Today i went to my florist to make a payment on my wedding flowers. I asked for a copy of my owner and all the recipts so I could have a copy for my personl reconds, and to show my mom who is helping to pay for the wedding. She said I could not recieve these things until my order is paid in full, which won't be for awhile, and then she got an attitude with me, by saying something like" If you would pay this off sooner you can get it then". I am very upset because I've been really nice to this lady. The only reason we went with this flower shop is because my finace kept her son from being beat up in high school, and we thought she would give us a good deal. My mother and I are very upset, and we are seriously considering switching to a different florist, and launching a complaint with the BBB. I was wondering if anyone had a simlar experiance like this when planning their wedding.
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Cute Mom of 2