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Marriage & Divorce - 26 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I'm asking this question twice because when I first asked (can you still love your wife if she's fat) a lot of people thought I was a guy asking and found it unsensitive...
I have a great husband who tells me I'm sexy and beutiful several times a day...I love him and I've gained weight after having four kids...I'm trying to get back in shape but it's a long road...I feel bad that I've gained wieght and worry my husband isn't still attracted to me even though he always inciates sex....just wanted some honest feed back from husbands...

2006-10-26 09:45:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i can see some people are not going to answer nicly to things here what i was getting around to saying moreless the question is why would my husband say i was a lil bit bigger thgen we set rules to have sex twice a week which he came up with to do and i hvae been working on my weight

2006-10-26 09:34:58 · 9 answers · asked by randi p 2

When me & my husband got married we were broke and got reasonable rings. Now I want to get him a nice ring but I dont know if I should get his with diamonds or a gold band or something different.

2006-10-26 09:30:17 · 8 answers · asked by ♥ to ...... 5

who was about 50 lbs overweight, one night greeted you in a room with cinnamon scented candles, dim lights, soft music, a hot meal, and a sexy negligee and bedroom eyes, would you be like, "she looks SO fat in that negligee!!" ????

2006-10-26 09:29:08 · 16 answers · asked by Ade 6

If she wasn't when you got married but gained after kids....I know it sounds harsh but I wonder...even if you still love her can you still be sexually attracted to her....??????????

2006-10-26 09:19:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 17 yrs old and going through a divorce.. Is there anyway to keep this divorce out of court and still make sure i get the financial support i deserve. Also if he has alot of debt in his name (some of which was from the period we where married but i had no knowledge of) How much of it would i be responible for in court. The time we were together, i was in school most of the time, Then only worked a small amount. We were only married a year, and I Didnt want the divorce. How long would i be able to get financial help from him? we are trying to remain friends, i would rather keep things out of court. I just need to be insured whatever money arrangment we come to, he CANT back out. I am trying to get into college, Working Full time and college will be hard, that little extra money would make a big diffrence. He also got the house, i want a legal point of view on what i should do. I am 17 yrs old, and trying to make somthing of my life. please no "your to young to be married" comments.

2006-10-26 09:11:15 · 13 answers · asked by sera 3

is it normal to set 2 times a week for sex after being married 7 yrs we just had a big fight about me being a lil bigger then i once was which is true i went from 120 to 185 and i have been working out now so i can get back down a lil so is it normal to put sex on the weekly things to do

2006-10-26 09:10:58 · 8 answers · asked by randi p 2

i have been divorced for 5yrs which has left me heavy in debt. my fiance of 7 months has alot more money than i do. She just came back from a trip to europe always has a new car and has more disposable income than i do. I asked her if she could help me out with my debt( i have over 20k on c.c)and she said no she wants to keep her money in her stocks. i don't know how to feel now if the shoe was on the other foot i would give her the money.I make more than she does but with my child care payments she takes home more.Right now we live together and split the bills 50/50. I feel if she loved me she would want to help me get back on my feet. Was i wrong to ask her to help me pay off my debt from my last marrage?

2006-10-26 09:09:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-26 09:07:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask because, although I feel confortable with this range and I think he does too, after reading the average of other people, I am kind of worry. I've being married for 5 years, but we have 10 together. No kids. I'm 30, his 31. Latin couple. Not bad looking.

2006-10-26 09:06:24 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anyone else had this problem and how did you fix it? don't get me wrong we still have a great and regular sex life but its not as 'energetic' as it used to be.we usually have to 'spoon' which is lovely and nice and all that but sometimes...well, y'know we just want to 'go for it' but its too uncomfortable for her.i know i should be glad i'm 'getting some' 'cos some blokes on this site aren't getting any but still...we sometimes miss how it used to be.

