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Family - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

We are planning on lending my mother money for moving however, I have made my husband mad because we wanted to use the money to move also. What can I do? Should I keep the money or lend it. If I do keep the money what can I tell my mom?

2007-02-09 07:02:35 · 21 answers · asked by raemom05 2

I am almost 21 yrs old and my mom continues to treat me like im a child. She likes to keep a leash on me. But at the same time she wants me to be independant. To me that seems like a major contridiction. forcing me to live on my own but taking every step to ensure that I can't do anything. I was in group homes from ages 14-17 and never had the opertunity to learn how to drive. When i came back to my house before my eighteenth birthday I tried to learn how to drive so I could get my licence but all but tried to have me arrested and i spent three days in a state hostpital. Shortly after that she once again tried to have me arrested but I ended up going to live with my dad. That didnt work out so I came back to my place in Texas. My mom pushes independence on me and I really have no problem with it if only I had a licence so I wouldnt be sheltered. How do I get my mom to realize she is putting the cart before the horse and that I cant have her putting a leash on me always?

2007-02-09 07:01:27 · 5 answers · asked by YWWE>BVW>mwwe 6

My mother always tries to tell how to raise my chilren (we have 5), and she overtly favors the oldest one (a boy). My husband says I should tell her she's not welcome in our home until she changes her ways, but it's my mother and I love her. What should I do?

2007-02-09 06:57:23 · 9 answers · asked by Kathy A 1

2007-02-09 06:53:14 · 10 answers · asked by Tomas T 1

My sis is pestering me about how i've changed, i need a good comeback to like leave her speechless anyone got ideas?

2007-02-09 06:44:42 · 9 answers · asked by bex_xoxo 2

the way that you loved one is being cared for by their spouce?
Ok, my mother-in-law had a stroke a while back, she can not take care of herself, and she can not coumminicate very well.
I love both of them but am very concerned for the way that they are living. I have helped but with no effort on their half it dose no good. Their is cat poop all over their room, witch I have cleaned up several times. Its back again!! I cant tell you when the last time that she has had a shower, she phisically fights you on this issue. She really gets upset,yells and gives us the finger.
Do you get the state involved?? Do you not say anything? I love this woman with all my heart and she would not be happy with the way that she is living but I can not do this all on my own.
What do you think that I should do?
Staying away is not an option for me, Please help!

2007-02-09 06:43:27 · 2 answers · asked by ohdarnitsmeagain 3

as my wife pass a way in 2000

2007-02-09 06:42:15 · 10 answers · asked by lloyd d 1

my brother is all most 17 and he is two inches small then me
he said that he is a "little person"
but he isnt small anuff to be one and he is sad that im his little sister and im taller and im sad to because i cant cheer him up
iv tryed buying him gifts
iv offerd to do his home work (=p)
i told him we could trade sizes if he wanted
but he all ways says...no thanks or that wont evan happen
me and my brother are really close
but lately he keeps geting sader
he was dumped last week
he gets made fun of at school(he isnt home schooled)
he doesnt have alot of friends and we share a room(we DO NOT SLEEP IN THE SAME BED) but we both sleep on the floor because we dont like are beds

i really feel sad because i feel like im loseing my brother
can any one help me to make him and ME happy again?

2007-02-09 06:36:41 · 9 answers · asked by princess peach 1

ok here is the thing, i'm 22 and living with my mother but only for economical reasons[beleive me]. last year or 2 years ago, she was being very mean to be, not physically abusive but emotionally, but she stoped and i noticed that she restarted today, refering to my last question. i wanted a job when i was younger and after high school graduation but she said no and concentrate on my studies which i did and regreted cause now i have no savings for me to move out and i know that's why she's beeing mean with me. right now i am in my senior year at university and am looking for an internship since i dont have any job experience. my question is should i look for the internship that will help me train for my career and eventually get out of this woman's house, or should i forget everything and jsut get a job outside of my major so i can move out faster. i CANT talk to her cause in her mind she isnt doing anything wrong. i dont ant to act on impulse,regret and thus damaging my futur

2007-02-09 06:32:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-09 06:16:43 · 9 answers · asked by sharky 1

Always trying to be in me and hubby'spersonal space.Tryin to come in our bedroom and sit on bed(has barged in before while I wasdressing!)...Goes through our kitchen cabinets,rummages through our fridge..Looks at my beauty products when she goes to "use the bathroom".Always goes into rooms in the house tht have closed doors...gives herself a tour through our home.....Then goes home and tells everyone whatever she saw(no matter how petty it is).................Why is she this way?Why doesn't she understand that son is grown and not only am I not her daughter..but I'm a grown woman too and she needs to repect our personal space?

