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It's time to stop playing the "oh, they aren't 'true Christians'!" card.
It doesn't matter how good or bad a person you are; your beliefs are your beliefs.

So yes, some people do do many un-Christian things. But if they believe in God and Jesus, they're Christian, buddy. It doesn't matter how they behave.

Do you agree?
Where did this thing start, anyway?
Why do people say it?

2007-08-19 10:45:55 · 21 answers · asked by pamiekins 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

I SO Agree! That'll preach sister! Who is anyone to judge another? God alone knows each of our hearts. All Christians do un-Christlike things from time to time--and I don't care who your are. They are lying if they say they don't.

Helllooooooooo--we are human.

Hi-Five, Pamiekins!

2007-08-19 10:53:20 · answer #1 · answered by motherbear 3 · 1 0

Yes i agree with you. There are truly only two types of Christians Carnal or Spirit led, Although this being the case there are many varying degrees in between and only Christ can sanctify. Everyone that has excepted the real deal Jesus Christ into their hearts and is still sincere and is trying to still follow Jesus, is a Christian (don't ever give up on faith no matter who you are or what is going on) Jesus is never going to give up on you.

2007-08-19 10:54:31 · answer #2 · answered by only begotten 2 · 0 0

You couldn't be more wrong. A Christian is one who has accepted the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for them..They have turned away from their sins are living for God. They have been baptized...They have received the Holy Spirit and follow the lead of the Spirit in everything they do.

A Christian is someone who actually follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ...not someone who says they do.You are known by your fruits...if you are still going to nightclubs and drinking and having sex outside of marriage....do you really think you can claim to have repented?....you need to repent.

.The Muslims believe God and Jesus exist,,,,so does Satan....doesn't make them followers of Christ....

if you ask nearly anyone are they Christian or Pagan...most will look shocked and say a Christian..although they have never set foot in a church...and they usually claim to be Baptist if you press them....LOL...want to know how I know?...in filling out forms before I got saved...I always put Baptist,,,it was about the only denomination I could think of at the time...a lot of people do that....Are they Christian because they say so?...of course not.

So, I hate to disagree with you but there are false Christians out there..never repented,,,,never been baptised,,,don't have the Holy Spirit....and yet they say they are Christians because they go to church every Sunday...no they are not. You don't get saved by going to church. You are not a Baptist because your Mama was....You are not saved just because you believe there is a God....or because you have heard of Jesus...

2007-08-19 11:16:07 · answer #3 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 1 0

Well, I can't agree that everyone who calls him/herself a Christian necessarily is one. Demons, we are told, also believe in God, and in Jesus...and tremble. So, evidently, there is a bit more to it than that...
On the other hand, I'm not the one to say who is, or who is not, a "true" Christian. Some may be Christians who just haven't matured as much as some others...
I DO know Who IS qualified to make such a judgment, though...He knows His sheep, and they hear His voice...a stranger's voice they will not follow...
Where did it start?
My guess is it started way back when Peter and Paul were having their debate about whether or not a gentile ought to be circumcised in order to be a Christian...maybe even further back than that!
People say it because they don't agree with the beliefs and/or ideas of that OTHER person who is obviously NOT A "TRUE" CHRISTIAN...not like WE are...

And here is my ETC...
Seems to me that the people who call themselves by Christ's name have spent the last 2,000 years complicating what Jesus Christ came to this world to make simple...thus they (WE) are trampling His blood under our feet...making it next to impossible for someone who is truly seeking to actually find Christ, buried somewhere under all of our man-made doctrines and programs and denominations and dogma...
And for that, judgment begins in the House of the Lord...

2007-08-19 11:05:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well I do not agree with " It doesnt matter how they behave " but you have put your finger on a sad truth. That truth is that many who name the name of Jesus do not behave as jesus commanded them. It is not for me to judge who is not a true Christian and who is, but if it is obvious that someone is living in sin , we are also commanded to rebuke them . Jesus said ye shall know them by their fruits. Is a persons fruit helping the poor,living clean and Godly lives, and abstaining not only from evil but also from the appearance of evil? Yes? Then that is good fruit. Is a person going to Church every Sunday and then going to a srtrip bar during the week? His fruit is evil. Not to hard to see someones fruit. Now there are some cases where it is hard to tell . Take Ted Haggard, his outward fruit was all good but his hidden fruit was evil , so God in his manifest wisdom revealed his evil fruit and he got his just reward( punishment).

2007-08-19 10:59:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A Christian is a person who follows or attempts to follow what he perceives the teachings of Christ were, and that's all.

Catholics are Christians. Protestants are Christians. Mormons are Christians. Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians.

I am an atheist. Anyone who does not believe in gods is also an atheist, even if I hate them and disagree with everything else they believe.

2007-08-19 10:53:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People are only christians, in Gods eyes, by what they BELIEVE, not necessarily by their "actions". Believing in God and Jesus isnt what MAKES one a christian either. God gives us facts about the Cross that we are to believe in order to be saved.

Beliefs must have their source in something RELIABLE, or else they are just misplaced pipe dreams. I can believe Im a frito...but facts simply dont corroborate it.

There are people who claim to BE christians , but by Gods standard are clearly NOT. Being in a church doesnt make one a christian any more than being in a barn makes one a horse.

We can know people are saved by what they BELIEVE. Does it follow biblical and dispensational standards? Do they know what the gospel of OUR salvation is? If they dont, then they ARENT true christians...but professing without possessing.

Being IN CHRIST is the proof of Christianity...and you only GET there by BELIEVING in the death, burial and resurrection as being sufficient to reconcile you to God. ALL else is NOT true, and thus NOT real.

2007-08-19 10:58:25 · answer #7 · answered by goinupru 6 · 1 0

The word "Christian" is virtually meaningless. You define it as "anybody who believes in God and Jesus," which means that Muslims are Christians by your definition. There are too many factions to consider any common attributes. Those who add designations like "real" or "true" are trying to differentiate their religion from a completely different religion. I don't blame them.

2007-08-19 10:54:36 · answer #8 · answered by NONAME 7 · 1 0

i'm sitting right here shaking my head in this one, and basically questioning what different infants of God are thinking ??? i ask your self what they do with the Scriptures that say we are to develop one yet another, shop one yet another in line, beware for another, admonish one yet another for wrongs, and so on..... and by using *one yet another* I do propose fellow believers ..... If I make the remark that a *authentic Christian* beleives the be attentive to God, that's no longer judgmental, it relatively is the fact contained in the be conscious...... If I say a *authentic Christian* does not attempt to crame the be attentive to God down anothers throat, that's no longer judgmental, it relatively is fact contained in the be conscious...... yet, I seldom if ever use the term *authentic Christian*, by using fact it skill no longer something, what does, is the physique of Christ, now it relatively is the place we are seperated..... in basic terms the Holy Spirit can placed everyone INTO the physique of Christ, and not all who say they're a member are !!!!! And that too is contained in the Scriptures !!!! And confident, branch is a classic and scripturual ingredient, we can be divided into Sheep and Goat.... no longer all who say Lord, Lord, will enter the dominion of Heaven.... *shrug*...... and so it is going.......... flow in peace....... God bless

2016-10-02 21:38:39 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No. I think we need to point out that there are a lot of nominal (in name only) Christians around who are making Christianity look bad and keeping people away from the faith who might otherwise turn to the Lord and be saved from an eternity in hell. These are people who are going to fall away, i.e. become apostate in the end.

2007-08-19 11:22:42 · answer #10 · answered by Cee T 6 · 0 0

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