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Marriage & Divorce - 24 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

thanks for all your answers but i didn't get to them in time to answer some of you as my ex was busy giving me more grief. My brain feels scrambled when he takes our 3 1/2 yr old daughter for his visit times, always w/the girlfriend he found so quickly (yeah, i know, probably already had her) I don't go out with anyone, too much hurt (divorced since feb), he went out the same weekend, the ink wasn't even dry yet. Then he bugged and bugged me to come back to him but nothing had changed so i did not. Then one weekend i though we were making some progress, he even called me his wife in front of an old friend, told me he couldn't live w/o me and our girl, and the same wekend, boom! Instant girlfriend and he has cut me out completely, wants to play father of the year with this person where before he barely paid attention to our girl, even skipping his weekly visits with her to go party with his best freinds.
He is a Swede, I am American, found out too late he lied a lot.

2006-08-24 20:02:33 · 11 answers · asked by nowisthetime 2

My husband and myself went school clothes shopping and we bought everything his son needs for school and sent it to him,next thing we know his EX just calls and rudely tells myself and my Husband that she needs money for school clothes I was completely dumbfounded because my Husband pays alot of child support for his son and he doesnt mind when his son needs something he will make sure he has it but this time we were at a loss I stayed out of it I just treated her nice until My Husband got on the phone and then he let her have it (she has 2 other children from other relationships) I thought my Husband was kind of Harsh hes usually so civil when he talks to her basically he has been really civil up until she called us out of the clear blue asking for money for school clothes.So was My husband wrong for being BLUNT this time?

2006-08-24 19:55:44 · 29 answers · asked by CaliMa 3

Before you start judging me, put yourself in my position and feel what I feel. I love this girl, plain and simple, and we have been together for about 3 years. Her parents got her married about a year and half ago because of me, hindu and she, muslim. About a month later she decided to get the divorce and to come back to me. Then her parents sent her back to our native country, forcefully. After she got back, she still wanted to be with me and trying for the divorce. Her parents took the marriage certificate and hide it from her. She wants to get the divorce, and asked about it from her husband back home. But I think she is not asking for the divorce as strongly as she is able to and the husband is not doing it as fast. According to her, he has decided to divorce her. How can I do to make her demand the divorce ultimately the husband to speed up the process? Please, reply back with a solution for my advantage.

2006-08-24 19:52:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

which is the one to choose , and on what basis

2006-08-24 19:47:39 · 28 answers · asked by happinezz 2

I am a guy aged 27 who got married 6 months back
Since i never had an affair so alws had a feeling dont worry my wife would be my gf too.To be precise i had kept in store all my love care and affection till the time of marriage

Trouble started 3 months down the line when i started to feel dat she is taking me for granted and used to get everything either by shedding tears or acting pampered like a 2 yr old kid
Many a time i hv seen her giving more importance/attention to her siblings /cousings when we are out on a weekend
I have talked over it with her in open but of no avail ;personally feel has been brot up by her parents like dat only dat she wish to be the center of attraction/all things all the time
What i wanna ask is how do i win her respect care love and attention..i no neglecting her for a while or being casual can help in the short run but wat abt in the long run..i do not hv any ego hasssles,prejudices,i do love her just want her to reciprocate

2006-08-24 19:26:02 · 11 answers · asked by funky_dude 2

I'm in the military and I've been separated from my spouse for the past three years. I'm either always deployed or attending a some type of military training, which made it difficult to keep track of her whereabouts once we separated. I'm trying to find the fastest and cheapest method to legally divorce her, so that I can move on with my life. Only thing that I can provide on her is our last known address together, and I'm currently stationed in Washington state. Thanks

2006-08-24 19:25:33 · 17 answers · asked by dennis c 2

2006-08-24 19:15:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you men think that your little 50-100 or whatever a week is enough to pay half of the cost of raising a child? Why are you complaining when that is not even enough to pay a week of daycare? Then if the ex gets her hair cut or a new blouse, all of a sudden she is using the child support money for herself-when she is the one raising and footing all other bills for this child. Geez, when you get divorced, you can't buy anything for yourself any longer. Where do you think the woman's money all goes that she makes on her own?

