My wife and I are separated now and it is mainly because I could not open up to her. I love her dearly but was never ever to overcome my fear of rejection and my insecurities about myself. These fears about her not loving me – the real me – stopped me from ever letting her see the real me. I was always afraid that I was never good enough and that anything I did – from planning surprise vacations to performing in the bedroom - would not be good enough. So instead of trying harder, I tried less. You can’t “fail” if you don’t try. You can’t be “rejected” by your wife if you don’t pursue her. Now that we have talked and I have explained all this to her, the anxiety seems really stupid. Things are less scary once you say them. I needed to realize that there was nothing I could tell her that would make her love me less. Not letting her in is what made her love me less. As much as it kills me, for us it looks like it is too late. Even with me opening up now she seems to be gone.
I have been doing a lot of soul searching since the separation and found a great article that really spoke to me. Here is part of it:
“It feels good when our partners agree with and validate us, but you can't count on it. If you demand it, you can land in the crazy conundrum that creates eternal insecurity: We put a spin on what we reveal about ourselves in order to get the response we want. Then we can never feel secure with those who accept us because we know they don't really know us. When you are willing to validate yourself, you can afford to let your partner know you as you are. You stop presenting yourself the way you want to be seen, and you just disclose with no other goal than being truly known.
Self-validated intimacy sounds like: "I want you to know me before I die. I want to share with you my days, which would otherwise be less meaningful. It would be nice if you agreed with me, wonderful if you liked me. But most of all I want to know that somebody really knew who and what I am. More than I fear your rejection I fear never reaching across my mortality, which separates me from you and others. I will care for my own feelings, Just know me--including my sexuality."
This was me. I never felt comfortable enough to just let my wife know who I am and what my desires were. This put up a wall between us and drove her away. For all of you out there that are doing the same thing – DON”T. Tell you loved one what you feel and share your feelings. This will ultimately make you stronger. Don’t make the same mistake I did and let the best thing you ever had slip away because you were too afraid to show that person the all of you.
Good Luck
15 answers
asked by
Steven H