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Marriage & Divorce - 10 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I still love him and have children to think about. I am willing to try and work this out. But the negative is so much he cheated with 4 people one was an ongoing relationship. All the womwen new he was married. Why is it they don't care that they are ruining someones family. He has been drug free for six months I think the sobriety is what made him feel guilty enough to tell me. He could have gotten away with it but he told me. I am not sure if i will ever be able to trust him again and beng intamate I am unsure how i feel about that, it is supposed to be something only we shared and now it isn't. What do I do?

2006-08-10 15:40:40 · 21 answers · asked by confused 2

What do you do when you know you love someone a lot but you know the person is not right for you, your life became worse with big problems in marriage, all of your family member thinks it's better off to be alone and meet someone else, and also when I ask stranger, most people tell me it's better off ending the relationship. I am a very forgivable person. I love him but I know it should end. What do you do? I am separated and all I have to do is ask for divorce. But yet, I don't know if I am making the right choice. Why don't I see what everyone is saying about him? Why do I feel he really loved me, just made mistake, just didn't do what he was supposed to do? Why don't I hate him like my family members and other people say I should? Why do you think I feel like this?

2006-08-10 15:38:06 · 15 answers · asked by whattodo898 1

2006-08-10 15:38:03 · 20 answers · asked by save_me_now 3

I just recently moved to GA from FL, before I moved I talked to my exhusband and made sure he was okay with me taking our two boys who are 6 and 7 to Ga which is about 5 hours from where he lives in FL, he said it would be okay and we made visitation arrangements and everything. He even signed a paper saying it was okay, now all of the sudden he is giving me a hard time, I haven't done anything to make him think I will keep him from the boys or anything, I have followed the terms we agreed on and everything. I am wondering if a judge would make me move back now even though the boys are in school here now and all of us are doing well here.

2006-08-10 15:26:38 · 3 answers · asked by girlfromflorida 3

personal gratification? who do i turn to she was never wanted now he is mr , wonderful in hieryes because he caters to her and callls her and text messages her when it is not his day.we had the most wonderfull mother daughter rlationship and now she barley talks to me and growls when she does.i never told her what he did to divorcehom because i think she is to young yet he tells her lies and she believes them help please. sk

2006-08-10 15:26:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my wife have been togeather 7 years. We were talking the other night with another couple. we got on the topic of sex. We got to the question of what is the wildest thing sexual wise you have done. She told us that she had sex with three guys at once, and had each hole filled. mouth, a&s, pu33y. I was like wow, never knew that and i asked her. she said it was in her wild years and wanted to try it. what would you think of this? and anyone else had info like this thrown on them like this.

2006-08-10 15:17:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Married 24 years, both good looking (daughters' friends say), no cheating, doctors haven't helped, counselors haven't helped (they said "it's amazing you are even together" ???) used to get all kinds of crazy, did we wear it out?

2006-08-10 15:01:44 · 11 answers · asked by ladystardonna 2

not married just curious

2006-08-10 15:01:29 · 17 answers · asked by NEOTEH 4

I am a teacher. In my district, school starts very early so I am home at 3pm or so. I do all of the laundry, cooking, vacuuming and other cleaning, dishes, grocery shopping, keep track of the finances and mow the lawns. I drop off and pick up the dry cleaning, medicines, etc.

I don't mind it at all, but it would be nice if my wife would admit every now and then that she has a pretty "good deal." She claims that all men do this much around the house these days.

Is that true, do your working husbands do that much?