2006-10-26 09:05:00 · 16 answers · asked by Ivan R Don 4

My step-daughter and my husband have had a pretty bad relationship since my husband and his ex-wife split up. The daughter has been brainwashed by her mother to hate her dad, my two daughters, and myself. His daughter is 14. My two daughters are 12 & 14. My daughters and I have been nothing but kind and loving to her, as well as his three sons. His boys are 11, 7 & 6. The boys love us all, and we are a family. They are also a family at their mother's house. We have the boys 50% of the time. The daughter lives with her mother full time. The daughter recently told my husband that he has always been a terrible father, and that she never wants to see him again. Yesterday she sent him a text message to say that she heard that his birthday party was fun…too bad she wasn’t invited. He was baffled by that, but told her he was sorry, that he didn’t think she would have wanted to come, and invited her over to celebrate his youngest son’s birthday with us next weekend. She sent him a text back, thanking him for the invitation, but that she would have to pass because my daughters and I would be there. She said that she didn’t respect me, and probably never would. Then, my husband gets a call from his mother AND his sister, within two hours of each other, asking him what’s going on, because she has called them and said my girls and I have been mistreating her, and that all she wants is a relationship with her dad. She said my girls have everything she’s always wanted. We don’t get it, because we have done nothing wrong. We know it, she knows it, and God knows it. What can we do? We all want her to be part of our family, but she will only have a relationship with her dad if we’re not in the picture…which isn’t going to happen. BTW, she signed an affidavit during their divorce, saying that she wanted to live with her mom, and that she didn’t want to have to have any contact with her dad, since she felt uncomfortable at his house. That was BEFORE I even knew him…so how can it be me…or my daughters? Please offer some advice. I am sick about this.

2006-10-26 08:58:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I am 17 years old, my husband is 20. We have been together for sevral years but married just for one. I always said we woudl work anything out no matter what i dont believe in divorce. Well i guess i was wrong becuase about a week ago he told me he wanted a divorce.. he is very serious about this. The whole time we have been together he has been the main provider. I was in school part of the time we were together and i only worked a little. We have had some financial problems becuase he had broken his neck and we got very behind with bills, he is now in debt about 6 grand. Everything debt wise is in his name, and i didnt really play any part of it, i also was unaware of alot of it all together. He was spending money we didnt have without me knowing it. Ovbiously i am still not a legal adult but i am emanciapted by law. Through all of this, i have been kicked out of my home and was unemployed. I did find a job, and i am staying with a relative but i still feel like i need finanical

2006-10-26 08:57:37 · 15 answers · asked by sera 3

I was raised in a very Christian home growing up, and have carried a lot of those beliefs with me into my marriage. My father loves, respects and adore's my mom VERY much. My mom loves, respects, and adore's my father as well. They have been married for about 54 yrs now, and are just as happy now as ever before. One thing held true growing up though, that I find myself struggling with. My father was the head of the household, and, basically, when he said a decision was made, it was the decision that was made (unless he conferred with my mom in private later and changed the decision). The problem I am having is that I feel that is the correct way in a marriage, but my wife constantly undermines my authority with the kids, and questions any decision I ever make -- to the extent of causing huge fights in front of the children. Basically, I am curious what other Christians (I am only interested in believers responses) think about the wife's place in a marriage. Am I completely off?

2006-10-26 08:43:34 · 33 answers · asked by Brian D 3

My dog will completely ignore me when I call him, but my husband can just walk outside & snap his fingers or whistle and the darn dog will come running!!!! Uuurrggg

2006-10-26 08:43:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

We fight over toothpaste, I squeeze he wants the end rolled up. We also fight over coffee in the morning. So silly!!!

2006-10-26 08:40:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not sure whether a UK solicitor can deal with the divorce. Also does it affect how the assets are dealt with? We have a young child and I am now sole carer. What are the guide lines of US law if this is the case?

