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[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

I want to get married without a ceremony. Can't you just get your license and be done?

2007-12-07 05:10:31 · 7 answers · asked by gizzychico3 2

all the stuff and holding it up and feeling it! I'm tempted to ask him if he wants to try it on! LOL!

Is this normal for a guy to be this excited about frilly women's things?

2007-12-07 04:55:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Date of affair- april 2008; place where can use your own caterer, handicap accessible or preferably first floor

2007-12-07 04:52:46 · 2 answers · asked by Yolonda H 1

My fiance really wants the wedding cake to be chocolate with fresh strawberries. I'm a huge fan of his idea (yummm!), but my mom said that we shouldn't do that because lots of people can't eat chocolate. Is that true? I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case for *dark* chocolate, but I think that lighter chocolate would be ok.

Our preference is to have one big, yummy cake rather than a separate bride's cake and groom's cake.

opinions, please! :-)

2007-12-07 04:34:22 · 28 answers · asked by SE 5

My daughter is 19 and is getting married very soon to her 19 year old fiance.
She is very intelligent and did well at school and is attending University to study to be a school teacher.
She tells me this is good reason for her to get married at an early age of 19.
Her fiance is 19 and in the Navy.
She says she loves him very much.
I get concerned because she is only 19 and will have to spend many months without him.
Do you think she will be ok? I would have liked for her to have finished her schooling and then settled down but she says that marriage is too important to her.
Her wedding will be with 220 guests and she is hoping her father and I will pay for this at $80 a head.
I get overwhelmed by the whole thing

2007-12-07 04:12:57 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Taking a pole of our medieval wedding invites. Heavy paper in our wedding colors folded in the center and sealed with wax? or parchment that has cinnimon sticks glued to each end, rolled like a scroll and tied with a ribbon in our wedding color. (The scrolls would be mailed in tubes)

Please feel free to make other suggestions that we havent thought of.

Thank you so much for all of your opinions.. we really are listening to all of your suggestions and taking them very seriously.

2007-12-07 02:47:38 · 17 answers · asked by Kit 5

I'm talking about the fancier stuff - the Lenox, Villeroy, Wedgewood ... not the microwave and dishwasher safe stuff you eat from every day. Do you plan to use it weekly? Once a month? Once a year?

I've posted a similar question in the Marriage/Divorce section because I'm curious to know how often married couples actually use their "nice" china.

2007-12-07 02:45:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance and I are not members of any church and could probably be considered atheists. However, there is a beautiful church located across the street from my reception hall. It is a Methodist Church. What should i say when I call to ask them if we could hold our wedding ceremony there? Would it put them off if I asked if I could bring in a Justice of the Peace? Thanks for your help. Happy Holidays.

2007-12-07 02:35:56 · 13 answers · asked by funnyhaha 2

the only ones i know that have cheap formal dresses are Ross and Dress Barn

any other stores?

2007-12-07 02:34:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

All right, so my fiance and I will be seeing his family over Christmas for the first time since we've been engaged. They already know that we are planning a Carribeann wedding and in the past his parents (his father and his wife as well as his mother and her husband) have said things about us paying for their trip. My fiance has told me that he would chip in to pay for them if it makes the difference of them being there or not but I think they are going to try to milk that because they are really cheap. We are planning on moving next year, buying a house, etc. and I know we will not have the money to pay their entire trips. I am scared that if they start saying these kinds of things, my fiance will start suggesting that we postpone the wedding until we can pay for them because he will not want to have a wedding when his parents cannot attend. They have the money to do it, they just know they can get him to put in if they pressure him. How do you think I should handle this mess?

2007-12-07 02:32:40 · 21 answers · asked by Deanrijo 5

2007-12-07 02:25:33 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think that having cream soda & root bear for the kids would be an acceptable replacement for the honey mead and wine that the grown ups will have? Or maybe you have some other suggestions? I realize that "soda" isnt very medieval but we were trying to include the children as much as possible.

2007-12-07 02:18:19 · 14 answers · asked by Kit 5

Our wedding and reception is very medieval themed as some of you might know from my previous posts. Our reception is being held outside in a very large garden. We were thinking of setting up some sort of medieval games for the children, out of the 40 guests invited, 14 will be children. Looking for suggestions. We thought perhaps we would take some bow & arrows (nerf tips ofcourse) and set up targets... or a bean bag toss through the dragons eyes and mouth... maybe even some hula hoops tossed over some paper mache dragons? We talked to some of the older teenagers who said they would be happy to supervise. My family is very artistic and crafty so we will do these ourselves.

2007-12-07 02:04:05 · 13 answers · asked by Kit 5

I am very close to my brother and I think he is about to propose to his girlfriend. I asked him if he was going to and he said "maybe." I am not going to ask him again, but I was just wondering if it's customary to tell your family before or after you propose? I was thinking it might be fun to help him pick out the ring because, well, I'm a girl and I like looking at engagement rings. I don't want to be nosy, though.

