My husbands ex wife is now one of my best friends.. As strange as it is for me to say this I swear its true.
I know that in every situation there is two sides to every story, but I have to say that she is SO NOT what he (hubby) led me to believe. Aside from the fact that she is his ex, she enjoys the same music , movie genre, and other out door interest. Hubby doesnt seem too upset about the fact that she and I are friends. So I think its cool, but I would like to know if I am going into this friendship with eyes wide shut.? Hubby, the Ex , and I have discussed the ODD situation going on, but in the best interest of All of our children, We do agree that a "truce" of sorts is necessary. And just in case you are wondering, the reason hubby and the ex divorced is b/c for one, they were too young in the first place and for two, the military and marriage do not mesh well together, as I am sure you are aware of. I just need some reassurance. Please Respond Quickly..
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