2006-08-10 15:01:18 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last Year My Husband And I Conceieved A Little Girl That Was A Surprise. He Thinks That I Purposelly Got Pregnant , Well We WorkedThat Out And Now We Live Together But For The First Nine Months After My Daughter WasBorn weLivedApart. When My daughter Was 2 Months Old He Started To See His Ex- Girlfriend I Only Know Because She Was Leaving Love Songs On His Voicemail, So I Confronted Him About It And Still to This Day He Denies It Ever HAppened. I JustWant Him To Be Homnest < I HAve Put It Behind Me But I Just Want Him To, Admit it What Should I Do

2006-08-10 14:54:57 · 41 answers · asked by Shanana 2

we have full custody of their 2 children ages 17 & 14. she bought the house across from us hoping the court would give her custody: that didn't happen. BUT THE WOMAN IS NUTS. she comes into my house WITHOUT KNOCKING and walks around calling for the kids. my husband told her that's not acceptable, so the second time she did it, he called the cops. the cops told her to stay 500 feet from our house or we could press stalking charges. THEN 2 months later, she and her new husband bought the house across from us. the kids have been raised by me (and their father) for 5 years. I REFUSE to leave my dream house... ANY SUGGESTIONS for keeping my sanity? please don't tell me to hope that she moves, she can't afford to i know what they paid they are TAPPED OUT.

2006-08-10 14:48:36 · 14 answers · asked by JayneDoe 5

My Husband And I Had A Baby A Year Ago And He Really Didn't Want The Baby First She Was A Surprise. So Now We Barley Ever Have Sex Because He Is Scared That I Will End Up Pregnant Again. I Am Using Protection And Even When We Rarley Do HAve Sex We even UseCondoms Since This YearAlone We Have HadSex Like Four Times I Dont Know What To do Because I want to have sex it bothers me that he can refuse my needs and roll over on his side of the bed at night and just go to bed even though he knows i wanted some attention

2006-08-10 14:47:55 · 35 answers · asked by Shanana 2

my husband thinks being on the internet on myspace is wrong, but I am only on there to find new and old friends. I lied about being on there and he found out I was on there, and he is really mad! I didn't tell him because I knew he would be totally upset, but I am only on there to find old and new friends, but he thinks I am on there to find other guys. Am I wrong, or is he wrong... I mean I am totally innocent, I mean I have a picture of him on there with my two girls, the last thing I want to do is find a man.

2006-08-10 14:40:51 · 45 answers · asked by tgallenstein01 2

I think they should stick to the original deal.

2006-08-10 14:34:37 · 11 answers · asked by X-Woman 5

how can men get so entertained over stupid **** like farts and burps...my hubby is playin a game that farts and burps and kickin chickens and he is dieing laughing...what a big dork!

2006-08-10 14:30:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The two women my husband was with before he met and married me were real umm how should i say? I'm gonna go with "horndogs". I am much more reserved in that arena. Since he had never been with anyone who wasn't a horndog, he thinks that's strange. I am curious to know how often people in relationships really are getting lucky! Is he right that most people are horndogs? I know he would be especially interested in getting some data related to average frequency (let's say # per week) of giving/receiving a "beejer".

2006-08-10 14:09:32 · 24 answers · asked by L.B. 2

when i was born i lived w/ my mother and grandparents and to make a long story short...my mother and i moved out when i was 14 and my grandpa and i use to be real close.... the main point...my mother met her new b/friend and they got together when i was 17 w/ a baby...well my mother and i use to be like sisters..but when we lost the mobile home because of her stupid b/f i was kicked out and i lived from friend to friend w/ a 1 yr old son...finally moved to grandparents, but my mother doesnt want anything to do w/ me, she calls my sons father her son and im not her daughter anymore and i feel alone and it really gets to me..my grandpa on the other hand puts me down..so im very insecure about myself...he has it in my mind when i do something its not good enough and now its worse i do something over and over and i still feel like im not good enough...he even says im to stupid for college... he also came into my own house infront of my husband putting me down... what do i do?

2006-08-10 14:07:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine are 36 F and all natural//// my hubby wants them bigger/ i dont know what to do.

2006-08-10 14:06:37 · 37 answers · asked by The wife 1

Why are men so easily tempted? What are the qualities of those who aren't? I have known men who are extremely good fathers and friends but suck at relationships! Can you have a marriage that is pure from beginning to death? What were the characteristics of that marriage? I am serious people. I have been married for 11 years and I have questions!

2006-08-10 13:54:36 · 10 answers · asked by kswift25 2

My husband cheated on me with my little sister when I was pregnant. It really hurt my feeling and I was just wanting totalk to someone that was in my boat or kinda in my boat.

