Proverbs 23:17- Don't envy sinners, but follow the example of those who always fear God; for then you will have a future; what you hope for will not be cut off.
20:21- Possessions aquired quickly at first, will not be blessed in the end.
19:11- People with good sense are slow to anger, and it is their glory to overlook an offense.
18:16- A persons girt clears his way and gives him access to the great.
19:1-2- Better to be poor and live one's life uprightly than engage in crooked speech, for such a one is a fool. To act without knowing how you function is not good; and if you rush ahead, you will miss your goal.
It is easy to engage in the traps that our pride and feeling of entitlement can set before us. But that is your flesh. You need to read what Godsays, and focus on that, and believe that even if other people don't think your worthy- God does. But we are not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. I am not saying you are, but, to feel more deserving, because you go to church and pray; is sort of self righteous. And you are not made righteous by any of the things you do, but by submitting to the Holy Spirit of God, and being humbled enough, to realize, that you are not righteous or entitled to anything and that everything you have and everything that you are, is a gift from God. Prayer is wonderful. Church, is fellowship. But growing and understanding God, is obeidiance and seeking Him, in all things, call out for these things. He is trying to teach you something, and carrying a grudge, is hindering your ability to be able to understand that He is teaching you this lesson, for your own growth. He is trying to turn you into a new creation. There is no room for pride. I hope this helps, God bless ya..
2007-04-02 10:50:34
answer #1
answered by Erin 3
I don't mean this to sound trite but no-on ever said that being a christian was meant to be easy. Often Christians experience as much if not more pain in their lives as anyone else. The difference is the way we handle it. If we allow the Holy Spirit to minister in our lives then we can be gracious and at peace even when it feels like everything is going to pot. I guess the key is to remember that as Christians our earthly lives is only part of the the story as we have a hope for the future and a promise of eternal life. I realise that life is rubbish for you now but all I can say is hang in there and keep praying.
2007-04-02 10:31:40
answer #2
answered by purpledingles 1
I, myself, have been through the same issues and often wondered if I was being punished. Then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks and I understood. First, to be a true comforter you have a high price to pay. In my eyes, not everyone is fortunate enough to pay it. You have to know that all things that you live through are tools. Tools to help someone else, tools to fight the temptation that Christians are faced with everyday, the tool to fight the enemy. And remember that there is only one judgment that matters and that's God. So don't let other people get to you, but remember not to judge them either.
2007-04-02 10:46:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Count it all joy that you are struggling, because God disciplines those He loves. Have you ever thought that earth's riches may be all that non-believers get? Learn to not offend and learn to not let people offend you. An old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." A Christian can say this and mean it. Don't ever worry about what people think; worry about what God thinks.
2007-04-02 10:34:26
answer #4
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
Let ye who have no sin cast the first stone. Remember that your life is between you and God. You cannot control what anyone else says or does. What you can do is accept the peace that passeth all understanding. Strive to be more christlike and forgiving. When they see you becoming more godly, perhaps they will be attracted and moved to do so themselves.
2007-04-02 10:28:37
answer #5
answered by Sharon M 6
I believe we as followers of Christ will battle the enemy in one form or another until we leave earth. The Bible is chucked with words of encourage for us. St Paul's letters, in particular, offer much encouragement in this area. II Corinthians chapter 4 has been most strengthing for me. Also, II Corinthians chapter 12, verses 2 through 10 are very helpful. I pray Our Lord will reveal himself and his power to you in these passages.
God Bless,
2007-04-02 14:41:24
answer #6
answered by acrucesalus07 1
Pray for them. Pray for them by name. Nothing general. Be specific. If they say or do something that really sets you off, pray for them that they will be given the blessing of being able to understand where you're coming from. Then when your through praying for them, pray for yourself, that you will be able to forgive them and that your heart will be softened towards them. Again be specific, name all the ways in which they tick you off and ask to not only be forgiven of taking offense to that, but that you will/can forgive them. Include this in your prayers every night/morning/whenever you pray until you can honestly say within yourself that you have forgiven them and that your heart is softened towards them.
I went through this myself, and it worked for me. Oh, and don't let the prayer become a vain repetition, make it heartfelt, with real desire every time.
2007-04-02 10:34:55
answer #7
answered by Tonya in TX - Duck 6
Think of how you felt when your family members judged you. That is how you make others feel when you judge them. Then remember what Jesus said, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It's not always easy, so slow down and think about it before you do something you will regret.
2007-04-02 10:34:27
answer #8
answered by Wisdom in Faith 4
When you realize that you will be judged with the same measure that you judge others, would that not be a deterrent to judging? It is human nature to judge, its carnal. In order to be spiritual, we must try not to judge. If making judgments of others is a sin, then you are in luck, God forgives sin.
2007-04-02 10:32:16
answer #9
answered by loufedalis 7
It's God's way of testing your strength. He does it to everyone...we all have hard times. Right now is your turn. Their's will come.
2007-04-02 10:29:21
answer #10
answered by Lola 5