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Family - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Ok 2day travon,said that my boyfriend was goin out with his sis,steven lied to me so we can break up....than i told my boyfriend and now he is gonna fight travon because he don't take no stuff i told my boyfriend that don't listen to him cause he iz a trouble maker.....But no my boyfriend wanna fight him and a fat boy in school and i don't want him to be suspended cause i'm gonna miss him....And today while i was talking to him i didn't even finish and this gurl that i don't KNOW grabs him and starts to talk wit him so i looked at him and left he went to his class and than i got mad because he didn't even pay me no attentoin while i was gonna tell him something important about what steven said to me about what my boyfriend said.........CAN U PLZ TELL ME A GOOD ADVISE.................................

2006-11-20 07:52:09 · 7 answers · asked by Joylissa M 1

what should i do ??i think i have located my birth mother (haven't seen since i was 7, she chose real man over me)last i seen my sister she was 1 and I was 5 so I dont think she would remember I have pictures! but i dont think she knows I exist. Do i have any legal rights to see my sister if my mom doesn't want me. Im just afriad of goin there and having the door slammed into my face. that would crush me

2006-11-20 07:38:59 · 9 answers · asked by mizzmom 1

I'm 15 and still a virgin. Frankly, I don't feel prepared to have sex. I'm afraid it'll be a kinda traumatic experience if I have sex now. Most guys my age only want sex for pleasure. I think I'm mature for my age, but I don't think I'm enough mature to get engaged. And it's almost impossible to love a man at my age. Many people say I'm childish because I'm not into boys as many girls my age, and for now my priority is is school, though I also love swimming and have many friends. I get along with my parents and my bro, and frequently go out with mom, she ikes those mother/daughter days and I think they are cool. My parents treat me with love, are understanding when I do something wrong and I like this, I dont see why I should fight instead of talking.
I'm happy, but so many other teens and even adults keep saying I'm childish, inexperienced, I don't act like a 3 rd millennium girl that I'm getting upset;.Much peer pressure. What's wrong with me?

2006-11-20 07:32:32 · 30 answers · asked by Adriana 1

My son is turning 1 in Dec. I hate his grandmother on my husbands side. at my baby shower she stared trouble and ran people off... i told my husband about it and he did nothing just said it is my mother,,,, i told him this year she better act like an adult because it isnt about her and her ex husband it is about our son Wyatt. i also told him i would ask her to leave an he got mad at me and started a fight any suggestions on how to handle this?

2006-11-20 07:19:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone have any advice to offer on my 14 year old son hanging with the wrong crowd, smoking,staying out late,etc...Anything at all as to how to set guidelines or something...I am not one to spank.

2006-11-20 07:12:53 · 11 answers · asked by peopleperson 1

I love my sister, we are best friends, though she's younger than me, but she seems to want to hang out all the time. I don't mind it too much but sometimes I would like to chill alone or not have her go through my stuff all the time. Sometimes she just leaves my stuff all over the place, like some of my dirty underwear, I have no clue why she had them and why she left em in the living room, I was embarrased, but that's another story. How do I tell her to give me some space and not to go through my stuff without hurting her feelings or making her angry at me?

2006-11-20 07:09:38 · 6 answers · asked by Fiesty Redhead 2

My brother is playing a video game and he is having a tantrum. I'm on the computer the floor below him...what do I do? How do I help him overcome his anger issues with this game?

2006-11-20 07:07:32 · 5 answers · asked by QueenofLeon 4

Yes, this is a blended family (trying to stay away from the "step" title). 18 yr old girl (19 next month) supposed to start school in January, raised with single mother up to age 12. 12 yr old boy raised with both parents until age 7, lives with me and his father. 9 yr old girl raised with both parents until age 5, lives with her mother. 6 month old baby girl together. You can imagine all of the dynamics in this group. What are some general expectations age wise, for chores and family responsibility? We are trying to make this family work and it is very frustrating. My 18 yr old is giving the most problems at the moment, the 12 yr old is failing school and the 9 yr old doesn't really care as long as she is getting attention, preferably good. Everyone adores the baby, truly!! Please help!! I'm trying to save my family.