2006-08-10 13:52:13 · 12 answers · asked by Malori C 1

Been dating this guy for 5 months. We met during the time him and his baby's mom were split up. We BONDED like crazy. Not only was the sex good, but connected mentally and spiritually. During this time, he never lied to me about trying to make things work, and her possibly coming back home. She left due to him cheating on her, lots of times. They have 2 kids. I told him that our friendship was great, but I was graceful enough to walk away when she returned. Which is exactly what I did when she finally came back.

He didnt want to let go. While we did cut the sex off, he still wanted to talk to me like we always did. He always told me that he couldnt be selfish, so he knows I will move on, but he wants to know my every step because things "may not work out with her." They have a VERY distrusting, noncommunicative relationship, which is why he wanted to still be friends with me. (Even she admitted that she doesn't really support him, sex him, or even like him)

Why are they 2gether?

2006-08-10 13:48:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I find porn allover the computer and I say okay.... I think wow, maybe he will use what he is watching in bed! Has not happened! I am 28 yrs, 5'6 125lbs and pretty hot. He loves to look a pussy but not mine. What the hell? I am so sick of it! I am too young to just settle for a boring sex life and I am not going to beg! Look at the porn you want but use what you watch in bed with me! I am overly frustrated with the situation and have brought this to my husbands attention several times. He says he is still crazy for me? I do not see that! Any suggestions?

2006-08-10 13:44:03 · 27 answers · asked by louwho 1

Do you think this is always true? I found that guys I like have some things in common with my father, but, even though I love my father very much, I don't want a guy that's too much like him. Because if ''girls end up being just like their mothers'' and ''marry the guy just like their father'' then guess what happens?! That's scary: I want to try a life that's different from Mom and Dad's. So, what do you think about this? If you're a woman, did you marry a guy who was just like your father?

2006-08-10 13:43:31 · 5 answers · asked by Erica 3

Well since it was Arabs that killed everyone in 9/11, why dont they just make a flight esp. for them only.
Keep them off the planes with white people or other.
I think this would work.
Dont get too offended if your an Arab, blame your people not us.
I would say the same thing if were white men who were invovled in 9/11.
Airport security is so riduclous now, I mean when are they going to forbid tampons from coming on a plane???
You cant even bring lipstick!

2006-08-10 13:35:27 · 3 answers · asked by Sheena H 1

Been married almost 3 years now. We don't argue at all! He has a nine year old and we have a two year old. I am a full time stay at home mom. He works 10-12 hours a day (can't cut him for that) he is trying to be a good provider, but he comes home from work in the middle of the night, eats, watches t.v. and sleeps until he has to go to work the next day. No play time with the kids, no time for me. But if it's hunting or motorcycles man he's up and runnin'! He would have to work those hours with or without me here.. so what is he really doing except making me and the kids feel like wanting time is an overwhelming inconvenience? On weekends we just rent movies. When he talks it's about his job or his bike or his buddies at work. I cannot honestly remember the last time he asked me about our house, our kids, me, the dog.... nothing. I can be lonely by myself - should I be?

2006-08-10 13:30:02 · 9 answers · asked by cabinfeverjen 2

I have been reading up on the whole cheating thing lately-just curious honestly- and the general concensus says that women cheat for the feelings they get and men cheat for the physical- in most of the cases. All the books say that most men who cheat say they are "happily" married and want to stay with their wives. Why? I really don't get it--not at all- When I was with my love, the thought of cheating never even occurred to me- so when I hear about all these happily married people straying--???? What are your thoughts on this?? I spoke to a woman I know about why she cheated- and she said she was glad that her husband never found out and glad she did it because it helped her grow as a person- hmmph--do people cheat because they are so afraid to change themselves- their lives- do they actually believe they are in a happy marriage- are they just clueless??

2006-08-10 13:28:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

And for the sake of argument, lets say its in the top three or four things of importance in a marriage.

How many couples here would attend a class or buy a book to further their knowledge of sex?

2006-08-10 13:23:23 · 12 answers · asked by cloaked30m 3

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