2007-12-07 01:26:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are using the money to landscape our garden and finish off our property.
Please no lectures on bad etiquette- most of my guests have suggested it and it is a small wedding with only people we know very well. Besides this is 2007 not the 1950's!

2007-12-07 01:05:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok i've got better photos of the real ring I want.
I've searched high and low, ebay, craigslist, etc
and I can't find it and walmart no longer carries it...



2007-12-07 00:55:33 · 14 answers · asked by ? 5

my finace thinks we shouldn't have any centerpieces at the wedding Mind you the centerpieces I have started putting together only cost 5 dollars

as well my finace thinks we shouldn't have any bridal party
I only have two people I want to stand up for me. and he can find two people to stand in for him

he was married before and had a big wedding I have never been married before.

we are not having a big wedding only about 50 guest. and no honeymoon.

He hates the wedding colors
tiffany blue, white , silver , and crystal .

I have not asked anyone to help me with putting anything together. I have done it all myself.

I am just frustrated with all of this,
am I being hard headed about the wedding , or is he being abnormal about it.

2007-12-07 00:52:07 · 29 answers · asked by la de da 3

This is an arranged marriage.

2007-12-07 00:49:33 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Long story short, my FMIL wanted a bunch of kids, but was only able to have my FH. He also lived with them (for financial reasons) until recently - he's 28.

The first year of our relationship, she and I got along great - it was like having another girlfriend around. But now that we've moved in together, and we're getting married in less than a year, she's started to freak out a little bit about losing her "baby".

She makes little comments about me needing to 'learn how to cook' - even while I was making Hamburger Helper - I mean, how hard is that?!? And she's constantly one-upping me when it comes to my FH. (ex. his face was flushed one day, and I said he should put a cold wash cloth on his face before he went to bed. She said "actually, son, you should probably put something hot on your face to draw out whatever bacteria is in there...") Stupid stuff like that...

How do I deal with this? I want to be supportive, since it's hard on her to lose him after so long, but come on!

2007-12-07 00:41:42 · 16 answers · asked by Mrs.10/18/08 4

It seems unfair to me that only the bride gets to see naked people in a bachelor party and the groom isn't allowed.

2007-12-07 00:07:37 · 13 answers · asked by wolfen186ts 1





2007-12-06 20:58:49 · 14 answers · asked by Antoni 7

My bridal shower is on the day of my fiance's aunt's visitation and funeral. I have two days of bridal showers and it is the exact same days and the funeral stuff. My fiance was very close to his aunt..She was also mentally retarded...So should I go with my fiance to the visitation and funeral,,,Therefore cancelling My showers..or should I not go and go to my showers. By the way the funeral and all is 2 hours from my house so I cant do both..Thanks

2007-12-06 19:37:13 · 32 answers · asked by Sassy 3

Is it wrong for me to have a cover charge at my reception? So like after I pay for the reception there is no money left over. My parents are chipping in a little, but 10k just doesn't cut it, they could give me more if they would use their retirement fund. Now I can't go on my dream Honeymoon. I have always dreamed of going to Italy for my Honeymoon, now I can only go to Hawaii and I have been there so many times it is old. We used to summer there when I was a kid. So that is totally boring. I have to have the perfect Wedding, so now I don't get a very good Honeymoon. So I figure that if I charge every guest $40 at the door, I should have enough for my dream Honeymoon. But my fiance's mom is whining about the cover charge- I told her she doesn't have to pay but she is still upset and I don't know why.

2007-12-06 18:04:34 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love him and want to marrry him only for that i have to wait till the time wil come wen he can talk to his parents.but he is not sure that his parents will agree and if they dint agree then what will happen? i will wait for him only for 2-3 years and after that if he will say no to me it will be tough for me what should i do?i love him a lot and he also has is problems he cant talk to his parents now as he has two sisters unmairraide..what should we do.?

2007-12-06 17:26:44 · 34 answers · asked by #### 1

Regarding our wedding, my fiance stated that she must invite old friends because they invited her to their wedding. I see her point but at the same time, I really dislike them for a very good reason. It is true that they invited her to thier functions and were pals at one time, but also they were a horrible influence on her. They caused serious problems for her a few years ago and we, as a couple, are just getting through them now. It was very hard on both of us, to get through it, and everytime something reminds me of it I want to smash my head into a wall. Even my fiance's family hates those girls because thier role in what happened.
Also, they werent real friends, when my fiance was unable to keep in touch, they didnt even bother to check up on her; When we ran into them a few months ago they were so cold to her.
I understand my fiance feels obligated to invite them, but how do I deal with the fact that these vultures are going to be at the most special day of our lives?

2007-12-06 17:17:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is a classy wedding

2007-12-06 17:16:00 · 8 answers · asked by ? 6

we are definitely doing a silly dance. it will start out slow and sweet and then abruptly transition into a silly dance to an upbeat song.

what is the general reaction of people to this? have you ever been to a wedding where something like this has been done?

2007-12-06 17:13:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

im in dilemma right now...i want some views in this problem...thanks in advance...

2007-12-06 17:07:58 · 10 answers · asked by ^a.hermit^ 3