2007-02-09 06:06:05 · 16 answers · asked by Direktor 5

ok i'm 22 and live with my mother for OBVIOUSLY economic reasons. i dont understand her reaction that's why i'm asking this question. i'm going ot the movies with a friend but he's male but he is ONLY a friend. so we said that we would met up at the movie theater, when i told my mother this she said that he didnt have any respect for me and since i accepted that means i lack respect for myself...i have no clue where this logic is coming from since it's not a date and also i have gone out with male friends na dhave met them at the movie theater and she didnt say anything...so what is this about? when i asked her she was like do whatever you want. i dont get this

2007-02-09 06:03:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-02-09 06:01:29 · 7 answers · asked by Sir Riegel 1

hey guys
i live in the UK
im trying to find my dad and information about him
his name is jonathan david overfield
lives in boroughbridge
if anyone could help me at all
i would be so grateful.

2007-02-09 06:00:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

This little girl is being told to call mom's new boyfriend daddy when my husband was already established as "daddy" (this baby was conceived out of adultry.)She is being programmed by mother to believe false info.- once again. We tell her the truth that her real father's whereabouts are unknown and that mom's boyfriend is not her daddy. The little girl has said hurtful things to my husband indicating the boyfriend as her new dad, ect... Would you let this situation as is and let it run it's course? She is somewhat a pain in the rear when she comes because she whines over everything and wears us out. We just hate to exclude her when his other child visits.

2007-02-09 05:51:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have not seen my grandmother in many years, SO I have decided to make her a photo album... my question is....Should i make it from when Me and my siblings where little to Us being grown up... or Of just Us now... DOes this make sense? I sure hope so haha!

2007-02-09 05:43:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it make me a bad mother to make my grown son and his wife pay their own bills, I have been cut off from seeing my grandson because I turned off their cell phone for not paying the bill. And he had the money because he was working for my husband at the time! I gave them a place to live and helped them with things for the new baby, all at no cost untill they were on their own.I now expect them to provide for their child and be responsible for their bills. They haven't been paying any bills, their car insurance is cut off, electric to be turned off, late on the rent, and so on. I know they have the money to pay these things if they would budget and not waste it on drive thru dinners and the latest DVD out on the market! I hate not seeing my grandson, MY daughter-in-law is using him as a pawn! She has also used him against my son already and he's only 3-mos old. She even went so far as to burn all the things that I bought for him! And they sure can't afford to replace them.

2007-02-09 05:40:36 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is 17 years old.

2007-02-09 05:13:19 · 10 answers · asked by SG 1

My grandpa (on my dad's side) is 92 suffering from Alzheimer's. In April my mother (whom I've never gotten along with) offered me a "job" through my dad's business, caring for him. I spoke to friends and took their advice to tell my parents I wasn't going to do it. I'd been treated for severe depression months before, and my friends were concerned my depression would get worse.
I graduated from college without a job, moved back home, and all I heard for two weeks from my mother was how "we are a family," and "this is what families do." I got sick of listening to her guilt trips, so I started looking out for him.
My grandfather continued to fail. I stopped doing this after three months because of the emotional toll it was taking.
Now she wants me to do it again. She doesn't want to use up all my grandpa's $ on a home. I know she wouldn't ask my sisters to do this, since it would be beneath their dignity. All she did was complain about my efforts. I'm between jobs again.