2006-08-24 19:05:58 · 15 answers · asked by AveGirl 5

After both of us have been tested and negative for any STD's?

2006-08-24 19:02:08 · 5 answers · asked by D 1

The account is open, but only the husband has his name on the account. Why do they do this? Is it a trust issue?

2006-08-24 18:54:01 · 14 answers · asked by happydawg 6

your self-esteem? what techniques, methods, skills do you use (please be specific)? is it really possible to improve years of bad habits (looking down) and beliefs (i'm no good) with self-esteem work?

2006-08-24 18:53:43 · 8 answers · asked by jimrich 7

If a man/BF/Husband was trying to beg your forgiveness and really truly trying to get you to understand he means what he is telling you.. what would get through to you more.. hearing it out loud or reading a letter he poured his soul into?
My wife has been gone for awhile and is saying its over but I am trying to avoid divorce because I love this woman more then life.. I was very mean and said some really awfull disgusting things to her but I truly regret it and would never ever do it again.. I know alot of people on here say 'People dont change' well... this has caused me so much pain that I coultnd help be changed by it.. I didnt change the pain changed me.. I just want another chance and have been trying to get her to work it out with me.. so what do you think Words or Letter?

2006-08-24 18:49:32 · 8 answers · asked by althor989 1

IM 23 and hes 24 its been 2 years. I have trust issues with him and always accused him of something everytime he went out. But 6 mo ago i saw he joined a site called friendfinder and i saw his profile. he denied it of course but the confirmation cam to his email and the man described was him. since then i have trsut issues.......i set him up so i emailed him a girls pick and said i saw his profile of friendfinder. he liked her so emailed saying dont email here email to another adress. he sent pics and has been begging to meet her. I set up a date and time he went there but he left becasue he found out i was coming. i had my friend call him because he gave me his number and he told her she has a sexy voice. After all this he emailed her saying that was my ex the girl u talked to....i lied and sais she called ure phone....he said were sepereated and im crazy and hes begging to meet her. I confronted him with all this he denied it and left the house and packed his bags sayin he dont want

2006-08-24 18:48:58 · 52 answers · asked by GIRL 1

I am a 30yr old male i live in Mlebourne, i have a good job and own my own house, i would like to find a lady to spend some time with but i am a bit busy working so going to pubs and clubs is out.

I do not know if this will work here but nothing ventured nothing gained....right?

SO my question is as follows: Are there any lovely ladies from Melbourne who would like to have a chat?

thank you.

2006-08-24 18:47:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 18:42:32 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, DON'T. Because I have a cousin who is really pretty. She
was way overconfident....she let her fiance do it. He went alot.
She figured as long as he came home to her, no big deal. eh eh
They got married, went on honeymoon. About a month later, he
stopped coming home at night. Turns out he was screwing the
stripper all along !! At his bachelor party....the night before the
wedding !!! She was totally crushed, but I had warned her NOT
to let him do that stuff. She thought she was so hot, that he'd
never leave her. STUPID!!! I wanted to kick him in the B@LLS!

2006-08-24 18:28:41 · 22 answers · asked by CraZyCaT 5

Serious... I asked this to my wife several times, but I am still to learn.

2006-08-24 18:15:06 · 9 answers · asked by bluefox 1

My husband and i have been seperated since oct. off and on we still see eachother. I am about to have a baby in sept. I still love him and want things to work out but he just always seems to avoid our situation. I sort of have a hard time trusting him to keep his promises. He only calls me to his convenience. he told me he wanted a divorce when we first split up but i still haven't heard him say anything about it. He hasn't helped me financially either. I'm not really sure if i can trust him an his family around my son and so i've had a hard time deciding if i just want to file for divorce myself and not have anything to do with him from then on. and also putting my last name on my son and if i should even put him as the father, or if i shoud just go ahead and put him as the father to pay for child support and have rights to him. Overall i'm just tired of his games and i don't want my son to be hurt because he doesn't know how to be responsible or considerate of others feelings.