2006-10-26 08:39:33 · 5 answers · asked by Klark 1

as youknow my wife didnt choose me i stayed away for a day.Believe me big call.
Next day i get kids as i leave i get big hug big kiss in heaven big time.
pours her heart out to me about her friend is dying of breast cancer.
i told her i can tlet go.
i want her by my bday daughters bday and christmas that im not doin it alone.
we goin to sons preschool this morning other sons school fair tonight shes picking me up in 3 hours time.
kissed her hugged her last night.felt fantastic.some other fbuddy from before my marriage wants us to have a fk session as she is now on own but i will feel like im cheating.
btw my wife & i both wearing wedding rings???
our wedding photo still in prominance in her house.
this really is my soulmate i dont know how to let go & to be frank i dont want to let go.
what do i do listen to heart or head??

2006-10-26 08:37:33 · 8 answers · asked by 69frustrated69 1

I don't care who with, but she must be a woman. Any ideas on how I can do it and get away with it?

2006-10-26 08:31:17 · 78 answers · asked by Breaking hearts since 1977 3

Posted earlier but want more ideas/answers.
I have been married for 7 years. I am extremely happy with my wife and we have a very active sex life. I wouldn't even dream of ending our marriage. We barely ever fight and love each other to death.
I have never been with another woman before my wife and the urge to do so is killing me. It is getting to the point where it is consuming my thoughts and making it hard for me to even do my job. All I can think about it getting busy with another girl. I won't do it because I love my wife and I know how badly it would hurt her, and the guilt would be horrible. I am afraid though that one day this urge might overwhelm my good senses and I will do something stupid. I wouldn't dare even bring this up with my wife because it would freak her out for sure no matter what I promised. I realize this urge is normal with everyone but it is definitely at an unhealthy level and it needs to back off.
Any help? My marriage means the world to me.

2006-10-26 08:30:58 · 17 answers · asked by fucose_man 5


Is a relationship over when the challenge is gone?
I've read many men and women say "I did everything for husband/wife/GF/BF and then they cheated/left/divorce ...etc"
Then on the flip side I here that the spouse felt that they could do anything and the other person would just take it because they KNEW that their spouse loved them and would take it.

So is it that challenge of changing the other person what keeps a relationship alive?
If they give in completely you stop respecting them and emotionally move on to the next challenge?
If they are to stumborn to change you give for a less difficult challenge?

I think the key is to grow and change, but don't submit to your significant other.

I would love to here some feed back on this one.

2006-10-26 08:22:28 · 7 answers · asked by snack_daddy10 6

I have strong suspicions that my wife is cheating and I have a pretty good idea who it is. Should I confront him alone and play like she told me everything? This would be a good way to confirm my suspicions.

2006-10-26 08:16:53 · 28 answers · asked by Joesmoe 2

I love to kiss and he doesn't. How can I get it to happen more?

2006-10-26 08:16:05 · 20 answers · asked by Mrs. W 1

Just about to be thrown out of the house.
Where do I go with not much money?
In my fortys. No kids.
Can I be recyced?

2006-10-26 08:14:50 · 8 answers · asked by Leather 5

Is there any way, without paying for membership to a "people finder" site, to find ex husband who is WAY ($50,000) behind in child support? The case is through DHR, but they can't locate him either. Any ideas?

2006-10-26 08:14:14 · 3 answers · asked by Lotus 6

My wife has credit debt which if now our debt you can say. Most of it was hers before we got married. Now the credit cards are under her name. If her and I were to ever get a divorce would I be resposible for any of that debt? Would I have to pay half of it since the cards are under her name but with my last name?

2006-10-26 08:09:55 · 12 answers · asked by Shocker3:16 3

My husband's a contractor so sometimes he has to go out of town. Sometimes he is required to to and sometimes not. When he's not he will only go if there's a lot of money involved and lately there has been. I know we need the money but he seems to be obsessed with making money and now our relationship is suffering. We have grown apart and I just hate when he comes home and tells me he has to go. I don't want to leave him but we do have two kids that are being affected by this as well. We both already work full-time and the time we do have together is spent on our kids. What should I do?

2006-10-26 08:08:33 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even though in spite of the evidence she says they were just friends...there is good evidence!

2006-10-26 08:08:07 · 44 answers · asked by iamdwill 1

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