2007-02-09 05:07:30 · 10 answers · asked by curiogirl84 2

she is soo totally out of control! she kicks my cats head...she retaliates when scolded..like sticking tongue out and showing a fist and daring you to slap her. she finds anything like flour, rice to strew it all over the house, she touches every single thing in your room...(she touched my laptop, took my cream and smear all over my room...etc) worst of all...since she is my step sis..i cant really do anything to her?and plus... im an only child and only had a step sis when i was 17!!!help??

2007-02-09 04:51:45 · 14 answers · asked by 'N' 2

2007-02-09 04:36:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay.. so my boyfriend & I are christians and are waiting to have sex when we're married. But lately he's been doing things that have scared me. Such as we'll be cuddling and next thing I know he's almost on top of me and we'll be jumping on the trampoline and i'll loose my footing and next thing I know hes beside me with his legs over mine. Now I do not want sex and niether does he. We both have agreed on that but whats up with this behavior? And also I am TERRIFIED of sex. I've heard so many horror stories about bleeding everywhere and the orgasm hurting really bad and stuff. I am soo afraid of having a rod enter me!!!!

2007-02-09 04:27:42 · 8 answers · asked by karateprincess17 1

I want to move out the month after I graduate I want to know what all I am going to have to do once I move out besides paying the bills and getting a job and I want to move in with one of my friends in South Carolina and Right now I live in Ohio.

2007-02-09 04:25:39 · 12 answers · asked by Hannah Banana1989 1

hi everyone, im in serious trouble. im 19, my g/f's 22, and we found out both to our shock and dismay that she's pregnant. we've been dating for about a year now. my problem is i have no idea how to break the news to my mom. she is very religious and i know she thinks im a virgin so she is gonna be shocked, angry disappointed, etc etc. im ready to stand up and be a good father and all that and i realize we werent as responsible as we could have been in that we only used 1 form of b/c and i should've worn a condom, but none of that's gonna matter to my mother. i really dont want to hurt her but obviously she's gonna find out eventually. i realize there's probably no easy way to do it but if anyone here has any advice based on personal experience or whatnot id appreciate it. thanx.

2007-02-09 04:21:07 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother is is 83 years old, she has had a hip replacement and cateracts rmoved but is in fairly good health otherwise. She lives on her own but my sister lives close by. We have decded that although I live further away from her, I should be her carer as my sister has a full time job that includes some very weird shift patterns. What would I need to do and does she have to be disabled to have a carer?

2007-02-09 04:12:09 · 8 answers · asked by mw3sor 3

i'm 15 years old. i have a sister who's 18 (nearly) and has a 20/80 chance of living, something along those lines anyway....so everyone's still hoping.

i don't know why but it's not hitting me...we were always so close and she's awesome. i'm not upset in any way.....so then i try to think of what it would be like without her, it doesn't upset me...i feel like i'd just live on.

i rather not talk about it but i know i do have friends to talk to about it and teachers and stuff....this is really when i thought "what is wrong with me," cause a teacher asked me to come talk to her and she was cool about it and she was like "so how r u about the situation" and i didn't know what to say, i don't feel anything!!

what's wrong with me?...

, Jenny

p.s. wrong category*

2007-02-09 04:02:07 · 30 answers · asked by Jenny R 1

I have some friends. Their mother has gone crazy over a guy and has pratically abandoned all her parental responsibilities. She's locking the kids out of the house and making it known that she doesn't want them there and the house is going to be for her and her new bf.

The kids want to leave. I should say young adults there are three of them and the youngest is 18.

Child support is about to run out I think but the father owes a lot of back child support as well so they can still expects checks for some years to come.

The question is can they get the checks to be made out to them instead of going to their mother who is doing nothing for them? They are going to move out so will anyone get a check?

2007-02-09 03:55:11 · 7 answers · asked by tejanomoreno 2

ok i have two older cousins and their like my brothers they've always been there for me and i've always lived with them..untill they moved three years ago...so when they come down here everyother weekend im always around them...and there friends they bring...but my parents dont like it cause they said its making a bad repatation and it looks bad on my part cause im the only girl with a bunch of guys...what do i do?

2007-02-09 03:52:05 · 13 answers · asked by Tara Bruce 1

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