2006-11-20 06:50:14 · 4 answers · asked by Calli G 2

I am 22 and i am goign back to school and i am quiting my full time job for a part time job..all he is doing is telling me to wait but if i already have a job lined up i dont under stand the problem... well except the benefits thing but that is a really long story.. i really dislike my current job and need to get out of it but feel very uncomfortable without his support.. please help

2006-11-20 06:34:40 · 4 answers · asked by eighttoangel 1

Most of you will read this with the thought that it probably pertained to something vain, like clothes, cars or some new electronic trend.

What I think is truly beautiful is America.

Where else on this planet can you find the freedom to do EVERYTHING you do in your everyday life but here! There are women in this world who aren't allowed to go to school! There are men who will be killed over their religious beliefs!!
I really want this to reach the younger Yahoo users simply because the incredible future America offers will benefit you the most.

Take pride in this land; make it a part of your soul. Treat her like you'd treat that friend whose boyfriend cheated or the one who loves that girl so much he just had to tell you. America is and always has been an ideal. Think about that. Look it up if you're not sure what it means. She gives you freedom to live the way you choose. She gives you the opportunity to be whatever you choose when school ends and the real life begins, work!! She protects you every night as you lie sleeping soundly and free of worry. (Mom & Dad on the other hand toss & turn all night worrying about you and where you're going).

So trust her.

Protect her at any cost. Even one's life is the cost sometimes. Iraq for instance.
But it has to be done so we can preserve this great land, this amazing ideal.

Trust her.

Respect America. Treat her like you would your own mother. Don’t embarrass her. Vote, when you qualify. Choose wisely. Allow yourself to make your own choices, after all you're allowed to in America. Don't be swayed by everything you see on TV or hear on the news. Be centered enough to be in touch.

Respect her.

As for the rest of us who aren't lucky enough to be the younger generation anymore, instill it into the soul of your children, your loved ones or the person you struck up a conversation with on the subway or bus this morning. Not only will YOU feel better, but the seed you plant will continue this great land to grow and prosper, continue to aid the world and continue to be the best of the best.

There are others out there who envy us. They don't particularly like us. But your involvement in this great land will eventually wipe away the hate that exists and help to create a world that will some day reap the same rewards that America has given you. Shouldn't everyone be so lucky?
We're not here for very long, but where we are on this planet, thank god, is "America".

2006-11-20 06:31:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I moved 2000 miles away from home when I was 21. I loved my parents but they are very controlling ( esp. my mother). 4 years after I moved away I got married and my husband's job moved us FURTHER away (all the way in Hawaii.) My marriage got off to a very rocky start and I made the error of calling and confiding in my mother on a regular basis of how miserable I was. About a year into our marriage, my parents decided to sell their home and spend $10,000 moving their belongings to Hawaii to be near us and retire. I was working full-time, my husband resented their prying (which I had opened the door), needless to say it was a very uncomfortable situation. They moved back after only 4 months. Mom constantly reminds me that it's my fault that it didn't work out, that my husband is a jerk (he was but we are very happy now). Now she wants us to move closer to them "because they don't have anyone"-all other family have moved away) Am I a bad daughter because I don't want to live near them?

2006-11-20 06:28:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is really complicated but .....i think ihave located where my birth mother is and last last time i seen my sister she was 1 and I was 5 so I dont think she would remember I have pictures! but i dont think she knows I exist. My mother never wanted to have ne thing to do with me after my grandmother past. She doesn't talk to anyone in the family. Nobody wants to tho. I would like to , i want some answers. i wanna know who my birth father is!! a name would be nice. its not like she never knew where i was living. no birthday cards nothing! how can someone just give there child away.. (because her boyfriend now husband did wanna raise another mans kid) so i was told i dont know who to believe or what to believe.