2006-08-24 18:14:26 · 26 answers · asked by crystalmflores85 1

My husband and i have been seperated since oct. off and on we still see eachother. I am about to have a baby in sept. I still love him and want things to work out but he just always seems to avoid our situation. I sort of have a hard time trusting him to keep his promises. He only calls me to his convenience. he told me he wanted a divorce when we first split up but i still haven't heard him say anything about it. He hasn't helped me financially either. I'm not really sure if i can trust him an his family around my son and so i've had a hard time deciding if i just want to file for divorce myself and not have anything to do with him from then on. and also putting my last name on my son and if i should even put him as the father, or if i shoud just go ahead and put him as the father to pay for child support and have rights to him. Overall i'm just tired of his games and i don't want my son to be hurt because he doesn't know how to be responsible or considerate of others feelings.

2006-08-24 18:13:49 · 27 answers · asked by crystalmflores85 1

2006-08-24 17:57:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I caught my husband of almost 4 years, online chatting (sexually) with other women. He said it was only for attention. Then later said it was out curiosity, since he hasn't been in any other serious relationships with women, than ours.

2006-08-24 17:54:08 · 20 answers · asked by tmayre12 1

2006-08-24 17:48:52 · 38 answers · asked by sportsplaya949 2

he said no sex happen, 2 years later his girlfriend gets a papsmear n the doctor tells her she got clamydia sexually and when she confronts him he still denies it. n swears on his childs life he didn't do anything wrong, and one night he tells the girlfriend's best friend that it was true that he had sex and the girlfriend finds out what happen and she confronts him again and he wont admitted and says he is never going to apologize because she was the one 2 push him 2 cheat on her because of constant nagging because she would be asking if he was cheating because he did not wanted 2 have sex at all 4 few months with her so it was weird for her that is why she thought there was someone else n he would swear 4 the most sacred things. Now he is going to throw her a suprise party which he thinks she doesn't know but she does know and he thinks doing that party is going to make up for all the stuff he has done to her because the std is not only thing he did 2 her there is violence and more.

2006-08-24 17:36:47 · 13 answers · asked by MARIA G 1

Hey ppl, it's long story, but I sacrifice and left my country and family for a girl that we suppose to marry, but her dad ask for a dowry (Mahr) of 2 millions $. Now I am alone in forgien country and she sacrifice me for the sake of her father, she left to please her dad, although she love me so much, and she promised me from befor that she will elope with me if she have to befor I left my country, so right now I am alone in forgien country and all I asked to be with someone will care about me.
And like 2 month ago she cut every contact with me and I can't see her or even talk to her.
I am so mad and angry becuz right now I miss her so much and I am feeling alone with big stress around me, speacilly after I got sick for 3 days with no one to take care of me or know anything about me, I could die and no one will know.... so I know a way to destroy her relationship with her family and make her alone around the ppl around her, so should I do that or no !!! she may back to me !!!

2006-08-24 17:21:54 · 17 answers · asked by rani 1

i just find it demeaning as a women and a wife that the man im with wud rather masturbate than have me .

2006-08-24 17:20:37 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been married for 5 years now and have been away from her for the past 4 1/2 months because of the military. During this time away from her I have not really missed her any. (we have been talking on the phone and writing e-mails about ever other day) Over all I have missed my dog more than I have missed her. What could this mean?

2006-08-24 17:19:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok me and my bf has been togther awhile now an he wants to get married i love him with all my heart theres not a doubt in my mind tht hes totally the one for me should i merry him regardless of wht everyone else thinks>? im thinking about jumping the gun and showing everyone else how much i love this guy so much wht should i do ?? wht do yall think ?

2006-08-24 17:16:53 · 43 answers · asked by koolezville07 1

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