The other night, my mom said that we should start doing a lot of things to improve our family's structure. She said we're going to do things like go to family counseling, have certain chores, help out more with siblings, and go to church.
Well, I don't share her beliefs (the Christian God). I asked her way I had to start going to church. "I don't like your beliefs and I feel going to church will help you come out of this. I'm tired of you being an atheist," was her response.
This pissed me off to no end. So, for the weekend, I went and stayed with my dad. This morning, while my dad and I were cruising around town, she followed us and tried to force me to go to church. I refused, and got back into my dad's vehicle.
Why can't she tolerate my beliefs? It's not doing her any harm. She feels that I'm going to Hell, but she has no room to talk. I feel she is just so mentally brainwashed by wanting to live right (which she doesn't do) and forces us to "live right".
We need help
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