Im just afriad of goin there and having the door slammed into my face. that would tare me apart inside even more

2006-11-20 06:25:23 · 1 answers · asked by mizzmom 1

She is recently separated from her abusive husband, she has 2 daughters, and she will not do anything but sleep and lay around the house while my husband and I pay all her bills, ect. She steadfastly refuses to get help in any way, shape or form. She knows we will cater to her every need because of the children, whom we adore. And..to top it all off, she is constantly disrespectful. We don't really want to raise 2 more children at this time in our lives, but the only alternative we can forsee is that we continue to support her needs and hope that some day she will get the help she needs and decide to rejoin society. Our savings is gone, and we are struggeling to make ends meet in our own lives. Forget the father..no one knows where he is. I am at the end of my rope and see no way out of this. Please advise.

2006-11-20 06:19:57 · 16 answers · asked by jmmcakes 2

I'm 21 years old, and I swear some of these girls, don't realize the seriousness of becoming pregnant and giving birth. They think its so fun, and every things gonna be so great...and its like...your going to have a baby people!! It makes me sick to my stomach to see young girls like that, because their teenage life is over, regardless if the father sticks around or not. And especially the ones who aren't in school, or attempting to finish high school...what kind of lives will your children have? Why are you taking this so lightly?

And to see them accidentally pop out one kid after another...when their are married couples who would give their everything to be fertile and have a family. Just my little rant, does anyone else have opinions?

2006-11-20 06:09:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonstar 3

Christmas is arriving and I still don't know how i'm going to get my children anything!I'm a 27 year old,single mother who's struggling just to make sure my children have the basic things in life they need.We finally moved into our own apartment[we were in one room before]. With everything going on I really can't afford to give them the Christmas they truly deserve. I've heard of programs and dear.santa letters but I don't know how to get in touch with the programs.Can someone please offer me a little insight on what to do, so my children can have the Christmas they deserve. I just want to see their smiling faces on Christmas morning.

2006-11-20 06:03:52 · 19 answers · asked by gretchenholloway 1

my younger cousin and i have become pretty close...lately i've noticed a lot of jealousy...she tries to copy everything i do, even down to make-up...if i purchase something, she purchases two...i've never felt threatened by her until recently...she has lied to several of my acquantices and co-workers to keep drama going...what shoould i do? i have to see her everyday...trying to confront her has not helped at all...

2006-11-20 06:00:26 · 5 answers · asked by Glamourous 3

I am a single mother of one. (from my previous marriage) I recently kicked my boyfriend out for continuosly cheating. He and his 13 year old daughter lived with me for over a year. When he left he left his daughter with me because he is a shitty father. (He puts his hoes before his kids) She does not want to live with her mom and her dad does have custody. Her mother said it was okay for her to stay with me. Can I file for assistance if needed because her dad is not dependable and it will be hard for me....but I do not want to turn her away.??????

2006-11-20 05:55:52 · 6 answers · asked by stephanie c 1

I want to chang my religion.I want to accept Christanity or Islam?
Can anyone plz tell me what will be the correct religion for me?
Plz reply.I want luck in my life.plz

2006-11-20 05:54:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-20 05:47:38 · 8 answers · asked by mizzmom 1

My cousin (11 years old and male) wanted to see if he could set a record. He wants to see if he could set the record of having your feet tickled for the longest time. I told him he can't, because of the fact that someone who is not ticklish could say they are and last forever having their feet tickled. He refuses to admit he is wrong, but I do give it to him, he has really ticklish feet and can last a while. I can't even touch his socked feet without him giggling. He had his sister tickle his feet (with him wrapped in a blanket with his socked feet sticking out of one end) for 5 minutes and 32 seconds and he was in complete hysterics, his eyes were watering. I just want to know if the public can tell me how long their kids, cousins, or brothers can last having their feet tickled and how ticklish they are. Just to see where my cousin is at (Even though I still think its a pointless record)

2006-11-20 05:45:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

How would you feel if the man that you thought was your father for years, actually wasn't and the man who was your biological father was kept a secret from you? I recently attended a funeral for my "father" , who was actually my brother's father. It's raised a lot of confusion and feelings of resentment towards my mother. I believe that no matter how bad the father was, a child should not be denied the tight to know who their father is. What do you say?

