FYI? I thought my stickman analogy was right on target.
I am coming to understand that you do not really want to ask questions here, you are just here to badger others for their beliefs.
I will not join in and return the favor.
You are an angry man who has a deep hatred of religion. You are trying to bully the faithful into your submission, but seriously underestimate the truth.
Last answer.
2007-08-19 11:04:04
answer #1
answered by Tim 47 7
It's a matter of perspective. First, is not the word "rampages" a bit hyperbolic? Tone it down. Secondly, Christianity is a creed-based faith. It is axiomatic that Christians present dogma. Honestly, what else do you expect? Now, I am the first to admit that some Christians get a bit worked up by the rants of nonbelievers. At the same time, the scholars of the faith do not, nor do the well-thought laity. Have you considered the fact that on Yahoo Answers you are dealing with us privates in the fox holes? We are not versed in gentility and protocol. My advice to you is this. Unless your questions are purely rhetorical, something I highly suspect, then read a Christian apologist who can explain and defend the faith in such a way that you will not be hurt or offended. Then, if you still want to toss it in the trash heap of fairytaleland, feel free. On the other hand, if they make sense to you, welcome aboard.
2007-08-19 11:09:36
answer #2
answered by Caesar 3
Some do, but you seem to have a strong tendency toward denial yourself.
I read the link. I read the answers you were given as well as your question.
You need to stop your attack long enough to reread your own post and see who actually answered your question.
I'm not religious, but your post was "way out there".
I've been trained in formal logic, scientific method, studied comparative religion. Much of what you said was based on assumptions you didn't support and really didn't make the case you thought it did.
Christianity is a diverse and wide-spread belief system with a variety of ideas about God and how people should act. You generalized things associated with Catholic beliefs to all of Christianity, hence you were asked what religion you were referring to.
Go back, read it. Some of your answers were rather silly, but ignoring the others who weren't just to make your point makes only one person look silly:
2007-08-19 11:13:22
answer #3
answered by mckenziecalhoun 7
As a kid, I would never take different opinions without the denial symtoms you've mentions.
Now, I'm a writer, and actress; and I've grown up. I don't deny any criticism; I use it. Use it to think, further my talents, my knowledge, etc.
And I'm the same with my faith. Jesus didn't punish those with questions, so I have no problem coming up with them. I like being open-minded about everything; it enhances life, and I feel sorry for people who never question anything on their own.
2007-08-19 11:04:45
answer #4
answered by pamiekins 4
My question for you given your statements would be. Are they facts, or are they statements that explain the way you feel towards all Christians.
As how do you feel when someone criticizes your statements, remarks and debates? Do you take it graciously?
I think that this speaks more towards how people take negative feedback then what their faith is.
2007-08-19 11:09:03
answer #5
answered by Kathy H 3
when you jump in a herd, the commune like atmosphere is amazing. and you're not going to let anyone speak ill of the magic of herd behavior!
surrender is psychological fun to some people, and your questioning is trying to end that fun.
after all you can't have "fundie" without "fun". lol.
2007-08-19 11:05:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
By no means am stating that christians are correct. But perhaps if they are right, they truly have a right to be arrogant about it.
2007-08-19 11:02:40
answer #7
answered by Ironic Destiny 3
I went back and read your question, and if there is a question in there, I missed it. Sounded to me like just the usual rants against the Catholics.
2007-08-19 11:03:23
answer #8
answered by Acorn 7
valid points were denied
when your vision is blurred
you cant really see
2007-08-20 06:42:32
answer #9
answered by slopoke6968 7
A thing is true whether or not you believe it. You wont change what the facts ARE as revealed in Gods Word, rightly divided.
2007-08-19 11:01:01
answer #10
answered by goinupru 6