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Religion & Spirituality - 2 April 2007

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Cuz Atheism just don't make sense.
It takes away everything that I can't live without.

2007-04-02 10:43:41 · 14 answers · asked by Dead Rabbi 1

...their "challenging" of my beliefs is not forcing their irreligion down my throat?

2007-04-02 10:42:07 · 40 answers · asked by jinxmchue001 3

I recieved a Passover card in the mail this week along with a pamphlet about "accepting Jesus into your heart", from a local church. I found this incredibly insulting. Apparently, it was sent to EVERY Jew in my area! Someone got a hold of our directory! It's over a thousand people and everyone is offended. This just makes us not like Christiany! Why would a whole congregation (baptist) get together and say "Hey, let's get together and try to convert every Jew in our city!" The envelopes were all handwriiten!!!!!

2007-04-02 10:39:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I used to read mine alot, but when my mother passed away I have suddenly turned away from it. I feel really bad about this, and I wish that my faith was strong when she was alive, but it is actually a lot weaker. I just want to know how often you guys read your bible, and if you believe that not reading your bible will condemn you to hell.? Oh by the way, if you are atheist, feel free to answer, but if you give a smart *** answer I am reporting you bc i don't have time for ignorance. What I am basically saying is I respect your decision so please respect mine.

2007-04-02 10:38:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have not tried to force my beliefs down anyone's throat, yet some atheists here think that since other Christians have, that justifies them ridiculing my beliefs. Why is that?

2007-04-02 10:38:09 · 18 answers · asked by jinxmchue001 3

I was blessed to have roots to know GOD, yet it seems I had to experiance some harsh things to realize whats really important in my life......I would love to one day write a book or tell my story.....what do you think??Is this why GOD put me through all these things???

2007-04-02 10:37:33 · 54 answers · asked by destinyzangel 2

2007-04-02 10:37:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

...treat Christians as second-class citizens with their condescension and derogatory statements? Hypocritical much, guys?

2007-04-02 10:33:57 · 21 answers · asked by jinxmchue001 3


how old was jesus when he died

2007-04-02 10:32:12 · 8 answers · asked by the_smaller_gods 2

If god knows all (says the bible) even before it happends why would he let them eat from the tree in the first place. So he knew they were going to eat from that tree but let them sin anyway creating hell on earth for all to bear. Had he not let them there would be no jesus or sins for jesus to die for? So let me get this straight, God creates man, then creates woman from a rib? If he could create man why would he need a rib to create a woman? This book I have in front of me is a joke, and all who believe in it are retards. Yes god is real no doubt in my mind, but this book is not real. 30,000 years BC im sure they had pad and paper to keep notes. FOLKE TALES MORONS

2007-04-02 10:29:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-02 10:28:32 · 25 answers · asked by Angel Bonnie 4

How many people will not come to Christ because they have been turned off by Christians? How many gay teens have committed suicide because their fundie parents/pastors have told them they are the scum of the earth and they must turn from the person God has made them? How many people become alcoholics trying to deal with demands on their life that are unrealistic for them, but put upon them by the so called Christians.

Do Christians take any responsibility for the vicious, vile and hateful rhetoric spewed from the pulpits on a regular basis as fact...when it is truly only their opinion or interpretation of scriptures.

2007-04-02 10:27:02 · 22 answers · asked by James M 1

the pentagram is mostly reconized as related to wiccans now a days.i allready know the story behind the pentagram just want to see what other christians think.

2007-04-02 10:23:48 · 13 answers · asked by alvarezplayer83 2

about our beliefs.
Why do you ask questions?

Why do some of you seem so angry when you answer questions?

2007-04-02 10:23:43 · 20 answers · asked by Spoken4 5

There are times that I am very judgemental and because of some of the things I have gone through I feel like I am not only one and that other people dont know what it is like to struggle or feel pain. I have been very angry when family members were construtive in thier counsel and critisim and I felt like I am being made fun of, singled out and picked on andmany years I had a chip on my shoulder and in my defense have stated They dont go to church, they don't read thier Bible and they dont pray and why is life going so darn great for them and I am a christian and I work my backside off and I struggle?