2006-11-20 05:45:07 · 12 answers · asked by jaymil1979 1

...."But you only have yourself to take care of."

If so, what went through your mind and how did you respond? Thank you for your input.

2006-11-20 05:42:46 · 9 answers · asked by Seeker 4

23 years ago, I was married to a guy who treated me pretty crappy. He had went away on a job and was fooling around. I knew it, and decided to pay him back by doing the same. Of course, I got pregnant. I told him what I had done. The guy I had the affair with knows nothing. I don't think either one of us knew for sure if my pregnancy was due to the affair or if it was ours. A few years later we divorced. He has since remarried and so have I. My current husband has adopted my daughter and we decided it would be in her best interest, since we were having more children. She loves my husband as if he was her true father. I have just recently come across a year book from my old school days. When I saw the photo of the person I had the affair with, my heart sunk. He looks just like my daughter. I am not sure what to do. I know all about the wrong I did when I was 18 - I have beat myself up about this enough. So,please respond with genuine advice

2006-11-20 05:33:08 · 13 answers · asked by Need Advice Fast 1

In order for my sister to be able to go out with her friends and hang out..she tells my parents thats she's staying with me. There are times where I don't even know she's doing it. Other times she texts me. I want her to stop. She is my sister..so how do I tell her to stop w/o being confrontational?

2006-11-20 05:23:53 · 8 answers · asked by Meda1nonly 1

Does anyone know Gloria Robdelo by any chance? Her son is looking for her.

2006-11-20 05:19:50 · 2 answers · asked by LiLy 3

My ex in-laws aren't happy with a situation we have. They normally see the children every Friday night, and my mother normally sees the children every Saturday night. They asked us last week if they could take the 7 yr old boy (there's also a 4 yr old girl) out of state for Thanksgiving. (we live in Illinois). This is the first year in four my mother has asked to see the kids for Thanksgiving due to family situations. We made plans to have her come here in September. Now, my ex-husband's now b/f's parents are saying they never get to see the kids and are threatening to take custody. Can they do that? The kids are healthy, happy, clean, smart... there is nothing wrong with how they're being raised or treated. My ex is no help, won't stand up for our rights as parents. They won't pick a fight with me, they just keep going after him. I want to keep peace between the families. What can I do?

2006-11-20 05:03:14 · 21 answers · asked by stunner_mama 2

2006-11-20 05:00:53 · 17 answers · asked by shawn r 1

My sister got detention and the teacher wants to talk to my parents, I don't understand though why. Here is what happened, the teacher set up a group assigment and broke the class up in groups of 5. Two of the kids that my sister was grouped with were black, and before you call me racist, the reason I mention their race is because they brought it up first. When they were in the group trying to gather info during class, the two black kids would not help at all, my sister and the other 2 kids kept telling them to help out and do their share, but they didn't want to. They also kept using horrible grammar when speaking in which my sister decided to correct one of them on his choice of words. My sister then went to the teacher and requested to be changed to a different work because of the two black kids lack of respect and work ethics. The teacher talked to both the kids and somehow they said they felt insulted and that she had been rude to them because they were black.

2006-11-20 04:59:26 · 28 answers · asked by Abused Tampon 1

Okay last night I caught my uncle hurting my brother. Everyone knows that my brother - newly adoptive - was abused. I told my mother and she didn't care. So I went and told my dad and he said he would file a police report. I did watch my dad talk to my uncle last night, but I know my uncle hit my brother a few times this morning. I think my uncle thinks my brother told on him (which, unfortenetly, he probably wouldn't.)

Then the real kicker: I caught my uncle talking to my real brother, and he gave him a VICEIOUS blow to the side of the head! I don't know what to do, and I'm afraid my uncle may have been hurting him for a long time now.


2006-11-20 04:47:04 · 16 answers · asked by I think... 6

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