposed to.

So what's everyone's take on the BC injection? Suggestions? Stories? Opinions?


2007-03-03 15:05:46 · 10 answers · asked by crazylove 2 in Women's Health

i think that I may have gonorrhea. How long should I wait for treatment? Should I go to an Emergency Room? I've read that it could cause infertility. I would hate it if i were infertile. How long does that take? it's the weekend... and I think I contracted it last Monday. Should I wait till Monday morning or will that risk dire consequences? Prompt answers from learned people with links would be helpful.

2007-03-03 15:05:36 · 5 answers · asked by ActaDiurna 1 in STDs

I get thirsty a lot even though I drink a lot of water and my eyes get blurred even when im am wearing my glasses not to mention it runs in the family. Could I have diabetes?

2007-03-03 15:05:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

My right arm is suddenly so lame that I cannot adjust the rear view mirror with my right hand and I can barely get the key in the ignition with my right hand without the help of my left hand.

In the last five months I have gone from my regular MD, to a family orthopedic surgeon, now a professional-sports surgeon and most recently a brain surgeon. I have had two MRI's, two X-rays a nerve test (EMG) and four cortisone shots.

It would seem that I am in good hands, but there are two things that do not make sense to me. First is that I have two separate issues. One is a pinched nerve causing the loss of strength in my right arm and second is the garbage (bones spurs & such) and clicking/popping in my right shoulder joint that needs to cleaned up and ultimately have the joint replaced. Is this a strange coincidence maybe?

But the other thing that does not make sense to me, is that both the brain surgeon and the sports medicine guy agree that

2007-03-03 15:05:17 · 6 answers · asked by hebb 6 in Alternative Medicine

Please only respond if u have used this product!!! Thanks =0

2007-03-03 15:04:08 · 10 answers · asked by ***TAP*** 1 in Skin Conditions

He found out he had a huge tumor in one lung. The docs said they would remove it and he would be cancer free. It did not spread and they removed it with no problem. Now they want him to go through chemo. They say there is no cancer anywhere in his body yet the doc says he would still place bets that my dad will die of lung cancer... Why would he say that? If they removed it and there is no cancer left why would he need chemo and still probably die from it? He never smoked...

2007-03-03 15:04:08 · 6 answers · asked by jessica s 2 in Cancer


i seem to have layers and layers of FAT! ... it pounds up whenever i sit down....i dont think im overweight but i know that i could def. live without all the EXTRA fat layering up and bursting out at the ends of shirts....what could i do.....what could i take....to get rid of this...fast!

2007-03-03 15:03:26 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I WAS going to my car and slipped on patched of ice and bruised my leg. can i sue my landlord because there was no ice melt on the ice and my son got hurt because i was holding him. and i contacted my landlord and he has not gotten back to me. What should i do


2007-03-03 15:01:55 · 12 answers · asked by Joshua C 1 in Injuries


OKay, so i'm a thick chick. 5 ft 3 and pleasanly plump. When I'm in the mirror I cant stand my naked reflection. I have a very pretty face and don't have any trouble getting guys. But keeping them is where I have the problem. When wer'e goin' at it I always want the lights off and have to have some sort of cover over us. They seem to be annoyed by that.
Years ago, I was with this guy who always made me so comfortable that I forgot all about all my insecurities. How do I get back there? And guys does that bother you, or do you not give a f*ck, just as long as your'e gettin' some? Or does it matter whether the girl's skinny or not?

2007-03-03 15:01:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I know a person who is in his 50's (average I.Q) and seems to display some of the symptoms, even though O.D.D. is typically not an adult disorder. He does things that make people upset or annoyed with him, and has managed to drive me crazy! Some of the things include causing arguments and controversy, insulting people indirectly, obsession to be noticed by others, talking too loudly, ignoring "common courtesy" manners in public or private, and saying the same phrases or doing the same things during specific activities or cues that seem to bring out OCD-like symptoms.

He was never really loved by his parents and came from an emotionally and physically turmultuous household. Unfortunately, though, his behavior seems to drive people away like having bad breath.

What can be done for a grown man who exihibits such behavior? Is there a particular method of behavior modification that can be implemented on a subconscious level that could positively alter these types of behaviors?

2007-03-03 15:01:17 · 8 answers · asked by YahooAnswers 5 in Mental Health

What would be a good meal plan to eat all the time

2007-03-03 15:00:36 · 6 answers · asked by hot mama 1 in Diet & Fitness

please help me...I didn't eat any mexican

2007-03-03 14:59:45 · 16 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Men's Health

I have many tanks and I love my fish... My mother in law has stage 4 cancer and is confined to a full time care facility. I am thinking of getting her a betta to keep her comapny when I can't be there. I get such a kick just watching mine - she has never been a fish person, but loves dogs, cats, birds and all animals. Do you think she would like a fish? I know I would but I'm not sure if she would feel the same... Any thoughts?

2007-03-03 14:59:08 · 4 answers · asked by jessica s 2 in Cancer

I have gingivitis...what are some ways to get rid of it other than using listerine

2007-03-03 14:58:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

Hi, I am a kid, and I worry a lot. I don't mean a little, I mean ALOT! I will worry about things that don't concern me. I will get panic attacks, or what I think are panic attacks. I will start breathing very fast and I will start crying. I will get really hot and I will just be really shaky. I am very depressed, and I don't know what to do. I worry about everything and don't know how to stop worrying!!!

2007-03-03 14:58:22 · 30 answers · asked by IloveJesus 2 in Mental Health

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