I am learning not to be this way any more but what is a good godly way of ways not to be so judgemental and go forward in my life?

2007-04-02 10:23:35 · 10 answers · asked by encourager4God 5

2007-04-02 10:22:57 · 19 answers · asked by vehement_chemical 3

Religions have members of varying levels of intelligence so it is obvious that being a believer has nothing to do with intelligence and instead everything to do with a persons mentality. It takes a certain mentality to belong to a certain religion, it even takes a certain mentality to be a Atheist.

To be a beleiver or to be a Atheist has nothing at all to do with intelligence but instead a particular mentality yet Atheists constantly insult the intelligence of others by telling them they are stupid or delusional, if you all were really that smart you would know this wouldn't you?

2007-04-02 10:20:56 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

answer it how ever you want.... don't copy the dictionary

2007-04-02 10:19:39 · 23 answers · asked by KOISTAN 2

Albert Einstein speculated that "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left."

2007-04-02 10:18:45 · 7 answers · asked by zubeyde 3

and what about like during the day i never prayed before and i dont go to church i think i should start a relationship with god

2007-04-02 10:18:17 · 9 answers · asked by Gengta Bitch 1

Is that somehow supposed to convince us that your (un)belief is a better way to go? Why would I want to be condescending and hateful?

2007-04-02 10:17:31 · 32 answers · asked by jinxmchue001 3

I know that alot of people don't believe in God or heaven or Hell, and that's cool, i'm not trying to preach to anyone who doesn't want to hear it, but to Me, believing that you go no where after you die scarrier than believing in hell. When i die i don't want to just be done, forever, the idea of an after life comforts me ,even if it can't be proven to be real,I still chose to believe in it. Of course going to hell would be awful but non-exsistance would suck more. Doesn't non exsistance scare anyone but me?

2007-04-02 10:16:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

"A Man Whispers"

"The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang.

But, the man did not hear.

So the man yelled, "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky.

But, the man did not listen.

The man looked around and said, "God let me see you." And a star shined brightly.

But the man did not see.

And, the man shouted, "God show me a miracle." And, a life was born.

But, the man did not notice.

So, the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are here." Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man.

But, the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on."

Do not know the author of this poem... but it says it all!!!

2007-04-02 10:15:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fundies won't vote for a Mormon...don't like liberals, thinks gays are going to hell, along with Jews, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims and Atheists.

This is the faith of love? God is Love...etc...?

2007-04-02 10:15:29 · 5 answers · asked by James M 1

2007-04-02 10:14:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

just doesnt make sense, at all. why did He have to come down here and die? to what end? and why all the guessing games, why is the word of God (bible) so vague about theactual gospel, as to be open to any madmans interpretation? and more than that, why the elaborate plan, where we have to lead such stuffy lives, full of fear and questioning .just look a the book of revelations. seems like God is either away from
his desk, and we got it way wrong or the whole thing is a figment

2007-04-02 10:14:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why can't we all be right?? You believe in a Christian God..good for you. I believe in the possibility of God..God's..Goddess'..good for me. He believes in No God...good for him. Some of us are under educated...some educated..and some over educated. We are all good and decent people..trying to live our lives as best as we can. Why can't we meet in the freekin middle and just accept each other?? The things we each believe may be different..odd..strange..weird...unbelievable...but if we give each other a chance couldn't we just get over ourselves???
And let Goodness and Rightness be our common denominator?? Can you be that open??? Or NOT??
Please state your answer and your faith.

2007-04-02 10:13:35 · 11 answers · asked by ste.phunny 4

Through careful revision of its early history, and the conversion of many intellectuals, has the Mormon faith transformed itself into a worthwhile organization?

2007-04-02 10:12:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-02 10:12:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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