Somebody just asked "Is it better to be a kind and generous atheist or a greedy and hateful Christian?" Predictably, most of the answers from Christians were variations on the "Greedy and hateful people aren't real Christians" theme. This is the standard refrain whenever it's pointed out that any "Christian" in history has acted in a less-than-admirable fashion - the Inquisitors were "not real Christians," nor many (or any) of the popes, nor Ted Haggard when he was snorting meth off the butts of gay hookers, nor George W. Bush, nor Hitler, nor any nominal Christian whom one happens personally to dislike.
We're also constantly hearing from Christians that ALL human beings are miserable sinners from birth, insufficient in ourselves, in need of a "Redeemer" - hence, of course, the necessity of Jesus.
Does this mean that there are in fact NO "real" Christians? Or are Christians just the people who acquiesce in the idea that they're insufficient and sin-ridden and need to be "saved"?
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Religion & Spirituality